The Ultimate Guide to Weimaraner Dogs

The Weimaraner puppy is distinguished by its magnificent gray fur and amber-colored eyes. The graceful and fast-paced "gray ghost" of royal heritage from Germany is adored by hunters and pet owners for its friendliness, obedience, and beauty. Weimaraner puppies are proud, but they are also obedient and easy to train. This hunting breed’s habits differ greatly from those of other cops. Behind the colorful aristocratic exterior is a hyperactive friendly pet capable of genuinely surprising with its unusual antics till old age.

The pure breed has an endless amount of energy and incredible stamina, making the Weimaraner puppies ideal for someone who leads an active lifestyle. This is a good companion, devoted to his owner and willing to devote all his time to him. They are poised and demonstratively calm in public, but emotional displays are presented with discordant howling when they return home or when they're excited; this type of display will probably not be appreciated by neighbors. The puppy can adore everyone in a large family, yet remain obedient to his owner without question with his attitude toward children genuinely compassionate; a human child is regarded as the pack's youngest member. A properly trained Weimaraner puppy will never exhibit hostility, but you should exercise caution when playing due to the Weimaraner puppies great size. This pet is ideal for families with children because it is delicate, playful, and friendly. It is also very important to establish clear communication boundaries between your child and the dog, teach the child all warning signs that the pet may give, and endeavor to be nearby when they play.

The Weimar pointer is a hunting dog, but in some countries (for example, Brazil), it is utilized in the police force and as a search and rescue dog due to its strong sense of smell. This canine's excellent personality makes it a truly versatile dog, with his hunting dog adaptability owing to its exceptional intellect. The Weimaraner puppy is a well-balanced, obedient, sensitive dog who adapts well to any lifestyle. His purposeful attitude aids him greatly during the hunt, making him a systematic and persistent tracker.

Due to its elegant and proud appearance, this puppy can give the impression of a very independent dog, but this does not correspond to its nature at all. All Weimaraner puppies are very close to their social groups and value ​​it more than anything else. They hate loneliness and always feel the need to take part in everything that happens in the life of the owners. However, while working, Weimaraner puppies can act independently and make independent decisions.

These majestic Weimaraner puppies are friendly and get along well even with those they see for the first time, but it takes them some time to appreciate a stranger. It is best to make your Weimaraner puppies accustomed to your absence for an early age. This should be done gradually by increasing the time during which he is alone. Weimaraner puppies are very destructive if left alone for long hours without any activity; they are energetic and restless.

The breed is classified into two types based on coat length: shorthaired Weimaraner puppies and long-haired Weimaraner puppies. The shorthaired type has a single coat that is exceptionally dense, well-fitting, and somewhat lengthy (compared to other shorthaired puppies). In contrast, the Long-haired Weimaraner puppy has double hair, although it can also be single hair. The exterior hair is silky, smooth, or wavy. Longer hair around the base of the ears, along the bottom of the neck, in front of the chest, and on the abdomen, length 3-5 cm. All four legs have feathers, and the tail has a dewlap. The hair on the top of the head and around the ears is shorter.

Starting with their shimmering silver-gray coats and amber-brown eyes that are sky blue as Weimaraner puppies, the breed is one of a kind. When fully grown, the Weimaraner puppies can reach a shoulder height of 60 to 70 cm, classifying them as medium to large dogs. They typically weigh between 30 and 40 kg, with females being smaller and lighter than males. Their gray coat ranges from silver-gray to mouse gray, and white markings on their chests and paws are uncommon. It is also not unusual to see long-haired Weimaraner puppies. However, they are pretty rare, and The American Kennel Club has recognized the shorthaired breed as its standard.

Weimaraner puppies require a lot of exercise and plenty of room to run around. They enjoy running and hunting and can become frustrated if confined. They do well with an energetic owner who enjoys outdoor activities and wants a fun-loving companion. The Weimaraner puppies are popular as family dogs, therapy dogs, rescue dogs, and police dogs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

History Of The Dog Breed

The dogs were formerly known as Weimar pointers, named after the Weimar Republic. In the early nineteenth century, the dog was developed and kept as a hunting dog in and around Weimar where aristocratic pointing dogs were bred at the court of Grand Duke Karl August von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. It is unclear how Weimaraner puppies evolved and from what breed of dog they took on their current form, but dog breeds such as the Bloodhound, English Pointer, and Silver-gray chicken dog have all been linked to their origin. According to some sources, the dog is descended from the St. Hubertus Bracke.

The breed is widely known to be the result of experiments. The Duke, like many European aristocracies at that period, enjoyed hunting. His ambition was to develop the ideal hunting dog. Consequently, he bred bloodhounds with various German and French hunting dogs. Initially, the Duke and other noblemen utilized these unique canines for hunting large animals like bears, mountain lions, and wolves, but when the population of these predators in Europe dwindled, the dog took on a new role as a universal hunter, searching for and bringing small game such as foxes, hares, and birds.

The Weimaraner puppy is one of the most aesthetically pleasing and sought-after dog breeds. The dog's planned breeding began around 1890 when the Thuringian "Association for Pure Breeding of the Silver-Gray Weim Pointing Dog" was founded and for many years, the breed was a closely guarded secret of the German aristocracy, and breeders were extremely worried about the breed's purity. It got to the point where any puppy sent overseas had to be sterilized because breeders were afraid of losing control of the breed. The breed grew in popularity outside of Germany over time and the American Weimaraner puppies Club was created in 1929 after a breeder named Howard Knight brought in a pair of outstanding Weimaraner puppies. The breed also gained notoriety in the 1950s as the pet of celebrities such as President Dwight D. Eisenhower and movie queen Grace Kelly.

Today, the breed is seeing a second spike in popularity, largely to the efforts of photographer and artist William Wegman, who became well-known for his pictures of Weimaraner puppies.

The breed is one of the few dog breeds that have never been crossed with another animal. Although it is the oldest pointing dog in Germany, this also provides a relatively small breeding base and, as a result, a somewhat significant danger of inbreeding. The breed is resistive to the introduction of genes from other breeds. Studies show that the children lose their aristocratic traits when they are crossed with another breed: no monochrome fur and amber eyes; and in that lies the controversy on whether Blue Weimaraner puppies should be officially recognized.

