The Ultimate Pyredoodle Dog Breed Guide

The Ultimate Pyredoodle Dog Breed Guide

Breed Introduction

The Pyredoodle dog is a mix between a Poodle and Great Pyrenees. Both of these dogs are large dogs that weigh between 85-100 pounds. Not only are they heavy, but they are also tall, reaching nearly three feet in height. These lovable Pyredoodle puppies are known for their remarkably gorgeous and thick white coat. While all Pyredoodle puppies differ in color, the main attribute is a light shade of white or cream. The lifespan of Pyredoodles is between 10 to 12 years old, which is slightly below average for large dog breeds. This mixed dog is known as a watchdog and enjoys being around other people.

Your Pyredoodle is excellent with children and loves being part of a family. Pyredoodle puppies are ‘gentle giants‘ and have an excellent reputation, although it has not been around for long. Funnily enough, Pyredoodle puppies are born relatively small, but they can grow quickly! These dogs stop growing before the age of two like their parents. Not only is the Pyredoodle a gentle giant, but it is also a protector and hunter by instinct because of its genetics. One parent of the Pyredoodle is the Great Pyrenees, which is a great hunter.

The Pyredoodle is not an aggressive dog and can happily socialize with other animals, like cats. While they are large, their personality is kind and gentle. Pyredoodle puppies take after their Great Pyrenees parent, who effectively takes care of children and families. They are get their intelligence and trainability from their Poodle parent. Not only are Pyredoodle puppies friendly and active, but they also like to believe that they are lap dogs. Don’t let these dogs’ large size fool you; they enjoy sitting and being on their humans!

Since this mixed dog is so big, it does need a lot of space. Veterinarians recommend only adopting a Pyredoodle if you have ample room for them, as they love running and exercising. Unlike small or medium dogs, Pyredoodle puppies need adequate exercise- about a minimum of three long walks a day. Pyredoodles are active dogs that prefer to play and run than to sleep and stay still. Pyredoodle puppies require a minimum of forty minutes of active playtime. Active playtime is especially important to the physical and cognitive development of Pyredoodle puppies.

Attributes of the Breed

The physical look of a Pyredoodle is purely majestic. Pyredoodle puppies have a combination of brown and hazel eyes, which they inherit from both parents. While Pyredoodle puppies can have blue or green eyes, it is unlikely, as brown and hazel eyes are dominant in both parent breeds. The Pyredoodles eyes are also large, giving the dog an adorable look. Pyredoodle puppies look comical with their large doe-like brown eyes and fluffy wild hair.

The coat of the dog is also unique. Pyredoodles are special because each dog looks so distinctly different. Since Poodles and Great Pyrenees dogs come in different patterns and colors, so do the Pyredoodles. Although they all have different features, the majority of Pyredoodles have long hair and a dense coat. Their long hair is a combination of both curly and wavy. They are usually white or cream-colored all around.

Some Pyredoodle puppies are bi-colored, although they are not the majority. These bi-colored Pyredoodle puppies are fluffy and majestic. The colors and patterns range from brown to red, and their coat color is known to change as they age. Not only do Pyredoodle puppies come in different colors and shades, but they also have various ‘markings.’ Pyredoodle puppies are unique because Poodles and the Great Pyrenees dogs look so different from each other. Since it is a mixed breed, it gives Pyredoodle puppies the possibility of having spots and markings on their ears that vary.

History of the Dog Breed

The primary purpose of the Pyredoodle puppy is to be a companion for families with infants and children. Pyredoodle puppies are not competition or sports dogs. There is a lot unknown about the origin of the Pyredoodle dog breed; however, both its parents have been around for centuries! The origin of Pyredoodles is approximately the 1980s, although there isn’t any evidence, as this breed is so new. The story of the creation of Pyredoodles is that breeders tried to make a large hypoallergenic companion dog by crossing a Poodle with a Great Pyrenees.

The Great Pyrenees are mountain dogs. The first purpose of the Great Pyrenees was to be a majestic mountain dog. The Great Pyrenees dogs are protectors. When discovered, the Great Pyrenees dogs were living in the mountains alongside their owners. There are still Great Pyrenees dogs that live and work with their owners, protecting them with their lives. Some Great Pyrenees dogs work in farms, although they are the minority. While this is the case, Pyredoodle puppies are almost strictly companion dogs that can protect but are primarily for friendship and love.

The Great Pyrenees’s coat is white to blend in with the snow. These dogs were first known as herding dogs, working with peasants in the snow. They are patient dogs with a long list of ancestors that fought off wolves and other predators from sheep and livestock, withstanding cold temperatures by doing this. In the 17th century, the Great Pyrenees dogs were invited to join the royal courts as guard dogs, no longer working with only peasants. In other words, even with royalty, these large dogs were used to protect and guard.

Poodles, the other half of this Pyredoodle mixed breed, originated in Germany. While this breed is still known as the French Poodle today, it isn’t French! The first purpose of this dog was to be a duck hunter in Germany. They were water duck retrieving dogs. Poodles are born with wiry and thick fur that helps keep them warm and allows them to swim in the water to fetch food, like ducks. While they are no longer used for duck hunting, they still use their skills in sports and competitions.

Even during the Poodle’s origins, Poodles were groomed and shaved. However, it was not for a stylistic reason. Pet owners shaved Poodles on their legs, neck, and tail to increase speed in the water while still protecting the dogs from the cold and harsh weather and climate. The reason for shaving changed, however, since pet owners did not use Poodles as a retrieving dog. Instead, pet owners groom their Poodles now for stylistic reasons. Poodles are primarily a show dog now, and compete at both national and international levels. There are up to four different variations of the Poodle. The most common types of Poodles are the Standard Poodle and the Miniature Poodle. The features of these Poodles are similar. Size is truly the only difference between a Standard Poodle and a Miniature Poodle.

