The Ultimate Guide to the Bordoodle

bordoodle dog standing on wood deck

Breed Introduction

Bordoodle dogs are wonderful additions to any family looking for a furry friend filled with energy! Bordoodle puppies are a mix between a Border Collie and a Standard Poodle. Bordoodle puppies are fun loving and have attributes of both dogs that contribute to their cuteness.

Bordoodle Size and Height

Bordoodle dogs are rather medium to large dogs, standing at 12-22 inches in height. While they are considered large dogs, many Bordoodle puppies rarely are over two feet tall. The Bordoodle size comes from both parents, as Border Collies and Standard Poodles are both tall and large. While Bordoodle puppies are large, they can weigh anywhere between 35-65 pounds, depending on the exact percentage of each parent.

Not only are Bordoodle puppies tall, but they are also built skinny. Seeing as they only weigh between 25-65 pounds, Bordoodle puppies are slim and lean. While they can build mass and weight, experts don’t recommend doing so. Bordoodle puppies are like their parents in many ways. Both Poodles and Border Collie puppies have long, thin legs and a medium build. While Bordoodle dogs can grow to be two feet, they don’t surpass that height.

Your large Bordoodle size dog may live a minimum of 11 years and a maximum of 16 years. The life expectancy is an inheritance from the parents of Bordoodle puppies. Compared to other dogs, Bordoodle dogs live longer. While this is true, the Bordoodle size and height correlate directly with your dog’s life expectancy. Experts have noted that larger dog breeds, including Border Collie dogs, are likely only to live a maximum of 12 years. However, this is only a rough estimate as all Bordoodle puppies are unique. While this is the case, providing your Bordoodle puppy with excellent care and preventative measures for predisposing conditions increases their life expectancy.

Your Bordoodle dog is also most likely to be good with both children and other pets. Even with a large Bordoodle size dog, they are friendly and enjoy being around people. If you raise your Bordoodle puppy with other pets, like cats and dogs, they are more likely to grow attached to them.

Bordoodle Physical Attributes

These silly dogs are sweet and have a comical look. Nearly all Bordoodle puppies have long, curly coats that shed occasionally. Some people do not consider Bordoodle dogs hypoallergenic as they still shed and can cause allergic reactions. The medium to large Bordoodle size means that these energetic dogs are hyper and active. Since Bordoodle puppies are hyper and active, they require a minimum of 40 minutes of playtime. The best way to do this for your large Bordoodle’s size is to walk them on trails when the weather permits.

Bordoodle puppies are known for their unique and wonderful coats. While each Bordoodle puppy looks different because they are a mix between two different breeds, most of them have a medium curly coat. Bordoodle puppies have a medium curly coat in various colors, including black, red, grey, white, cream, and brown. Nearly all Bordoodle puppies are bi-color, an attribute you also see in Border Collies. Dogs with bi-color coats have a minimum of two colors on their coats that may appear to look like a specific pattern. While it is possible for your Bordoodle to only have one color on their coat, they would be the minority of Bordoodle dogs.

Some Bordoodle puppies have different colored ears or bellies from the rest of their coat. Since the Bordoodle size and weight is quite large, they have a lot of fur that potentially changes from birth to adulthood. Your Bordoodle puppy may not have the same coat color or texture in adulthood. The changing of coat colors is unique to Bordoodle puppies and is common in Border Collies, which is most likely why Bordoodle puppies change coats throughout their lives. Interestingly, some Bordoodle puppies may have different coat textures throughout their body. For example, you may notice that your Bordoodle puppy has a curly coat on their ears and head but not on the rest of their body. Since some Poodles have short hair, there is still a likely chance your Bordoodle will also have short hair.

Not only are Bordoodle puppies unique because of their coats, but also because their parents are distinctly different. One parent, the Standard Poodle, wants training, while the other parent, the Border Collie’s purpose is to do jobs and want things to do. Every dog of this mixed breed is different in both looks and temperament. Some Bordoodle puppies do best with reward-based training early, while others prefer constant care and jobs. You may notice that your Bordoodle is calm and happier while working on tasks like fetching and finding.

Currently, there aren’t any official organizations that claim Bordoodle puppies as their own breed. This is because they are a mix between two dogs. However, officials from the American Kennel Club (AKC) did register both Poodles and Border Collies as breeds.