The Blue Weimaraner puppy has the same temperament and demeanor as the grays, but its coat is a diluted black rather than a lightish brown. The color is defined as "charcoal gray," It ranges from a fading blue to a darker, deeper blue.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

Breed Intelligence

Weimaraner puppies are exceptionally intelligent dogs. They are, in reality, amongst the top 30 breeds in terms of obedience and working intelligence. Your puppy is at the top of the list, owing to its superior hunting and tracking ability. Weimaraner puppies are so intelligent that they are frequently referred to as "the dog with the human brain." It doesn't take them long to learn a new command, and they can learn it in 5 to 15 repetitions. They are incredibly intuitive and adaptable.

Weimaraner puppies are highly clever and self-assured hunting dogs with a predatory edge. This means it hunts and kills the game on demand. Weimaraner puppies are wary of strangers and require some time to warm up to new people. The protective instinct is quite strong, and the self-assured Weimaraner puppies will not hesitate to defend their family or territory. Despite this, he does not have a bad temper. The pet is incredibly devoted and, with proper training, may make an excellent life partner. In general, you should not leave your Weimaraner puppy alone for an extended period because they become easily anxious and bark.

Weimaraner puppy training should begin as soon as feasible and be firm, consistent, and constant. If it detects that the trainer is not confident enough, this pet can become rather stubborn. Educational approaches should be founded on positive parenting principles to avoid destroying the owner's attachment with this sensitive dog. A Weimaraner puppy can learn and do stunts such as jumping – overcoming an obstacle course with the owner's patience over several months. It is critical to channel their intelligence from an early age. It is not uncommon to see a misbehaving Weimaraner puppy opening fences, stealing treats, and engaging in other misbehavior.

The Weimaraner puppy will never bark in vain. This dog will usually bark to gain your attention or if a stranger enters its territory. The Weimaraner puppy, like many hunting dogs, has a strong pursuit impulse that can lead him to pursue an intriguing smell. On the other hand, this dog would rather be close to you than go on a solo adventure. A good upbringing and a solid relationship with the owner will significantly lessen the likelihood of the Weimaraner puppy escaping. It is critical to go through all stages of education, socialization, and training with a Weimaraner puppy throughout the first year of their life.

Health Conditions

The Weimaraner puppy is typically healthy, although, like all breeds, they are susceptible to specific health issues. Not all Weimaraner puppies will get any or all of these ailments, but it's vital to be aware of them if you're thinking about adopting one.

Various markers indicate whether or not your puppy is healthy. A healthy Weimaraner puppy will have a temperature between 100 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5-39 degrees Celsius). It will have around 60-160 heartbeats per minute and 10-30 breaths per minute (more if the environment temperature is higher). The Weimaraner puppy has an average lifespan of 10-13 years, typical of most large hunting dog breeds.

It is advised that you take your Weimaraner puppies to the veterinarian at least three times a year, beginning at 4-5 years of age, when they have finally matured psychologically, to prevent any indications of hereditary or genetic disorders. The oldest Weimar pointer recorded lived for 18 years and ten months.

If you adopt a puppy, ensure that proper testing is performed to certify the puppy's health. Expect to see health clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia (with a score of fair or better), elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, thrombophilia, and von Willebrand's disease. Check the OFA website to validate health approvals (

Weimaraner puppies grow very quickly, so nutrition is pivotal to their health as adults. A growing, large puppy's nutritional choices are critical to the development of its bones and joints. It is also important to note that your puppy's daily amount of treats should not exceed 10 percent of his daily calorie intake because obesity can also pose serious health issues.

Weimaraner dogs outdoors

Psychological Health

Like every other dog breed, the Weimaraner puppies are prone to suffer from popular psychological health issues.

Cognitive Health

The breed is known to be very intelligent. From a young age, Weimaraner puppies are known to have the ability to think, learn, and remember clearly. They have colossal control of motor skills, emotional responses, and sensory responses, but they develop certain diseases over time. Nowadays, all Weimaraner puppies live older than they used to, so it is understandable that they now get diseases related to old age. The most common disease your puppy is at risk of getting is Old Dog Dementia.

Old Dog Dementia

If your dog is more than eight years old, they are prone to having old dog dementia or cognitive dysfunction syndrome. However, before jumping to conclusions, make sure that you have ruled out sensory deficits such as deafness or blindness. Senior Weimaraner puppies can indeed develop Alzheimer's disease-like symptoms, which is a type of dog senility. Canine cognitive dysfunction, like human dementia, is progressive, which means that it will worsen with time if not treated effectively.

What are the Symptoms of Dog Dementia?

Weimaraner puppies, like humans, get dementia when their neurological system degenerates or malfunctions. In general, if your Weimaraner puppies become senile, you will notice confusion and disorientation. Even familiar persons and settings may be unfamiliar to the pet. A Weimaraner puppy suffering from canine dementia is more likely to wander away from home and become lost.

New Behaviors such as pacing back and forth and repetitive licking (your Weimaraner puppy may even lick a spot until it becomes inflamed and sore, with hair loss), sleeping a lot (especially during the day), trembling or shaking (without an apparent reason), confused behaviors, incontinence or soiling in the house (even if your Weimaraner puppy still has control), staring at the walls or into space, getting lost in your home or yard, barking without cause are all symptoms of Dementia.

It is critical to rule out any other conditions that may cause these symptoms. Sight loss, hearing loss, heart illness, and arthritis pain and stiffness can all have symptoms comparable to senility. If your Weimaraner puppy has dog dementia, the symptoms will become worse over time.

What Causes Dementia in Weimaraner puppies?

Physical diseases, in addition to degenerative changes in the brain, can cause dementia in Weimaraner puppies. These include hypothyroidism, epilepsy, brain tumors such as Cushing's disease, oxygen deprivation caused by heart or lung disease, and old dog encephalitis, a chronic brain inflammation observed in Weimaraner puppies with distemper in the past.

While your options for assisting your Weimaraner puppies are limited, there are some things you can do to make things easier for both you and your dog. Don't move anything; instead, keep furniture, your dog's beds, and food bowls in a familiar location. Moving any of these can be perplexing to a Weimaraner puppy suffering from dementia. Also, remember to keep your dog on a leash when you go for a walk. This gives you control and keeps them from running away or into danger.