Breed Intelligence

Pyredoodle puppies are highly intelligent and social pets. You may notice if you have a Pyredoodle that they love to socialize while out on walks! The best way to train a Pyredoodle is to start when young and still in the puppy stages. Training them young allows for the Pyredoodle puppies to remember their training quicker. Experts also recommend training Pyredoodle puppies with rewards for positive behaviors such as treats or extra playtime. 

The Pyredoodle dog is intelligent because of its parents. The standard Poodle, half of the Pyredoodle mix, is excellent at canine exercise and training. It is so magnificent at these two things that the Poodle constantly participates in international competitions. Some competitions that the standard Poodle participates in include obedience and agility. Poodles score high in obedience training and competition, which are skills that tests intelligence.

Poodles should not get all the credit, though, as Great Pyrenees dogs are also very intelligent dogs. Pyredoodle puppies are intelligent and independent dogs who need extra training but think for themselves. They can make fast decisions to protect their loved ones. Pyredoodles learn quickly and adapt to most situations. The adaptability of Pyredoodle puppies is another reason they make great family pets. Pyredoodles’ training allows them to become fast friends with children and other pets, like cats and birds.

Psychological Health

Cognitive Health

Pyredoodle puppies are lucky, as their cognitive health is excellent. While your Pyredoodle dog is unlikely to develop conditions because of their genetics, there is still a chance, so you should monitor them for cognitive conditions.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome is very similar to canine dementia or Alzheimer’s. During this condition, the brain cells in your Pyredoodle decrease. Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome is a common disease in all dogs but especially targets older Pyredoodles. Pyredoodles with this condition lose their memory over time, which impairs their judgment and senses. The simple cause of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in Pyredoodle dogs is age. The typical age for dogs to develop this condition is 11-16 years old.

Symptoms that you may notice in your Pyredoodle include forgetting where the food bowl is, confusion over their home and familiar spaces, whining, seamlessly random aggression, and an increase in barking. The life expectancy for Pyredoodle dogs suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome does not change. Instead, if your Pyredoodle is suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction syndrome, it is a sign that they are aging quickly. While the life expectancy is not altered due to the syndrome, the quality of life does decrease if you do not make necessary lifestyle changes.

The most significant and impactful ways to help your Pyredoodle dog with cognitive dysfunction syndrome are supplements with antioxidants, orthopedic beds and cushions, and training. The vitamins and minerals in the supplements that work well for decreasing the rapid death of cells are vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids. Not only are these supplements worthwhile for your Pyredoodle because of their antioxidants, but it is also necessary to provide your furry friend with comfort. Older dogs suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome may also suffer from other conditions because of their age.

Providing orthopedic beds for Pyredoodle dogs give them relief and allow for a good night’s rest. Pyredoodle puppies reset as they sleep, giving their brains plenty of rest. While sleeping throughout the night does not cure this cognitive condition, it does relieve the symptoms and may delay the deterioration of the brain. Pet owners can also use training to manage Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in their Pyredoodle dog. As dogs lose their memories, the risk of separation anxiety and anxiety disorders increases. Because the risk increases, they are likely to pace and destroy things around them in fear. Training them to not fear being alone will aid them on their journey with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome. The training should consist of rewards, as Pyredoodle puppies learn best while being praised and comforted.

Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy

Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy is a condition that triggers generalized seizures at any time of the day. These seizures target Pyredoodle puppies primarily and do not occur because of an underlying condition. For seizures to be epilepsy, they must occur multiple times over months. Some veterinarians will test Pyredoodle puppies multiple times over a year to determine the exact cause and diagnosis. Not all seizures in Pyredoodle dogs are because of epilepsy. Pyredoodle puppies are at risk for this health problem because they could inherit the predisposition from their Poodle parent.

The first seizure can happen as soon as one year old for Pyredoodle puppies and may never stop. Pet owners should monitor dogs for this condition, as it can worsen over time. While seizures may not trigger another health condition quickly, dogs can harm themselves while undergoing a seizure as they move around unconsciously. Like humans, Pyredoodle puppies are at-risk for concussions during epileptic attacks. The most common signs you should look out for in your Pyredoodle are your dog losing consciousness, stiffening its body, and flailing its body on the ground.

Dogs can live with this condition, but they need treatment and care, as it can get worse. However, while the condition can worsen in Pyredoodle puppies, it is still unlikely, as many cases are mild and managed by pet owners at home. Managing seizures is easy by doggy proofing your home with padding and a lack of sharp edges so when a seizure does occur; the Pyredoodle dog doesn’t get hurt by banging their head on something hard. The key to helping your Pyredoodle dog manage Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy is to protect them from further harming themselves as they go through an episode.

The treatments for Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy include veterinary care. There are no non-medical treatments for these seizures, as the cause is unknown. It is also unlikely that dietary changes can alter the likeliness of developing Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy. While this is the case, your Pyredoodle still has a great chance to live a long life with proper care and management of their epilepsy.


All dogs suffer from a form of stress, but stress is especially common in Pyredoodle puppies as they surround themselves with new and unfamiliar faces. If stress is not managed or treated, your Pyredoodle dog can suffer and further develop worse conditions.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s Disease occurs when the body produces too much of the stress hormone cortisol. While this hormone is present in stressful situations, it also controls other body functions, like metabolism. This condition is not because of stress and yet causes extreme levels of stress and anxiety. The cause of Cushing’s Disease is the development of tumors on either the adrenal or pituitary gland, also known as pituitary-dependent or adrenal-dependent.