History of the Dog Breed

The history of your Bordoodle puppy is new. There is no exact date for their origin, except experts guess they only grew in popularity in the last two decades. Although this is the case, Bordoodles most likely were born in the past and were just not recognized. While there is a lack of historical information regarding Bordoodle dogs, their parents have been around for hundreds of years.

The Standard Poodle

The Standard Poodle has a long history in Europe that is both extensive and unique. Poodles are known as duck dogs because they originally swam in lakes and ponds and caught ducks for their owners with pride. Their duck hunting abilities are why their heads are fluffy and long. The Poodle’s long and fluffy coat protects them from the cold and weather without weighing them down as they swim or hunt.

Poodles did not become popular in France until the late 19th century, when Nobles and wealthy patrons showed off poodles. Not only were Poodles shown off by novels and performers, but they had been used as hunters in all parts of Europe. Also, Standard Poodles perform in circuses because they are natural performers, easy to train, and enjoy being around humans.

Now, two centuries later, Poodles are everywhere globally and considered luxury dogs with their beautiful large manes and exquisite grooming. Experts often debate the mix of this breed as there is limited information. Some poodle owners believe they have ancestry in Egypt and Asia, while others think Poodles are only water dogs from Europe. Either way, it is obvious that the Poodle breed is old and loved.

The Border Collie

Border Collies, the second parent of Bordoodle puppies, are a breed that has been around for hundreds of years. The Border Collie grew in popularity when Rome invaded Britain and their livestock. Border Collies were hunting dogs that also protected livestock like sheep and other cattle all over Europe. They looked a bit different then compared to now with a stocky and broad build.

The history of the Border Collie is a long one. The Vikings, a few centuries later, had similar dogs; however, they were smaller and leaner. These two ancestors went through extensive breeding to make what is known today as the Border Collie. Border Collie dogs are excellent herding dogs that do well with all animals and humans. Border Collie dogs are also competitive and frequently participate in agility competitions, a skill that thrives because of their herding abilities.

The AKC recognizes Border Collie dogs as an official dog breed, but only since the year 1985. Surprisingly, Border Collies are a luxurious dog to some, including Queen Victoria, who became fascinated with Border Collies from the first time she saw one.

Although your Bordoodle is both cute and loving, controversies surround the mix. The Bordoodle mix is new, and many people are not favoring the mixing of these two breeds as they both are at a high risk of developing serious conditions. Some pet owners dislike the breeding of Border Collies and Poodles because they end up in a shelter, waiting to be adopted, like many other mixed breed dogs.

bordoodle dog on its hind legs

Breed Intelligence

You may be wondering, are Bordoodle puppies intelligent? Don’t let the Bordoodle size and height frighten or confuse you; these dogs are incredibly intelligent! Both the parents of the Bordoodle dog are intelligent and easy to train. It is no wonder that Bordoodle puppies are quick to learn and adapt to new situations.

Poodles, half of the mix of Bordoodle puppies, are extremely intelligent and are easily trained, and they have been for centuries. Poodle dogs compete in agility and obedience competitions all year round. They are the reigning champions of dog competitions and do their best with reward-based training. Poodles, like Bordoodle puppies, need a calm owner that can dedicate the appropriate time to properly train their dog. Poodles are considered one of the easiest dogs to train in the entire world! Their trainability is why they make great competition dogs, which is inherited from their parents!

Border Collie puppies do well surrounded by other puppies and animals, like kittens. Border Collies are also intelligent and compete nationally in agility and obedience. The best way to train and strengthen your Bordoodle puppy’s social skills and intelligence is to socialize them early.

The combination of both parents creates a super-intelligent Bordoodle dog. It is important to note that they need a purpose and that since the breed is a mix, each dog is different and takes more from one parent than the other. Sometimes, pet owners must hire a professional dog trainer that is willing to train their puppy. The Bordoodle size and height can be overwhelming if you don’t know how to train them properly.

Psychological Health

Cognitive Health

While the Bordoodle size and height are large and can have physical problems, they are also likely to develop cognitive health conditions. If you do not take preventative measures with your Bordoodle dog, they are likely to develop cognitive health issues like seizures and noise phobia.