The disease can be contained when detected and treated on time, and your Weimaraner puppies will live long. A diet adjustment of high inadequate antioxidants has been proven to delay the rate of cognitive decline in elderly dogs. Improvements in the aberrant behaviors associated with it are often apparent within 6-12 weeks of Weimaraner puppies beginning to eat food profiles, including adequate antioxidants. Some drugs or supplements are available that can have varying effects depending on the age and size of the dog, and they can be addressed with your veterinarian in conjunction with nutrition therapy.

Incorporating the right diet for your Weimaraner puppies is known to treat the symptoms of Dementia. Antioxidants, whether dietary or supplemental, are known to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals. In some studies, Weimaraner puppies fed antioxidant-enriched diets or supplements combined with behavioral enrichment performed bettered their memory or cognitive performance.

You should also know old dog dementia does not affect the life span of your dog, and a sufferer can indeed live normally, so it is important to show love to your pet who has Old Dog dementia because they are prone to stress and anxiety.


From a scientific standpoint, stress is a state of the body that occurs when it reacts to external or internal stimuli. In such a situation, you must concentrate your efforts to overcome stress. Weimaraner puppy owners frequently discover that their canines are capable of experiencing human-like emotions. For example, how the puppy expresses his appreciation for you. And, because animals may feel similar emotions, the harm from such negative moments is analogous to what a person can experience.

What are the most stressful situations?

Situations involving stress are included.

  • Visiting a veterinarian

  • Getting a haircut

  • Washing

  • Brushing one's hair

  • All forms of transportation

  • Celebration

  • Commotion

  • Blaring music

  • Fireworks, and thunderclaps

  • Inadequate or excessive communication with the owner

  • Squabbling with other dogs Jealousy

  • The arrival of other animals or children in the house

  • Ownership transfer

A lot of things can easily stress Weimaraner puppies, who are known to be very sensitive.

How can you assist your stressed-out Weimaraner puppy?

It is difficult to identify the underlying source of stress. This means it is quite tough to identify and get rid of whatever is stressing your Weimaraner puppy immediately.

Weimaraner puppies, as you may know, monitor human behavior. Seize command of the situation! Maintain your composure and remain calm. Don't lose your cool. Your Weimaraner puppies probably behave similarly to you.

Separation from the owner and loneliness is also a cause of stress.

Do you notice how joyfully your Weimaraner puppies greet you when you step into the house in the evening? And this is just part of the day! Imagine how bored the animal will be if you are away for a long time! Therefore, do not scold the Weimaraner puppy if, after your long absence, a puddle or a pile is found on the floor, and the furniture is slightly damaged. In this way, the animal tells you that it is yearning. And the way out of the situation is not to punish him but to try not to leave the Weimaraner puppy alone.

There are also some tricks for those who still have to leave the pet at home alone. Reduce your attention to her for a particular time before leaving. Do not make scenes of stormy goodbyes. And greet the animal when you return, a little more calmly. Yes, it can be difficult because you miss them too. But in this way, you make it easier for the animal to be alone.

Another major cause of stress in your Weimaraner puppies in them feeling imprisoned and unable to exercise.

Weimaraner puppies can be kept in a city apartment, if he can go on frequent lengthy walks to burn off energy. This Weimaraner puppy will be miserable and will quickly lose form if he is constantly confined. The Weimaraner puppies would be best suited to living in a country residence with a large plot to which she has unrestricted access. The ability to stretch his legs and brain at any moment is vital to this dog. When these conditions are not met, the Weimaraner puppy gets stressed and will misbehave at every opportunity.

The pet, who is completely devoted to hunting, can easily exhaust himself without even realizing it. Also, keep an eye on your Weimaraner puppy when going for a stroll in cold weather. Because the Weimaraner puppy has a nearly little undercoat, it might get cold.

The Weimaraner puppy also enjoys being near water and might not think twice before taking a swim.

This Weimaraner puppy must be allowed to participate in search activities (tracking) and mental stimulation exercises (obedience, intellectual games). Every day, the Weimaraner puppy should go for at least one walk to run freely without a leash in a safe area.

Hiking in the woods is delightful for this dog, but you must keep an eye on it at all times to ensure that it does not become distracted by an appealing fragrance and flee. Transporting a Weimaraner puppy can be challenging but not impossible because of its size, especially if he is well-mannered and traveling at a young age. The Weimaraner puppies' enthusiasm and desire for continual physical action are not the best choices for the elderly or those who live a sedentary lifestyle.

Massaging the ears is an especially effective workout. In Weimaraner puppies, there are several acupuncture sites located in the ear. You support the Weimaraner puppy's muzzle with one hand while the other gently massage the ear from the auricle to the tip. Meanwhile, the thumb is on the ear's outside. The inside of the hand has the bent index finger. It is critical to follow the ear development direction and stroke to the side or front. Arched hand stroking from the tip of the Weimaraner puppy's snout over the head, spine, and tail is also a relaxing activity. Petting shy Weimaraner puppies using the back of the hand is recommended. The individual must also be relaxed.

Weimaraner dog outdoors


Separation anxiety can be a big deal when it comes to Weimaraner puppies. When a Weimaraner puppy is away from the person it is most devoted to, it experiences separation anxiety. The animal may get agitated, and its stress may manifest itself in a wide range of behavioral changes. Some of the warning indicators are listed below.

Weimaraner puppy's health is robust, but not without unpleasant surprises associated with genetic complications. They are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety due to their sensitive nervous system – this manifests itself in the form of irritated "digging" of the floor or sucking on the edge of the litter during sleep, which is more common in the adults than in the Weimaraner puppies.

Anxiety can be a big issue in your Weimaraner puppy if left unchecked. Your puppy is most susceptible to fears and phobias at 8-10 weeks of age. The most crucial socialization period for a puppy is from 2 to 12 weeks. Avoid disturbing events during this time. Remember that events and situations that may not be of concern to you may concern your Weimaraner puppy.

When a pet is away from the person it is most devoted to, it experiences separation anxiety. The animal may get agitated, and its stress may manifest itself in a wide range of behavioral changes. Following you around the house is a sign of separation anxiety. When you leave or after you depart, your Weimaraner puppy may bark, scream, or whine. When you leave, he tries to exit the house with you. Sitting and reclining in front of the entrance through which you exited.

As your puppy grows, it is important to provide him with physical and mental stimulation. It can be long walks, socializing with other puppies, training (at home or lessons), or games.