The symptoms of this disease are easily noticed and include rapid weight gain, overall discomfort, drinking more water, eating more food, stress symptoms, hair loss, potbelly, and separation anxiety. If you notice the rapid acceleration of any of the symptoms listed above in your Pyredoodle, it is time to take them to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible. Truthfully, Cushing’s Disease can be fatal if not caught early. The only way to diagnose Cushing’s Disease is for a vet to take X-rays, blood work, and CT scans. Through the blood work, veterinarians can look at the cortisol numbers. A diagnosis for Pyredoodle puppies can take months as cortisol numbers increase and decrease drastically day by day. High hormone levels do not necessarily mean that anything is wrong, which is why veterinarians continue to test.

The one thing that cures this disease in Pyredoodle puppies is surgery that completely removes the tumor. However, surgery is not possible once it has spread quickly throughout the rest of the body, which is why it is important to look for the signs and bring your Pyredoodle to the vet ASAP for testing. To maintain your dog with this condition, you should provide plenty of water and nutritious foods void of processed foods, preservatives, and excessive dyes.

The tumors that develop around the glands can be cancerous. After testing is completed, the veterinarian may also request a biopsy where a piece of the tumor is sent back to the lab. The biopsy and lab work can then tell pet owners if their Pyredoodle puppies have a cancerous or noncancerous tumor. If the cancer is tumorous, the life expectancy drops to extremely low numbers. Pyredoodle puppies with Cushing’s Disease, however, may live up to two years with the condition, and maybe more depending on the treatment given.

Age-based Stress

As dogs age, they lose their sight and senses. This is confusing and can stress them, as they are not used to their new reality. Once they can no longer run, play and keep up with their humans, the stress builds up and releases in unpleasant ways. Pyredoodle puppies are unlikely to experience age-based stress until they are older.

Age-related stress, however, is not just the inability to keep up; it also has a lot to do with memories. As Pyredoodle dogs forget where they are, this can lead to confusion and fear of being left in a new place. Age-related stress typically only affects older Pyredoodle dogs as opposed to Pyredoodle puppies because of age.

Fear-based Stress

All Pyredoodle dogs adopted come from different situations. Some Pyredoodle puppies are stressed because of their circumstances. For example, foster dogs that move around a lot may have a harder time trusting and building connections with their new families out of fear of abandonment. Fear-based stress takes training, conditioning, and patience to resolve.

Symptoms of fear-based stress in Pyredoodle dogs include over-eating, defecating and urinating inside the home, barking at noises, whining throughout the night, pacing back and forth, and destroying the exit and entrances of the home. This condition can lead to an anxiety disorder that becomes more difficult to treat with time when left untreated.

Some veterinarians and experts recommend using essential oils like lavender. Studies have shown that the scent of lavender is naturally calming, even in Pyredoodle puppies. Essential oils can be used but should be limited. Pyredoodle dogs cannot consume lavender essential oils; they can only sniff them. You should place essential oils in places where your large Pyredoodle puppy cannot reach. A few drops of this essential oil go a long way for scent. The best way to distribute the scent evenly is to drop lavender oil in small quantities on things your Pyredoodle feels comfortable with. For example, if your Pyredoodle puppy has a toy they love, the toy can be infused with the scent of lavender.


Anxiety is not only a common feeling in humans, but it also exists in Pyredoodle dogs. Anxiety disorders and health conditions can develop quickly or over time, but pet owners should monitor the condition!

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is anxiety that only comes up when people take Pyredoodle puppies from someone or something they love. The separation item can be their owner, another dog, or an item that means a lot to the Pyredoodle dog.

Separation anxiety is seen in animals that lose their loved ones and don’t want to be apart from them. Pyredoodle puppies suffering from this condition think something is wrong when they are alone. It can occur quickly or over time in Pyredoodle puppies, and no age is more likely to develop the condition.
While no singular age is targeted by separation anxiety, the condition is common in shelter dogs when they come to a new setting and are not used to their new homes. Pyredoodle puppies love to socialize and be around other people. If pet owners do not give them a chance to do this, they will likely become quickly attached and develop separation anxiety.

The main causes of separation anxiety are similar to the cases of stress: fear, age, loud sounds, trauma, etc. The symptoms are also similar to stress, as stress can cause anxiety in Pyredoodle puppies. The symptoms and signs you should look for in your new Pyredoodle dog are constantly pacing, whining, licking the floor, and scratching excessively. Some Pyredoodle dogs may also destroy furniture near the entrance or exit of their new home.

There are various ways to treat separation anxiety for Pyredoodle puppies. If it is too severe, your veterinarian may recommend behavioral therapy or training. If the separation anxiety is treatable at home, you may use calming essential oils sparingly. Another good tip to follow for Pyredoodle dog owners is not providing too much attention when you get home. This way, the Pyredoodle dog gets used to your absence and understands that leaving is normal and has nothing to fear.
It is also possible to calm down your Pyredoodle dog naturally through the use of classical music, mental stimulation like playing, physical exercise and supplements like melatonin and CBD oil. Melatonin is not only calming but can encourage your Pyredoodle dog to rest and sleep during your outings.
Pyredoodle puppies with separation anxiety can still live a long life if the condition is controlled and maintained. Owners have nothing to worry about, even if it is difficult to watch your Pyredoodle suffer from anxiety.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder that has a trigger prevalent in Pyredoodle puppies because of their genetics. Generalized Anxiety Disorder occurs because of active and inactive stressors that cause symptoms of anxiety. Active stressors are occurring in the now for your Pyredoodle dog. For example, loud noises, bright colors, and flashing lights are active stressors. These fears can be avoided and treated with reward and conditioning. Inactive stressors take more time to both diagnose and figure out. Some dogs sadly come from difficult backgrounds where they have suffered at the hands of others. When this is a possibility, it becomes rather difficult for them to get used to a new place.