Why are Bordoodle puppies at high risk for developing seizures? Bordoodle puppies have a predisposition for seizures that can begin anywhere from birth into adulthood. Seizures are abnormal, uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in your dog’s brain. They can be painless but cause injuries if not taken care of immediately. Like humans, Bordoodle dogs typically don’t know what’s going on until it’s over and usually cannot remember having a seizure at all. While some people believe that dogs can swallow their tongues, this is a misconception. While it is hard to watch your Bordoodle go through something so painful and confusing, never stick your hand in their mouth! Placing your hand into the mouth of Bordoodle puppies can lead to injury that is uncontrolled and does nothing to help your fur baby.

Seizures have nearly universal symptoms, but each dog may still react differently. Typically, when Bordoodle puppies have seizures, it can look like: shaking, twitching, looks of confusion and shock, and falling over. Hereditary genes can cause seizures, or it can be caused by ingesting something that does not belong in your Bordoodle puppy’s body. Things that Bordoodle puppies may ingest are poisons like chemicals or bugs that emit toxins.

Pet owners cannot prevent seizures all the time. If it is hereditary and constant, then the condition is called epilepsy. If your dog has epilepsy, it is unlikely that it can be prevented or cured. You should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible for testing and clarification. Some pet owners monitor and maintain their Bordoodle’s seizure condition with supplements like coconut oil which uses its ketones to decrease the seizure activity in the brain. It works by using its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies are limited on a success rate but have shown a difference.

The number one thing to be worried about with seizures in Bordoodle dogs is harming themselves by falling and hurting their heads on hard surfaces. Not only can supplements help, but pet owners should look into buying cushions and rugs for their home in places their Bordoodle enjoys. This way, if there is a seizure when the dog collapses, it can be on a soft surface where they are unlikely to harm their heads and get a concussion.

Noise Phobia

There is a clear link between noise phobia and Border Collies, which is why Bordoodle puppies may be likely to develop noise phobia. Noise aversions are common in dogs, especially in Border Collies. Their ancestry is most likely why Bordoodle puppies are likely to develop fears of loud sounds. However, it is important to note that not all Bordoodle puppies’ fear of loud sounds comes from their genes but can also be from trauma. For instance, puppies left alone on holidays like New Year’s eve and the 4th of July may become scared and anxious when surrounded by loud fireworks. They are unable to see the colors or understand what is happening and are alone.

Signs of noise phobia you should watch out for in your Bordoodle include panic, extreme agitation, shaking, barking, and overall discomfort. Some noises that may induce fear are car horns, loud fireworks, gunshots, etc. These loud noises don’t make sense to the dog, and there is no way that they can explain it away themselves. Some dogs react to their noise phobia by scratching and damaging entry and exit points to try and leave their current situation.

The fear is not forever, however. This phobia can easily be replaced and reduced with at-home techniques. Your Bordoodle’s life expectancy is not altered by noise phobia, but the quality of life can be if changes are not made. Supplements that help with stress and anxiety include lavender essential oils. Because the dog cannot consume these oils, you should place them out of reach from Bordoodle puppies. The best way to soothe their fears is through consistent behavioral therapy and changes with their owner.

If you notice your Bordoodle puppy fearing loud noises, the best comfort and reassurance is to ignore the noise and pretend that everything is normal and okay. Don’t indulge or reward your dog as they are panicking; this can induce them to continue that behavior thinking that it is okay as they are rewarded.


The large Bordoodle size and weight should not deter you from believing that these dogs cannot develop stress. The feeling of stress is normal but can cause detrimental conditions and health issues if not treated in your Bordoodle puppy.

General Stress

Why is stress dangerous for Bordoodle puppies? A stressor causes stress. All dogs can experience stress, but experts know that Bordoodle puppies are especially prone to stress. The main causes of stress/stressors in Bordoodle puppies are loud noises, age, different smells, and new environments.
There are also clear signs that your dog is stressed that are universal, including barking, whining, frequent licking, head down, and diarrhea or vomiting. Several studies show that stress in dogs, like Bordoodle puppies and humans, affects the stomach and digestive processes. If your Bordoodle puppy is under constant stress, they are likely to develop stomach aches and further gut conditions like Acid Reflux.