Anxiety can also be an indication of a medical issue. If the dog continually moves, breathes frequently, poops in the home, or refuses to eat, this is a solid sign that something is wrong with the Weimaraner puppy, and you should not put off seeing the veterinarian. If the animal's health is normal, it could be due to hormonal or psychological issues.

Weimaraner puppies are extremely vulnerable animals. When you're enraged, people may worry and get nervous. If individuals dispute loudly, they pay special attention to gestures. But all it takes is to finish the conversation for them to calm down.

Ways to calm your anxious Weimaraner puppy includes:

Get Your Weimaraner Puppy Moving

If your Weimaraner puppy suffers from separation anxiety, the obvious solution is never to leave them alone. That is not a reality for most pet owners, so using exercise as a bonding experience and a way to tire out your pet is frequently a simple solution!

Because anxiety can cause an excess of energy, taking your Weimaraner puppies for a long walk or a game of ball before you leave can be beneficial. It is also beneficial to make lots of physical contact with them and talk to them. Exercise can help relieve stress by producing beneficial endorphins.


As you are probably aware, a massage can relax and calm even the most anxious of humans — but did you know it also works wonders on Weimaraner puppies?

Anxiety frequently causes muscle tensing, and massage therapy is one method of relieving tension. Begin at the neck and work your way down with long strokes. Try to keep one hand on the pet and the other working on the massage.

Direct Physical Contact

Nothing soothes an anxious Weimaraner puppy more than its owner's touch. Try to identify the signs of anxiety in your Weimaraner puppies and nip them in the bud as early as possible by picking them up, cuddling on the couch, or giving them a good long petting session.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

Physical Health

The Weimaraner puppies are generally a very physical and healthy dog breed. Even as Weimaraner puppies, they have a very strong immune system and are not easily susceptible to the diseases and illnesses that trouble other pets. Your healthy Weimaraner puppies will almost always be ready to play with you any time of the day.


The Weimaraner puppy is a hunting dog to the core. Weimaraner puppies, despite being developed explicitly for toughness, are prone to allergic responses. Allergies aren't a major issue with Weimaraner puppies, but they're also not uncommon. Skin allergies were the second most commonly reported immune system problem by Weimaraner puppies owners during the last few decades, with negative reactions to vaccination, which can be related to allergies, being the most frequently reported problem by owners.

Pollen, grass, certain food, medications (penicillin, opiates, and so on), perfumes, shampoos, other cleaning products, and latex are all common allergies for Weimaraner puppies.

Dietary Allergies

True food allergy is a body's negative reaction produced by increased immune system activity that manifests as a specific set of nonspecific symptoms. It is critical to note that food allergies connected with immune system action develop over time, ranging from a few months to several years. That is why it is incorrect to suppose that if a Weimaraner puppy consumes the same food for an extended period, it cannot develop food allergies; on the contrary, it can. Adverse food reactions in Weimaraner puppies are rather common and can include, for example, the occurrence of severe vomiting and diarrhea in response to chocolate ingestion.

How does Weimaraner puppy's food allergies manifest? For a long time, food allergy has been a common diagnosis in animals (it is diagnosed in a quarter of Weimaraner puppies with itchy skin). The condition can cause skin lesions as well as gastrointestinal system problems (chronic vomiting and diarrhea). This diagnosis typically alarms owners, but it is easily treated by following the recommended diet.

Weimaraner Puppy Allergy Classifications

Before you can treat canine allergies, you must first determine what is causing the allergic reaction. The following are the most common types of allergies in Weimaraner puppies.


Occurs as a result of a single or repeated use of drugs by a pet. Antibiotics and B vitamins are the most common causes of allergies in Weimaraner puppies.

Domestic Household Causes

It happens due to exposure to certain components of home chemicals or cosmetics, whether designed or not expressly for Weimaraner puppies (for example, shampoo). To avoid this, use hypoallergenic products sparingly.

Food Quality

Weimaraner puppies are frequently allergic to certain foods or feeds, particularly those with a poor composition (for example, many synthetic additives). A veterinarian can recommend an elimination diet for treatment.


Tick, flea, and other bug bites can cause an allergic reaction (itchy skin, red rash, etc.). This type of allergy typically occurs during the warmer months and only in Weimaraner puppies that do not receive regular parasite treatment.

Changing the diet of Weimaraner puppies will more often than not fix allergies. But if that is not the case, you should see the Vet for a more in-depth diagnosis

Weimaraner dog outdoors

Gut Health

Large Weimaraner puppies are generally troubled with their gut. Most of the time, the problems are not life-threatening and can be quickly resolved with one or two trips to the Vet.

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Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV)

It is also known as bloat or torsion. This is a potentially fatal illness that can affect large, deep-chested dogs such as the Weimaraner puppy, mainly if they are fed one large meal per day, eat quickly, drink significant amounts of water after eating, and run hard after eating. Some believe that higher feeding bowls and the type of food may also play a role in this. It is more prevalent in older canines. GDV occurs when the stomach twists after being distended with gas or air (torsion). The Weimaraner puppy cannot belch or vomit to expel the excess air from its belly, and the normal return of blood to the heart is obstructed. The dog's blood pressure then decreases, and it goes into shock. If your Weimaraner puppy has a swollen tummy, profuse salivation, and retching without vomiting, he may be suffering from bloat. He may also be agitated, melancholy, lazy, and feeble, with a fast heart rate. It is critical to take your Weimaraner puppy to the Vet as soon as possible if you notice any of those signs.

Weimaraner puppies, with a shoulder height of up to 70 cm, are one of the large breeds of dogs that are more prone to stomach twists. This is twisting the stomach around its axis, with the stomach's entrance and exit closed. Gases are created as the stomach contents continue to degrade despite the torsion. Because they can't leave via the closure, they inflate the stomach (tympany). Such flatulence puts strain on the larger vessels, resulting in an insufficient supply of other organs. The first signs of a stomach torsion include restless behavior on the part of the Weimaraner puppies and futile attempts to vomit out the ingested food. The stomach quickly becomes a barrel, and the Weimaraner puppy is in pain. Without quick veterinary care, the animal goes into circulatory shock and eventually dies.

Torsion in Weimaraner puppies is caused by too stretched gastric bands (particularly in old age), a larger stomach due to inflation, or romping around immediately after feeding.