The main sign that Pyredoodle puppies may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder is anxiety attacks in dogs. Anxiety attacks could be acting out by destroying furniture, the inability to hold in their body waste, overeating, and pacing. Anxiety attacks in dogs are potentially dangerous and can lead to worse conditions as your Pyredoodle dog heats up and dehydrates itself when you are away from home.

Extreme dehydration, which occurs when dogs throw up constantly, can lead to heat stroke and death. To comfort your dog with an anxiety disorder, you can provide them with safe spaces throughout your home. Another way to bring comfort is by providing Pyredoodle puppies with clothes or items that have your scent. You can also fill the space with comforting items like their favorite toy or blanket.
The signs that your dog is experiencing anxiety, apart from having an anxiety attack, is an increase in aggression, alertness, fear, barking, whining, and crying. There are treatments at the vet; however, not all dogs require these treatments, as this anxiety disorder is treatable at home.

Physical Health


Allergies are never comfortable or a pleasant experience to deal with as a Pyredoodle dog. While they are not preventable, pet owners can avoid them to reduce the symptoms of allergies in your dog. Pyredoodle puppies mainly react to skin allergies.

Outdoor Allergies (Seasonal)

Both Poodles and the Great Pyrenees dog have elegant and thick coats that protect their skin. While the large coat is a layer of protection, these dogs are still at risk for developing allergies. Their coat may be why Pyredoodle puppies are likely to have outdoor allergies in the form of pollen, trees, etc.

Funnily enough, some Pyredoodles are hypoallergenic dogs but have reactions to outdoor allergens. Not all allergy attacks are because of a condition, though. Some Pyredoodle puppies may react to an allergen only once in their lives. Outdoor allergies, however, are not limited to allergies that come from nature but also fleas and ticks. Outdoor allergens like fleas and ticks need to be removed quickly from your dog as they jump from place to place, causing diseases and discomfort. Fleas and ticks suck on the blood of your dog and lay dozens of eggs throughout your dog’s coat. Outdoor allergens cause nasty rashes, patches of skin missing, fur missing, and excessive scratching. The problem with the nasty scratches on Pyredoodle puppies is that they can cause bacteria to go into the open wounds and cause an infection that can become deadly in no time.

Infections that are bacterial spread quickly. It is important to always treat an open wound, even if it is a ‘simple’ scratch. While it is true that Pyredoodle puppies are born with long hair that protects them from the climate, things do still get stuck in their fur like twigs, dirt, etc., and Pyredoodles can easily transfer it to a scratch that is bleeding. The spread of infection is especially worse if the scratch or open cut is in the ear of your Pyredoodle dog, as they are susceptible to ear infections that lead to deafness if chronic.

Outdoor allergies can develop over time, but some Pyredoodle puppies are born with them. Thankfully, there are plenty of non-medical treatments that are easily accessible. These non-medical products are lotions and shampoos that help with the skin, over-the-counter eye drops, and supplements to build immunity with vitamin C.

If your dog is suffering from outdoor allergies, some signs make it obvious. The physical signs your dog has outdoor allergies are the development of sticky or watery eyes and tear marks, which are easily noticeable because of the Pyredoodle dog’s white and cream coat.

Food Allergies

Pyredoodle puppies are susceptible to food allergies, as they have sensitive stomachs. They can develop them over time or be born with food allergies. Symptoms include throwing up, inability to eat, whining, sensitivity to touch and shaking.

Some dogs simply get an upset stomach with food allergies, but others can develop rashes that are difficult to treat and last weeks. It is important to take your Pyredoodle dog to the veterinarian to take tests and figure out what the allergen is. Owners can figure it out by making a log and checking the ingredients of their dog food purchases. This method does take longer, though.

It is difficult to prevent food allergies, as you may not know your dog has a food allergy until they have already consumed the product. While this is the case, there are a few preventative measures. The first thing you can do is feed your Pyredoodle dog an easily digestible diet. The diet should include fibers and fresh meat and vegetables instead of high fat and starchy dog foods void of nutrients. Not only can a change of diet prevent food allergies, but so can supplements made with probiotics.

Allergy Relief Options We Love

  1. Dog Allergy Relief Chews
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  2. Seasonal Allergy Relief | Dog Allergy Supplement
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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats w/ Omega 3
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Gut Health

The gut health of Pyredoodle puppies is relatively sturdy and well. While this is true, these dogs are still susceptible to particular gut conditions that can prove to be fatal. If you notice any abnormal behavior with your Pyredoodle puppy, don’t be afraid to visit the vet for professional advice.


What is Bloat? Bloat is a serious condition that affects Pyredoodle puppies. Bloat is when the stomach fills with air and pressure builds, stopping blood from the hind legs and abdomen from returning to the heart. Blood pools at the back end of the body, reducing the working blood volume and sending the dog into shock. The stomach, through this process, eventually flips and twists while also twisting the pancreas and spleen. The stomach’s twisting deprives the body of oxygen and creates a toxin that travels throughout the body, slowly poisoning and killing the Pyredoodle dog.

Not only is it a really sad condition, but it is painful for the dog. The toxic hormone produced by this condition sends a hormone that nearly immediately stops the heart from functioning. Sadly, it kills over 30% of dogs with this condition, as it occurs quickly and without warning.

Poodles and the great Pyrenees dog are at risk for this condition, which makes the Pyredoodle extremely at risk, as both of its parents are genetically predisposed to the condition bloat. This condition is not something that can be treated at all by home and non-medical procedures. If there are any signs of your Pyredoodle puppy going through this condition, it is recommended to bring them to an emergency vet to get treated ASAP.