Digestive problems because of Acid Reflux are especially dangerous because frequent throwing up also causes dehydration. If the stressor occurs when you are not home, there is a possibility that your Bordoodle puppy will suffer alone. If Bordoodle puppies are frequently dehydrated, it can lead to heatstroke and seizures, which are already likely in Bordoodle puppies. There are no ways to cure Acid Reflux, but you can manage it through a change in diet. Your Bordoodle puppy should be eating high fiber foods that are easy to digest.

A trip to the vet can be made but is not entirely necessary. With stress, there are plenty of supplements and at-home training that you can do to minimize stressors. The best supplements are essential oils. Lavender is a scent that decreases the stress hormone in both dogs and humans. Bordoodle puppies can instantly calm down with a few drops of lavender in common areas. Lavender essential oil, however, should not be consumed, as it can lead to death.

The best way to get rid of stress in your Bordoodle puppy is to separate the stressor from your dog. If this is not possible, the stress could be from their new and unfamiliar home; they may just need time to adjust. Pet owners can easily lessen the adjustment period by using familiar things like a puppy blanket or favorite toy. With time, your Bordoodle puppy will be okay!

Addison’s Disease

What is Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a disease that can cause death or uncomfortable symptoms for life, although treatments are available to manage this disease. Bordoodle puppies diagnosed with Addison’s disease are expected to have normal lifespans if they receive treatment. Addison’s disease occurs when the adrenal glands fail to produce the hormones in charge of the body’s important functions.

When the adrenal glands overproduce hormones, this can cause many issues and stress. Cortisol, the hormone primarily in charge of stress, is overproduced in dogs with Addison’s disease. While stress may not seem like a big symptom or condition, it can lead to larger problems when not treated.

Stress is not simply a feeling; it has both physical and mental symptoms that are often dangerous. For example, dogs stressed with high levels of cortisol are likely to experience indigestion and throw up uncontrollably. Throwing up becomes dangerous because of dehydration. When dogs dehydrate and deplete their bodies of minerals and electrolytes necessary to function, they can also force their bodies into shock. All of this can be prevented, however, with treatment and frequent monitoring from pet owners.

There are some ways to effectively treat Addison’s disease. The only way to treat this disease is to bring your pet to a vet. Addison’s disease is considered an emergency, as a lot of bodily functions are controlled and altered by the hormone cortisol. Sadly, it is also incurable but can be monitored, and rarely does it worsen. Pet owners can do a few things to make their Bordoodle dogs’ lives comfortable with this disease, including providing water and liquids with electrolytes for their pet throughout the home and documenting any symptoms and if they worsen. Natural herbs for stress relief that you can give to your Bordoodle include licorice and German chamomile.

bordoodle dog holding frisbee in its mouth


Anxiety, like stress, is a psychological condition that can cause physical symptoms and health problems. Bordoodles, for example, are likely to develop both Generalized Anxiety disorder and Separation Anxiety disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder in dogs? Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder with a trigger. Anxiety is a physical and psychological disorder that increases the cortisol hormone in Bordoodle puppies. Cortisol increases stress and yet also causes stress. Contrary to popular belief, Bordoodle puppies, like humans, can develop anxiety disorders. Bordoodle puppies need to be around people. They are companion dogs, and not only are affectionate towards their owners, but also children and other pets. Both Poodles and Border Collies are intelligent and compassionate, which is where Bordoodle puppies get it from.

While anxiety is a normal feeling, it should not be constant. Anxiety is also safe. The feeling of stress and anxiety warns dogs and protects them from the unknown. A little bit is perfectly fine, but if you notice that your Bordoodle dog is panicking more and more, that is not normal, and you should monitor them and take notes.

Diagnosing and noticing Generalized Anxiety Disorder in dogs is difficult because you cannot ask Bordoodle puppies about their feelings and panic attacks, but they still happen. The main signs and symptoms are constant pacing, a worried face, throwing up, an inability to eat, and unexpected weight loss. The biggest problem and concern with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder in your puppy is that the symptoms can worsen and lead to depression, another cognitive disorder that Bordoodle puppies are at-risk for.