As a preventive strategy, the Weimaraner puppies should be fed tiny amounts of food several times throughout the day and should never be allowed to run around soon after feeding. Surgery is also an option for sufferers. The stomach is tacked to the spine and supporting ligaments to prevent it from twisting.

Reduce GSV chances by feeding your pet two or three smaller meals throughout the day, not combining dry food and water, limiting activities immediately after meals, and avoiding raised food dishes.


Diarrhea can be acute (lasting 1–2 days) or chronic (lasting more than two weeks). Only a veterinarian can identify the condition, albeit there are techniques to determine how serious it is. Diarrhea can also be a sign of more significant health problems, such as the presence of parasites. Weimaraner puppies can get them from their mother's untreated milk or their first meals. The initial treatment for worms in a puppy should be given at the age of three weeks and if you suspect an infection in your puppies, contact your veterinarian at once.

Diseases caused by viruses. For example, parvovirus enteritis is a potentially lethal condition. There may be fever, tiredness, and pain during it. As a result, it is critical to vaccinate on time.

Diarrhea does not pose a threat to the life of your pet and can easily be treated with popular remedies.

What Causes Diarrhea in Weimaraner puppies?

  • Allergic reactivity

  • Poisonous substances or toxic plant material ingestion

  • Dietary modification Food intolerance

  • Consumption of spoiled or garbage food

  • Foreign body ingestion (for example, toy, rubber band, plastic bag, etc.)

  • Infections caused by bacteria or viruses

What Is the Best Way to Treat Diarrhea?

It is often recommended that you refrain from giving your Weimaraner puppy any food for 12-24 hours while your pet is experiencing diarrhea, but make sure he has plenty of fresh, clean water to avoid dehydration. Consult your veterinarian about the best course of action for your Weimaraner puppy's specific situation.

Diarrhea is not a life-threatening condition and will usually go on its own. If your Weimaraner puppy has diarrhea for more than a day, or if he exhibits other symptoms such as dehydration, lethargy, fever, vomiting, decreased appetite, or dark-colored or bloody stools, it could be a sign of something more serious.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

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Distichiasis, one of the most frequent congenital ocular disorders, develops when additional eyelash hairs sprout out of one of the eye's glands and irritate the cornea. Weimaraner puppies under the age of three are particularly vulnerable. Distichiasis, if left untreated causes corneal ulcers; Squinting or blinking, as well as excessive tearing, are symptoms of distichiasis in your pet. Distichiasis is treated by eliminating the follicles of the excess hairs, preventing regrowth. To do this, the veterinarian will use one of three methods: electrolysis, surgical removal, or cryosurgery, which freezes the follicles at the margin from where they are growing.


This is a potentially painful condition that can cause serious damage to the eye's surface if not treated. Fortunately, there are treatment options for entropion in puppies. Entropion in dogs is an ocular condition that causes the eyelids to roll inward. This makes the eyelashes and other hair around the eyes rub on the cornea (the eye covering), leading to irritation. Entropion can affect both the upper and lower lids and may be seen in one or both eyes. The rubbing of hairs on the eye can be itchy or painful. It also causes irritation that can lead to corneal ulceration. Once a corneal ulcer is present, it will continue to get worse due to the entropion. This may cause scarring on the cornea that can affect vision. It can also progress to a more serious corneal ulcer that permanently damages the eye.

Signs of Entropion in your pet could include squinting, excessive tearing, eye discharge, apparent swelling around eyes, rubbing at eyes, eye redness/conjunctivitis, excessive blinking, and corneal ulcers.

Weimaraner puppies are easily affected by the condition. This defect, usually obvious by six months of age, causes the eyelid to roll inward, irritating or injuring the eyeball. One or both eyes can be affected. The condition can be corrected surgically if necessary. In the absence of foreign bodies in the eyes of the puppy, the inflammatory process can be viral. The Weimaraner puppy can develop one of the following diseases, hepatitis, mycoplasmosis, and plague.

Abnormalities of the Nictitating Membrane

The nictitating membrane is the name given to your Weimaraner puppy's third, or inner, eyelid. Weimaraner puppies can be affected by two nictitating membrane abnormalities with the most common being Cherry eye. Cherry eye is a condition in which the tear gland prolapses and causes a crimson protrusion in the corner of the dog's eye. Eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane, the cartilage folds outward from the puppy's eye.

These anomalies are hereditary conditions passed from the parents to the offspring. Both diseases are easily detected with a physical examination of the eyes and are treated with corrective surgery. Note that dry eyes will develop if either of these disorders is not treated.

Cherry Eye

Cherry eye can affect any dog, although some are more prone to it than others. This ailment can affect either one or both eyes of a dog; therefore, dog owners need to understand which breeds are predisposed to it and how to spot it.

A cherry eye in a Weimaraner puppy is characterized by a pink or red protrusion that appears to protrude from the inner corner of the eye. This protrusion will not bleed and is not unpleasant, but it is typically visible to the owner. The bulge may appear and disappear at times, but the cherry eye may remain visible until veterinarian attention is obtained. Aside from the evident pink bulge in the eye, your veterinarian may notice other problems and symptoms in a Weimaraner puppy with a cherry eye, such as dry eye, corneal ulcers, irritation, and inflammation of the cornea. A lack of tear production causes dry eye, and because the third eyelid is in charge of producing tears, if it is irritated and not producing enough tears, the eye will not be properly moisturized. This can lead to irritation, inflammation, and even ulcers on the eye, especially if the Weimaraner puppy paws at it or rubs it on the ground. If a cherry eye is large enough, it may make it difficult or impossible for a puppy to close its eyes fully. If the eye is maintained slightly open at all times, this might also contribute to dry eye.