The signs to watch out for are an enlargement of the dog’s abdomen, dry heaving, blood in throw up, salivation, and restlessness. As the Pyredoodle dog proceeds with this condition, their bodies may go into shock because of the poisoning toxin released in the body and bloodstream. The causes of this condition are unknown, but it affects tall dogs that are not very wide, like both Poodles and the Great Pyrenees. Research is still being conducted on why the air travels the way it does and why Poodles and the Great Pyrenees are at high risk.

Experts do suggest some preventative techniques like feeding your dog twice in the same day by using feeders that are not automatic. Automatic feeders can be dangerous, as the dog eats continuously, and not all dogs stop when they are full. Continuously eating can add pressure to their stomach and cause bloating.

Sensitive Stomach

Pyredoodle puppies have sensitive stomachs that require dietary changes to manage. A sensitive stomach needs a diet that allows the dog to live a healthy, normal, natural life. A sensitive stomach can cause diarrhea, frequent vomiting and lead to other common stomach conditions like Acid Reflux, also known as GERD.

Pyredoodle puppies suffering from sensitive stomachs should be placed on a diet with high fiber, low carbs, and high protein. This way, the dogs get the vitamins and minerals needed to run an active life. It is often difficult for Pyredoodle dogs to digest fiber and carbs properly. Carbs are hard to digest, which is especially true about dog food, as most ingredients in dry dog food are derived from starches with limited nutrients.

Pyredoodle puppies are also active, which can disturb their digestive processes if they move too much after eating. To manage sensitive stomachs in Pyredoodle dogs, adding probiotics can help. Probiotic supplements with healthy flora and good bacteria aid in your Pyredoodle puppy’s digestion.

It is best to prevent sensitive stomach issues instead of treating the condition when it develops and worsens. The best way to prevent a sensitive stomach is to purchase high-quality dog food. It may not be necessary to purchase dry dog food like homemade food for dogs without refined sugars, carbs, and high oil and fatty foods that are just as healthy. Your dog should also have access to water and electrolytes throughout the day.

When your Pyredoodle suffers from a sensitive stomach, there are things you can do to help them through their symptoms. Both diarrhea and vomiting, for instance, can cause dehydration and take away electrolytes that are important to a dog’s health. It is not always possible to prevent this, however. A way to introduce electrolytes in your Pyredoodle puppy’s diet is by having plenty of locations with clean water available.

It is also important to promote exercise and play after your Pyredoodle dog’s food is digested instead of immediately after eating. The movement can cause indigestion and lead to heat exhaustion and throwing up. While Pyredoodle dogs can cool their bodies easier than others, they can still feel the effects of exhaustion and dehydration.

Gut Health Options We Love

  1. Probiotic for Dogs
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  2. Probiotics Chew for Dogs
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  3. Digestive Probiotic Soft Chews
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    03/08/2024 08:14 am GMT

Eye Health

Pyredoodles are a mixed breed between Poodles and the Great Pyrenees dog that have strong eyesight. While this is the case, Pyredoodle puppies can still develop eye health problems as they age and grow, like cataracts, which are common in all older dogs. Great Pyrenees dogs are notorious for developing eye health problems, which is mainly why Pyredoodle puppies also are at risk for eye conditions.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

What is Progressive Retinal Atrophy? Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a group of degenerative diseases that affect photoreceptor cells in a dog’s eyes. With this disease, the cells deteriorate over time, eventually leading to blindness in the affected dog. During this eye problem, the photoreceptor cells of the dog develop abnormally. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a condition dogs are born with but may not always show signs of as puppies. Typically, Pyredoodle puppies lose their night vision first instead of their light vision because the rod cells deteriorate quicker. This disease is inherited in Pyredoodle puppies and is difficult to prevent because of its genetic roots.

While it may not be pretty or pleasant to look at, this condition is thankfully not painful, but it does lead to blindness over time. While the condition slowly develops, it only takes two years to develop full blindness in Pyredoodle puppies. The great thing about Progressive Retinal Atrophy is that Pyredoodle dogs get used to losing their sight as it happens over time, but they may still need additional resources and help.

Pet owners must know that all ages of Pyredoodle dogs are affected by this condition. Pyredoodle dogs with this condition may appear forgetful, reluctant to go into a different room, bump into things during daylight, etc. With these symptoms on display, you should take your Pyredoodle to the vet for further testing and a diagnosis. The only way to diagnose this condition is through a canine eye exam by the vet. The cause is unknown, but experts believe it to be because of cataracts. However, not all Pyredoodle puppies with cataracts have Progressive Retinal Atrophy.

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

What does Optic Nerve Hypoplasia look like in Pyredoodle puppies? Optic Nerve Hypoplasia is an inherited disease from Poodles that Pyredoodle dogs are highly likely to develop over time. This condition is one that Pyredoodle puppies are born with, although the symptoms do not show immediately. With Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, the optic nerves of your Pyredoodle dog’s eye do not develop properly. This condition is only inherited and cannot develop through trauma or underlying conditions. There is also no way for you or Pyredoodle puppies to reverse this condition, as it is permanent and hereditary.

This eye condition is not a painful condition and, interestingly, can lead to blindness, but it is not a big concern for pet owners. Another symptom in Pyredoodle puppies is abnormally rapid eye movements. Pyredoodle puppies may be unaware of their eyes moving as they do not use their sight with this condition. While it may look concerning, there is nothing to worry about, as Pyredoodle puppies do not feel pain with this condition.

Thankfully dogs use their other senses like smell and taste to balance and live in the world. This particular condition is not life-threatening, but it can be concerning to loving Pyredoodle dog owners. There is no current cure or procedure, but some non-medical solutions for blindness include keeping furniture in the same spot, refraining from moving your dog’s food and water bowls, baby gates to deny access to dangerous spaces, using music and sounds and toys that make noise (squeak, shakers, etc.) to stimulate your Pyredoodle.

Eye Supplements We Love

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  2. Eye Care for Dogs Daily Vision Supplement
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  3. Eye Support for Dogs
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Ear Health

The ear health for Pyredoodle puppies is poor. Pyredoodle dogs have long and floppy ears that can increase bacteria with moisture buildup and heat. Pyredoodle puppies’ ears need cleaning at least once a week and should fully dry.

Malassezia Otitis

What is Malassezia Otitis? Malassezia Otitis is a condition where yeast that normally lives in the ears of cats and dogs overgrows. Pyredoodle dogs are likely to develop this type of ear infection, as the yeast is naturally present in their ears. It overgrows because of a perfect growing environment. While all Pyredoodles are different, the majority have long ears with even longer fur surrounding them. This fur can trap both moisture and heat, forming a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria.

This ear condition can easily develop in your Pyredoodle puppy, but it is not life-threatening. While this is the case, Pyredoodle puppies with Malassezia Otitis feel discomfort and pain from the ear infection over time. Since Pyredoodles have such long and fluffy ears, they must both properly be cleaned and checked.

As a Pyredoodle pet owner, it is important to know the signs of this particular ear infection. The symptoms of canine Malassezia Otitis are an increase in ear wax and discharge, foul odor, head shaking, swollen or ulcerated ear flat, and hair loss on ears. Pyredoodle puppies may also sleep a lot and lose energy with Malassezia Otitis.

Since both bacteria and yeast cause this ear infection, it must be treated by a veterinarian. At a veterinarian’s office, the professionals can diagnose your Pyredoodle dog properly with their tests. No non-medical solutions for this condition currently exist, although it is preventable. This condition is preventable through proper cleaning with non-toxic materials. Cotton and fabrics that are easily shed should not be around your Pyredoodles ear. Experts also recommend that pet owners trim the hair of their Pyredoodle puppies near their ears, so excess heat is not trapped.

Ear Infections

Pyredoodles are prone to ear infections because of their shape. Ear infections develop because bacteria make their way into the bloodstream and body. Ear infections are not rapid; they develop over time. Ear infections can also be caused by foreign objects that get stuck and inflamed in the ear canal of Pyredoodle puppies. The foreign objects are endless and can be anything from twigs to bugs and soapy water.

Ear infections are not only caused by exposure to bacteria in the ear, though. Pyredoodle puppies may develop and contract ear infections because of allergies, moisture buildup, an overproduction of wax, and autoimmune diseases.

The symptoms to watch out for are similar to the previously discussed ear health condition symptoms: pain, itchiness, and crusting or scabs in the ears. Treatments for ear infections in Pyredoodle dogs begin with first cleaning the dog’s ears thoroughly. While this is the case, medication is necessary for a bacterial ear infection. In some cases, ear infections in Pyredoodle puppies can go away by themselves in 1 to 2 weeks.

Surgery to remove the ear canal is an option for constant ear infections but is typically the last resort, as it can impair hearing. Ear canal surgery is something that should be discussed with a veterinarian professional. While the symptoms listed above are painful and concerning, if there are worse symptoms like consistent bleeding or sudden deafness, action needs to be taken quickly. Your dog may suffer from other health alignments because of an ear infection.

If your Pyredoodle dog does become deaf because of an ear infection, there is nothing to worry about! The life expectancy does not change. Thankfully, pet owners can make plenty of products and lifestyle changes to ensure that your Pyredoodle dog lives a quality and happy life. To stimulate the sentences of your Pyredoodle puppy, using scented chew toys and colorful flashing toys is an option.

Ear Cleaning Solutions We Love

  1. Ear Cleaner for Dogs and Cats
    $13.99 ($1.75 / Fl Oz)

    by VetWELL 

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  2. Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser for Pets
    $20.08 ($2.51 / Fl Oz)

    by Virbac 

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  3. Ear Cleanse for Dogs

    by Nutri-Vet 

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Immune Health

The immune system is an important part of the Pyredoodle dog’s body. The immune system not only protects Pyredoodle puppy’s bodies from viruses and bacteria but plays a large role in gut health as well. Pyredoodle dogs are not likely to develop major immune health conditions, but they are at a higher likelihood for as listed below.


What is Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a condition where the dog’s metabolism slows down with this immune system problem as the thyroid produces less and less. There are two types of hypothyroidism in Pyredoodle puppies, but the most common one in Pyredoodle puppies is an idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy. In this type, there are no causes except that the immune system itself decides to attack the thyroid, thinking it is an enemy or foreign body.

The symptoms of this immune system disorder include weight gain without an increase in appetite, lethargy, a lack of desire to exercise and an increased likeliness of contracting skin infections. As the immune system is lowered by the thyroid’s under production, it becomes susceptible to infections. Pyredoodle dogs can use supplements to strengthen the immune system and prevent further infections. If you suspect your Pyredoodle puppy has hypothyroidism, take them to a vet. The veterinarian will diagnose the condition using a blood test that tests thyroid hormone levels.

There are no cures that are either medical or non-medical. Dogs should see a veterinarian for testing and care. However, it can be treated and controlled with supplements like probiotics with good bacteria and yeast. The yeast provided by the probiotic supplements promotes gut health, which strengthens the immune health of your Pyredoodle dog. The supplement comes in many different forms, including both a powder or pill form. As a pet owner, you can get creative by adding the powder to your Pyredoodle dog’s food or by rolling the pill with your dog’s favorite treat.