Treatment of Cherry Eye in Weimaraner Puppies

There are various home methods you can attempt to reposition the tear gland beneath your puppy's eyelid temporarily. Warm compresses and gentle massage are typically used. Unfortunately, even if this suppresses the tear gland for a few weeks or months, the only curative treatment is surgery. The gland is tacked back down behind the eyelid in a contemporary surgical method. The disadvantage of this approach is the possibility of re-prolapse. Regrettably, surgery can only be performed if the tear gland is actively prolapsed. If your pet's cherry eye is only temporary, your Vet may decide to wait until it is more regularly gone.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

Eye Health Options We Love

  1. Vision Supplement for Small Dogs
    $44.55 ($0.99 / Count)

    by Ocu-GLO 

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  2. Eye Care for Dogs Daily Vision Supplement
    $45.99 ($0.38 / Count)

    by Nutrition Strength 

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  3. Eye Support for Dogs
    $36.99 ($0.41 / Count)

    by Coco and Luna

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    03/08/2024 08:54 am GMT

Ear Health

Because of its long lop ears, the Weimaraner puppy is prone to ear infections. The overall health of Weimaraner puppies is dependent on their owners' sensitivity and care. To keep the animal in good condition, conventional hygiene measures such as washing the ears must be performed regularly. Most pet parents believe ear care for their puppies should be carried out weekly. As a result, you will protect the auricles from otitis media and be able to detect ear mites early; taking quick care of your dog's ears aids in avoidance and prevention of numerous health issues. If your puppy rubs his ears, shakes his head, or acts restlessly, this could be an indication of parasites, germs, or inflammation.

Otitis Media

Otitis media in dogs has a wide range of causes and can affect the entire body.

This is a disease that, if left untreated, can result in severe effects, such as hearing loss, neurological abnormalities, and irreversible alterations in the structure of the auditory canal, necessitating surgical removal.

Causes of Otitis Media in Weimaraner Puppies

The self-cleaning ear system mentioned can be hampered by various causes, including Edema during inflammatory processes. When sulfur is not effectively evacuated from the ear, the auditory canal becomes clogged, the balance of microorganisms is disrupted, and the condition of the Weimaraner puppies deteriorates.

Chronic inflammation can cause ossification (calcification) of the ear canal and cartilaginous components of the ear. Dogs with drooping ears and dogs who frequently swim in water are also in danger (albeit a consistently humid environment conducive to microbe multiplication can occur not only during swimming).

Otitis media is a typical symptom of food allergies and intolerances in Weimaraner puppies. This symptom is present in up to 80% of dogs with allergies and intolerances, and in 20-25% of cases, it is the only evidence of these illnesses. Otitis media is also caused by parasite infestations (most notably Otodectosis). On average, approximately 20% of dogs suffer from inflammatory ear disorders for one reason or another.

Treatment and Hygiene of Ears with Otitis Media

If the underlying cause of the sickness is, for example, a food allergy, identification and treatment can be time-consuming. The inflammation generated by the initial cause frequently results in the development of secondary infections in the ear canal, which can be bacterial (particularly staphylococcal) and fungal (in particular, caused by Malassezia). As a result, treating otitis media requires a combination of antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory medications (primarily local action).

You must attentively follow the doctor's recommendations and conduct the necessary procedures appropriately regularly.

Regarding food allergies or intolerances to specific feed components, considerable modifications in the owner's complete family's life may be required because the Weimaraner puppy may now only get specified food without the normal luxuries and deviations from the medical diet.

If the condition is coupled with excessive ear discharge, they will almost certainly need to be removed frequently.

Ear Mites

People call it ear scabies or ear mites, but the disease is known scientifically as Otodectosis. Mites thrive in the ear, where earwax accumulates, and blood vessels pass close by. After the bites of these small parasites, the skin rots, ulcerates.

Its symptoms include severe itching. The Weimaraner puppy scratches its ears and tilts its head, rubs it on the floor, hair loss, redness and swelling of the inner surface of the ear, profuse black plaque in the auricle, possible temperature rise, the puppy becomes lethargic, may refuse to eat. Otodectosis cannot be ignored! If untreated, it can spread to the middle and inner ear and finally to the brain lining.

The first step in getting rid of ear mites is to thoroughly clean your Weimaraner puppy's ears of plaque and other filth with a specific lotion designed for the purpose.

Auricle Hematoma

This condition is also known as auricle hematoma or otohematoma. This is how a disorder is defined in which fluid – either blood or lymph – collects between the cartilage and the skin of the ear. This occurs as a result of an injury.

Symptoms of a Ear Hematoma

The ear expands, thickens, and sags. The Weimaraner puppy tilts its head to the side in the direction of the damaged ear. A dog's ear hematoma is frequently accompanied by itching, and the pet scratches the ear, further damaging it.

How to take care of Ear Hematoma in Weimaraner puppies?

A pressure bandage should be worn around the affected ear for 5-6 days. After a few days, the dressing must be removed, as well as the dead tissue.

Ear Eczema

Eczema is an allergic skin reaction that can arise from pollen, another chemical, water leaks, or excessive earwax accumulation in a dog's ear. Parasite bites can also cause Eczema in your pet.

Eczema symptoms in your puppy include redness and itching on the inner surface of the ear, shaking its head vigorously, scratching the affected skin, and damaging the blisters.

How to treat Eczema in your Weimaraner puppy? Anti-inflammatory drops are placed in the dog's ears. The skin inside the ear is disinfected regularly.

Ear Cleaning Solutions We Love

  1. Ear Cleaner for Dogs and Cats
    $13.99 ($1.75 / Fl Oz)

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  2. Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser for Pets
    $20.08 ($2.51 / Fl Oz)

    by Virbac 

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  3. Ear Cleanse for Dogs

    by Nutri-Vet 

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Immune Health

Extensive allergy medication is expensive, but the drugs used to treat the disease also impair or weaken the immune system. Drugs frequently have adverse effects, which may demand additional treatment. Avoid the situation as much as possible by keeping good Hygiene for your Weimaraner puppy. Some of the rare immunity problems that show up in one in hundreds of the breed include:

Weimaraner dog outdoors

von Willebrand's Disease (vWD)

This inherited blood condition is caused by a lack of clotting VIII antigen (von Willebrand factor). The primary symptom is profuse bleeding following an injury or surgery. Other symptoms may include nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or bleeding in the stomach or intestines. The majority of Weimaraner puppies with von Willebrand's illness have everyday lives. If you are concerned, your veterinarian can run tests to see if your puppy has it.


Hypothyroidism is caused by a shortage of thyroid hormone and can manifest as infertility, obesity, mental dullness, and a lack of energy. The dog's fur may become harsh and brittle, and it may start to fall out while the skin becomes tough and black. With a daily thyroid replacement medication, hypothyroidism can be effectively treated. Medication must be given to the Weimaraner puppy for the rest of his life.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

This is a degenerative eye illness that leads to blindness due to the loss of photoreceptors in the back of the eye. PRA can be detected years before the puppy shows any signs of blindness. Fortunately, dogs can compensate for blindness by using their other senses, and a blind pet can live a full and happy life. Just don't make rearranging the furniture a habit.