Hypothyroidism cannot be treated without some medication, though as the metabolism slows down too much, shutting down other important functions of the body can occur. This condition is not life-threatening, but the lifestyle of your Pyredoodle dog changes a lot. Pyredoodle puppies’ lives change a lot because there is an increase in veterinarian care visits with this condition.

Bacterial and Viral Infections

The most common bacterial and viral infections in Pyredoodle puppies include Salmonella, Leptospirosis, Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and E.coli. Your Pyredoodle can likely get these infections through contaminated water, food, and meat. Constant contamination is why it is important to watch for health notices in your area.

Both bacterial and viral infections can spread quickly, especially if there are many Pyredoodle puppies in the same situation, like a kennel (rescue). Once spread, it can further get worse, and the dog can die. Pet owners should take Pyredoodle dogs suffering from any common signs listed below to a vet for further testing.

Common signs of a bacterial infection include limping, throwing up, a foul odor from ears, eyes, or breath, runny eyes or ears, and infected ears with discharge and yellowing crust. Thankfully, bacterial and viral infections are treatable with veterinary care. It is necessary to bring your Pyredoodle dog to the vet because each infection is different, and you cannot treat each infection the same. Some infections clear up on their own without any intervention or changes.

After the infection is done and has passed your dog’s system, it is time to deep clean all the fabrics and common spaces your Pyredoodle stayed in. It is recommended to clean with hot water to get rid of any bacteria that are still alive. The most important area to keep clean is the food area, including bowls, for contamination. If these areas are not cared for enough or cleaned, the likelihood of contracting and spreading bacteria from contaminated surfaces increases.

Immune Health Options We Love

  1. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs
    $29.97 ($2.68 / Ounce)

    by Zesty Paws 

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  2. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

    by Ready Pet Go! 

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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats – Omega 3

    by Bark&Spark

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    03/08/2024 08:59 am GMT

Joint Health

Pyredoodles suffer from quite a few joint health problems, especially as they age. They suffer from joint problems because both Poodles and the Great Pyrenees dog are competition dogs that jump and use their legs frequently in their competitions and performances.

Hip Dysplasia

Pyredoodle puppies that develop Hip Dysplasia do so because the ball and socket of the dog’s hip do not develop properly. Hip Dysplasia is especially common and happens in dogs with high legs or dogs that are trained and excessively practiced. Poodles are competition dogs with a genetic predisposition to hip Dysplasia, just like the great Pyrenees dog. Hip Dysplasia is a genetic condition, however, and cannot develop simply because of trauma.

Once you take your Pyredoodle dog to the vet, the professional can take a look at your pet. Pyredoodle puppies that are suddenly sensitive to touch, shaking their back or front legs, walking with a hip out, or whining when climbing up surfaces may already have Hip Dysplasia. This particular condition is diagnosed using an X-ray to take images of your dog’s hip. The test tells the vet both the cause and the severity. The only cure for hip dysplasia is surgery, and not all Pyredoodle puppies qualify.

For the dogs that do not qualify for the surgery, there are joint relief products out there that you can provide. One particular product that relieves pain from hip dysplasia is  an orthopedic bed with soft foam. These beds have a purpose which is to release joint pressure from Pyredoodle puppies. Another trick you can use to manage your Pyredoodle dogs’ joint pain caused by hip dysplasia is massaging their joints with a hot water bottle. Massaging with hot water brings them relief by releasing the tension in their muscles.

Pyredoodle puppies also need plenty of exercise, even if they are suffering from Hip Dysplasia. To ensure that your Pyredoodle dog is getting enough exercise without harming themselves, you can encourage play and exercise with water activities. Since Pyredoodle puppies float in water, there is less pressure on their joints, bringing relief to your furry friend.

Since Pyredoodle puppies with Hip Dysplasia cannot move as quickly as efficiently as they once did, it is important to buy the stairs and step ladders to use. This way, your Pyredoodle dog does not suffer or struggle to jump onto high surfaces like the couch or your bed. Instead, Pyredoodle puppies can take their time and slowly walk up the steps, lessening the chances of more damage to their joints. There are many ways to help your Pyredoodle dog manage their joint pain at home, allowing your Pyredoodle dog to live a long and healthy life.


What is Legg-Calve-Perthes? Legg-Calve-Perthes is a condition in which the head of the femur degenerates without time. The head of the femur refers to where the ball and socket meet at the joints. Legg-Calve-Perthes develops with time, especially in old dogs. While this is the case, Pyredoodle puppies can develop quick degeneration of their joints. Although Legg-Calve-Perthes can indeed develop because of trauma and injury to Pyredoodle puppies’ joints, it is typically an inherited disease. Both Poodles and the Great Pyrenees dog are at a high risk of developing Legg-Calve-Perthes naturally and without warning.

As the joint and bone degenerate, the hip collapses, which is quite similar to hip dysplasia. This joint health condition is painful and confusing for your Pyredoodle dog but ultimately not life-threatening. There are changes, however, that you can do to relieve your dog of pain. Before these changes, you need to address and fully understand the symptoms of Legg-Calve-Perthes. The biggest symptom noted by veterinary professionals is a limp in only one leg and frequent whining and crying with quick movements. Some Pyredoodle puppies find themselves not wanting to play and run because of the discomfort in their joints.

The cause of this condition is not certain. Pyredoodle puppies develop this condition simply because it is an inherited condition passed from mother to child. While this is the case, Legg-Calve-Perthes can also be developed through an abnormal development in blood vessels or because of blood clots.
There are treatments and management techniques you can do for your Pyredoodle dog at home. Since obesity worsens the joint problem, it is important to change the diet and exercise of your dog to lose the extra weight. While some extra weight may not seem worrying to you, it can cause extra pain to Pyredoodle puppies. The pain occurs because the extra weight presses into the inflamed joints. If obesity is not treated in dogs with Legg-Calve-Perthes, likely, they will also develop arthritis.

Joint Health Options We Love

  1. Hip & Joint Supplement
    $22.99 ($16.57 / lb)

    by VetIQ 

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  2. Glucosamine for Dogs
    $29.97 ($0.33 / Count)

    by Zesty Paws 

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  3. Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews
    $9.99 ($1.59 / Ounce)

    by PetNC 

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    03/08/2024 07:41 am GMT

Skin and Coat

Pyredoodle puppies have long and beautiful coats that require attention and frequent grooming. If you don’t take special care of your Pyredoodle dog’s coat, it can cause both coat and skin health issues and worsen over time. Pyredoodle dog’s are mainly prone to developing Sebaceous Adenitis and Demodectic Mange.

Sebaceous Adenitis

What is Sebaceous Adenitis? Sebaceous Adenitis is an immune disorder that primarily affects the skin by overproducing skin cells leading to dandruff. This disorder also causes flaking in Pyredoodle puppies and is uncomfortable. The sebaceous glands during this condition are associated with the hair follicles and produce the substance that helps keep the skin supple and your Pyredoodle dog’s coat soft. When the skin cells are overproducing, you will likely notice white flakes on your dog’s skin and fur where there weren’t any previously.

Pyredoodle puppies have long hair that they may shed either frequently or infrequently. Although through the process of breeding, not all Pyredoodle puppies are hypoallergenic. Since Pyredoodle puppies are a mixed breed of dog, the exact percentage of each parent’s traits is unknown and random. It is difficult to predict if your Pyredoodle puppy sheds or does not shed frequently. Long hair both causes Sebaceous Adenitis and worsens it.

The most common symptoms noted in Pyredoodle puppies with Sebaceous Adenitis are dull and brittle coat texture, white scales on the skin that do not flake off, matted hair throughout the body and frequent scratching and itching. Since this condition produces white flaking in Pyredoodle puppies, it can be easy to notice. While it is tempting to diagnose your Pyredoodle without help, it is important to contact a professional to do the job. The only way to diagnose Pyredoodle puppies with Sebaceous Adenitis is through a skin biopsy sent to the lab. As dandruff is a symptom of other problems, it may not indicate immediately to your local vet that the condition is Sebaceous Adenitis.

Sebaceous Adenitis can be treated non-medically by bathing Pyredoodle puppies frequently with warm water and natural oils to eliminate the excess dead skin. As long as there are not any current skin infections, this treatment works well on Pyredoodle puppies. This condition is also only manageable and not curable. Since it is an autoimmune disease, the underlying condition is not treated but can be strengthened through supplements. Fish oil supplements contain many nutrients, including fatty acids that are excellent for your Pyredoodle dog’s coat and immune system. Fatty acids allow for better blood flow regulation, which relieves inflammation common in Pyredoodle puppies with Sebaceous Adenitis.

Demodectic Mange

What is Demodectic Mange in dogs? Demodectic Mange is an inflammatory disease in dogs caused by the Demodex mite. When the number of mites inhabiting a dog’s hair follicles and skin increase rapidly, it can lead to skin lesions, skin infections, and hair loss. The severity of this condition depends on how many mites there are on the dog’s skin, biting and infecting it. The cycle of infection is difficult to stop as mites both feed and live in the same location. Mites are also difficult to find, as they hide in dogs with lots of fur.

Skin and Coat Health Options We Love

  1. Skin & Coat Hickory Smoke Flavored Supplement
    $29.99 ($0.33 / Count)

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  2. Skin & Coat Vitamin Chews
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    by Natural Dog Company 

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  3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs

    by Natural Dog Company 

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  4. Skin and Coat Hickory Smoke Flavor
    $10.99 ($1.49 / Ounce)

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Pyredoodle puppies have a lot of Demodex mites because of their long and thick fur. Their coat is light but can also easily hide mites like it hides fleas. Interestingly, Demodex mites are not bad. They live on all dogs’ coats and skin reproducing frequently. However, when they multiply too much, they cause problems and pain in your Pyredoodle. Very few Pyredoodle puppies suffer symptoms, but those who do feel discomfort constantly are usually because of the Demodex mites.

The symptoms of Demodectic Mange are lesions throughout the body, but especially in commonly touched areas like the face, torso, or legs. In some cases, however, there are lesions everywhere, not just in specific patches. The skin is red and thickens over time, making Pyredoodle puppies’ skin appear almost scaly. Demodectic Mange can look unruly in Pyredoodle puppies but is not something to fear in your furry friend.

The treatment for Pyredoodle puppies with Demodectic Mange is easy. You can manage your Pyredoodle dog’s skin condition in the comfort of your home. Thankfully, it is not serious and rarely causes worse conditions. While this is true, you should still check your Pyredoodle dog out at the vet if you notice your dog is missing patches of their coat. In these missing patches of fur are red scales that cause your Pyredoodle to itch.

Thankfully, this skin condition resolves itself in a matter of weeks as the mite population on Pyredoodle puppies’ skin decreases. Pyredoodle puppies do not benefit from a dietary change when suffering from Demodectic Mange. Instead, pet owners should make necessary lifestyle changes for Pyredoodle puppies. Findings report that using tea tree oil and Aloe Vera in Pyredoodle puppies decreases the chances of developing skin conditions as their coats are healthy and hydrated. Mites also move from place to place, which is why it is important for pet owners to consistently clean sheets, beds, dog mattresses, and fabric their Pyredoodles come in contact with.

Pyredoodle dogs are wonderful additions to the family with their beautiful wavy and curly coats. These gentle giants enjoy being around their family but need to be taken care of properly to live long lives.

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