Immune-mediated Disease

A tiny percentage of Weimaraner puppies have a fever, raised white blood cell count, and swollen tissues and joints due to vaccinations, particularly combo vaccines. Reactions are most common between the ages of 12 and 16 weeks. The breed’s Club of America recommends that pups be vaccinated with four essential vaccines at 8 and 12 weeks of age: distemper, adenovirus 2, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. The rabies immunization can be administered as early as 16 weeks of age.

Rheumatoid Arthritis in your Weimaraner puppy

Rheumatoid arthritis in Weimaraner puppies is arthritis in which the dog's immune system attacks him. Your dog's body turns against him. His immune system is attacking his joints. Rheumatoid arthritis in Weimaraner puppies, like rheumatoid arthritis in humans, affects the joints. It inflames the joints, resulting in heat, redness, swelling, discomfort, and tissue destruction. Your pet will be lethargic and have joint problems if he has rheumatoid arthritis. Fortunately, canine rheumatoid arthritis is uncommon.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Weimaraner puppies

The most common sign, similar to osteoarthritis, is your dog's limping or lameness. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis induce joint pain in Weimaraner puppies. It is crucial to realize, however, that dogs with rheumatoid arthritis have excruciating joints.

Typical symptoms include lameness, in which the puppy shifts his weight from leg to leg, difficulty climbing stairs or going up hills, slow and difficulty rising from a laying down or sitting position, your Weimaraner puppy no longer runs, difficulty jumping, a persistent fever, and loss of appetite.

If your dog has rheumatoid arthritis, there are things you can do to keep her comfortable and pain-free. Of course, some improvements to her environment can assist, as will dietary changes for your dog. Even with treatment, recovery is not guaranteed. Regrettably, relapses are prevalent. Unfortunately, the causes of rheumatoid arthritis in dogs are unknown.

Immune Health Options We Love

  1. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs
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  2. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

    by Ready Pet Go! 

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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats – Omega 3

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Joint Health

Weimaraner puppies, like humans, can develop arthritis in their joints as they age. They are also susceptible to hip and elbow dysplasia, which affects joint stability and can cause pain and discomfort.

Hip Dysplasia

This is an abnormality of the hip joint. It may have an impact on one or both parties. Hip dysplasia in Weimaraner puppies can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Although it is assumed to be inherited, food, rapid growth, and environment are also likely to play a role in the disorder. Hip dysplasia in puppies, especially the Weimaraner puppies, is a hereditary incongruence of the hip joints. The acetabulum is so flattened that the femoral head of the animal has far too much freedom of movement. The softening of the retaining straps solves this problem. As a result, the joints have aberrant movement, resulting in an unsteady gait. The affected pet has trouble getting up and walking. Painful osteoarthritis develops in the joint as the disease progresses.

Weimaraner dog outdoors

What Is the Cause of Hip Dysplasia in Weimaraner puppies?

Hip dysplasia in Weimaraner puppies is caused by many factors, the most important of which is genetics. Hip dysplasia is a hereditary condition that is more common in larger dogs. Excessive growth rate, types of exercise, and poor weight and nutrition can all amplify this genetic predisposition.

HD might affect Weimaraner puppies in their growing phase. As a result, puppy owners should prioritize a particular food that minimizes rapid, disease-promoting growth.

Even as an adult, HD-predisposed Weimaraner puppies can benefit from a particular feed adjustment if their diet contains elements that assist the joints. Because the hips are heavily stressed in overweight Weimaraner puppies, owners must pay close attention to their pet's energy and food requirements. Some puppies have special nutritional needs and require food designed specifically for large breed puppies. These foods aid in preventing excessive growth, which can result in skeletal disorders such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and other joint conditions. Slowing down the growth of Weimaraner puppies allows their joints to develop without putting undue strain on them.

Can Weimaraner puppies live with hip dysplasia for a long time?

Hip dysplasia is a chronic disease, but it is not fatal. This means that Weimaraner puppies with hip dysplasia can live to a ripe old age, albeit in discomfort.

Dog Hip Dysplasia Treatments

Hip dysplasia in Weimaraner puppies is incurable. However, many treatments have been shown to effectively relieve pain in older dogs and prevent further damage in puppies. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine are the most basic treatments, but they are also the most important.

Medication, Supplements, and Treatments

Veterinarian-approved medication, such as anti-inflammatory medications and joint supplements, may also be beneficial in reducing swelling and strengthening your dog's joints.


What exactly is canine arthritis?

Arthritis is a broad term that refers to abnormal changes in the joints. These changes occur when cartilage wears out faster than it can be replaced. Cartilage protects the bones by acting as a cushion. When it wears off, the joints swell and become painful.

There is no cure for arthritis, but early treatment is critical; otherwise, your dog's cartilage will continue to deteriorate, necessitating more aggressive treatments such as surgery.

The Importance of Nutrition in Treatment

A Weimaraner puppy's health and overall condition are heavily reliant on nutrition. A well-balanced diet is an essential component of an active, healthy pet lifestyle. Always consult your veterinarian for the most accurate diagnosis and treatment, as well as recommendations on the best food for treating arthritis and maintaining the health and mobility of your dog's joints.

Joint Health Options We Love

  1. Hip & Joint Supplement
    $22.99 ($16.57 / lb)

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  2. Glucosamine for Dogs
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  3. Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews
    $9.99 ($1.59 / Ounce)

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    03/08/2024 07:41 am GMT

Skin and Coat

The Weimaraner puppy, with its popular gray coat, is not affected by many skin diseases, and the few the breed is affected by are usually linked to dietary causes.

Acral Dermatitis

This disease is popular in shorthaired dogs, and the Weimaraner puppy is no less excluded.

Acral lick dermatitis in Weimaraner puppies is a skin inflammation caused by excessive licking around the extremities. This condition is also known as a granuloma or an acral itching nodule. At the moment, this condition is thought to be a skin disease caused mostly by psychogenic factors or neurological diseases. Acral dermatitis, which is accompanied by itching and pain, can occur due to several fundamental reasons. Dense, moist, deep skin lesions with hair loss arise from the persistent, systematic licking of different regions of the paws. These lesions can be found in the lower limbs of both the thoracic and pelvic limbs. They are most commonly found in the lower third of the limbs, on the surface of the wrist, metacarpus, tarsus, and pluses. They begin with a small region of skin, which grows larger and denser after persistent licking. A bacterial infection eventually joins, exacerbating the inflammation. All of these can obstruct mobility, resulting in lameness.

Causes and development of the disease

There are many reasons for the development of acral dermatitis. They can be divided into three main groups:


Itching can initially be caused by diseases such as allergies (reaction to insect bites, atopic dermatitis, food allergies ), skin infections (bacterial, fungal, leishmaniasis), folliculitis, furunculosis, skin parasites ( demodicosis (photo 1), dirofilariasis, sarcoptic mange, pelodera ).


The causes of pain are varied – foreign objects, granulomas (nodules) from compression, orthopedic problems, neoplasias (tumors), trauma, furunculosis (inflammation of the hair follicle).


Stress, anxiety, fear, and boredom all contribute to the habit of licking the paw, which leads to the development of acral dermatitis. Psychogenic disorders are seen in 70% of cases, according to various sources. Weimaraner puppies are more likely to be suitable for this set of root causes if they lack social communication, have a sedentary lifestyle, live in a restricted environment (aviary, cage), and are prone to neurotic behavior.

Whatever the underlying cause, the first action that causes the disease to manifest is licking. Constant licking causes hair loss and skin damage. As a result, the nerve endings are exposed, which stimulates even more licking. The puppy begins to lick the paw to relieve the itching in this area of the skin. Paradoxically, there is a vicious circle of actions that worsens the skin condition and increases the intensity of the itching. The "vicious circle" causes acral dermatitis to develop.

As a result, determining the real origin of the disease's start is extremely challenging. And the study of the animal's life history (anamnesis) and the detection of the underlying ailment, which is the major factor in successful therapy, play an essential role in this issue.

Although acral dermatitis can be regarded as a psychogenic phenomenon, a comprehensive diagnostic that excludes the main reasons for chronic skin licking is required.

There is no single method for diagnosing and treating acral dermatitis. It is critical to identify the primary disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Nonetheless, treatment should be comprehensive, aiming to prevent licking, control itching, relieve inflammation, fight infection, eliminate the root cause, and correct behavior. The prognosis for chronic skin lesions that do not respond to treatment is poor. Recovery is dependent on how well the underlying disease is controlled and how well the dog's behavior is influenced, as well as how treatable the skin damage is. Large areas of dense tissue must sometimes be surgically removed, followed by plastic grafting.

It is critical to avoid skin licking at the start of treatment. This can be done with a variety of tools. There are various types of protective collars and headbands available. Although the bandages have a short wear time because the Weimaraner puppy will quickly remove them, they can be beneficial in some cases. In addition to bandages, a muzzle can be used in conjunction with bandages, particularly when the puppy is left alone without the owner's supervision.

Acral dermatitis in Weimaraner puppies is a common condition that accounts for approximately 3% of all dermatological problems in dogs. It refers to a complex skin disease that raises many questions among specialists and puppy owners due to the various causes of the disease's development. The veterinarian's role in successful treatment begins with determining the trigger mechanism (cause) and prescribing the main and auxiliary treatment that will affect the speedy recovery or control of the situation. The speed with which the Weimaraner puppy begins to receive treatment is an important consideration. The sooner the owner receives veterinary assistance, the more likely the licking will cease and the skin restored. In chronic, difficult cases, an infection joins the mix, causing the skin to become inflamed and swollen, further exacerbating the issue. The treatment, in this case, will be difficult and long-term.


Although it rarely ever occurs, Weimaraner puppies are prone to epilepsy, primarily caused by a genetic defect. Seizures occur as a result of this clinical picture for no apparent reason. The seizures-like, synchronous discharge of groups of neurons in the brain causes the attacks. A liver dysfunction that allows toxic metabolites to be transported from the liver to the central nervous system also plays a role. These toxins inhibit neurotransmitters, disrupting brain transmission patterns. The symptoms usually appear in young Weimaraner puppies. This disease's causes are frequently congenital. The treatment after that proves to be extremely challenging. However, epilepsy can be developed in other ways, such as trauma, meningitis, or tumors. Hormonal abnormalities, metabolic problems, and infections are all possible causes.

Dietary measures cannot prevent epilepsy, but a suitable diet can help prevent seizures in special cases. Low-protein diet feed should be used to relieve the strain on the liver and kidneys. Artificial additives such as preservatives or flavors are also suspected of causing problems in affected Weimaraner puppies and should therefore be completely avoided in the pet's diet.

Weimaraner puppies are certainly not the only breed that is affected by hereditary (or non-hereditary) epilepsy. It's generally believed that there is about 3% of epileptic dogs. Non-hereditary epilepsy can be caused by multiple diseases – infections, inflammation, cancer, or injuries. Sometimes the cause of epileptic seizures is unknown. Not every seizure has the typical grand-mal seizure with muscle spasms and unconsciousness. There can be "smaller" seizures that only cause stiffening of the body or parts (eyelids, lips) and weird behavior such as staring into space.

Skin and Coat Health Options We Love

  1. Skin & Coat Hickory Smoke Flavored Supplement
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  2. Skin & Coat Vitamin Chews
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  3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs

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  4. Skin and Coat Hickory Smoke Flavor
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All seizures are different for each dog, so choosing the best medication at the right dosage is not always easy. It might take a while to find the appropriate medication, so you have to be patient. Please be aware that medications may not completely get rid of the seizures, but even lessening their appearance is a big success. Seizures can be scary to witness, depending on their severity. Sometimes the pet owner can notice an "aura" as a warning for an upcoming seizure. The Weimaraner puppy can be nervous, disoriented, drool excessively, etc. The recovery from a seizure depends on the dog. Sometimes they can recover pretty fast. Other times it may take hours for the after-effects to go away. The puppy can be nervous, bump into things and even be temporarily paralyzed. In some cases, the owner can spot what triggers the seizures – it can be yelling, loud music/noises, fireworks, shooting, car rides, types of food, certain smells, etc.

Most Weimaraner puppies live up to old age without suffering from most of the health complications mentioned, but it's never wrong to be prepared for such situations. A healthy relationship with your puppy will make the dog what makes its breed well sought after.

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