To diagnose Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you should call your local vet for a consultation. While veterinarian help can aid Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there are treatments and preventative techniques that can be done at home. With Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there are triggers. The only way to solve this anxiety disorder in Bordoodle dogs is to find the trigger and either eliminate it or work through it. Thankfully, Generalized Anxiety Disorder does not decrease the life expectancy of your Bordoodle dog. While it is unlikely to cure your dog of this disorder quickly, you can manage it with at-home solutions provided by yourself.

There are also comforting methods for this disorder that also work with stress. Bordoodles can take stress-relieving supplements with herbs that decrease the Cortisol hormone. Music can also relieve anxiety and put your Bordoodle puppy in a comforting and relaxing environment. Your Bordoodle puppy should feel comfortable and at peace at home with you.

Separation Anxiety

Why are Bordoodle puppies susceptible to Separation Anxiety? Separation Anxiety is common in Border Collies, which is one parent of a Bordoodle. While Bordoodles are likely to develop Separation Anxiety, not all Bordoodle puppies have it. Separation anxiety is a disorder in which anxiety only occurs when separated from your pet’s home, owners, or other loved ones.

Separation Anxiety causes Bordoodle dogs to have an inability to be alone. When you leave your dog alone and notice that they act out and destroy furniture or doors at the entrance or exit place of your home, they likely have Separation Anxiety. Bordoodle puppies are companion dogs, and many come from shelters originally. Not all Bordoodle puppies have a great start to life, which means it takes time for these puppies to get used to their new home. If you have adopted a Bordoodle puppy, they may suffer from Separation Anxiety.

While Separation Anxiety may be difficult to treat at first, as it takes both time and patience from pet owners, there are many at-home management techniques to use. Some veterinarian experts recommend behavior therapy if the Separation Anxiety is too intense and almost unmanageable. There are also ways to bring stress relief to your Bordoodle puppy in the comfort of your home.

It is important to bring stress relief to your Bordoodle puppy and train them to understand that being alone is okay. A great way to train Bordoodle puppies to understand that being alone is okay is not paying any attention to them when you leave. When you smother your Bordoodle dog with too much comfort immediately after coming home, they think that something was wrong previously, and you are comforting them. Instead of hovering, give it about 5 to 10 minutes, and then pay your dog attention. Ignoring your dog for a few minutes tells your Bordoodle puppy that going away is normal and that you always come back.

Even though the Bordoodle’s size and height are large, they need a comfort corner when suffering from Separation Anxiety. You can create a comfortable corner for your dog by placing your dog’s bed and favorite blankets and toys in a corner. The comfort corner should be an open space they can regularly use to comfort themselves. Some experts also recommend giving your Bordoodle a piece of clothing with your scent.

Physical Health


All dogs suffer from allergies; while this is true, Bordoodle puppies especially are susceptible to allergies. There are common treatments and management techniques to use to bring relief to your Bordoodle dog, though. The most common allergy types are contact and environmental allergies.

Contact Allergies

Contact allergies are the least common type of allergies but are still possible in the Bordoodle breed. Allergic reactions can result from direct contact with chemicals in shampoos and lotions.

While this is the most uncommon allergy type in Bordoodle dogs, they are still susceptible to it. Since the Bordoodle size is large, they have a lot of areas that are affected by allergies, causing overall body discomfort over time. Bordoodle puppies are sensitive dogs with even more sensitive coats and skin. Border Collies have sensitive skin and coats, which is why Bordoodles are likely to develop allergies that come from contact.

Contact allergies aren’t deadly in Bordoodle puppies, but they are uncomfortable and may look like red, itchy, and scaly skin all over your Bordoodle dog’s body. The red, itchy skin, in turn, causes dandruff as the natural oils of your dog’s skin strip slowly through the constant scratching. The symptoms appear on the feet and stomach of your Bordoodle dogs. The only way to treat allergies and find the exact cause is through veterinarian care. Removing the allergen solves the problem completely.

Environmental Allergies

What are environmental allergies? Environmental allergies are similar to contact allergies, except the allergens are mainly found outside. Bordoodle dogs react to environmental allergies the same way they react through contact allergies: Their skin reacts to allergens. The thing about environmental allergies is that they can worsen quickly.

Since your dog is prone to scratching their skin to gain relief, they may also introduce bacteria to their open cuts from scratching. Since Bordoodles have long coats, and a lot because of the Bordoodle size, it is even more likely that bacteria and dirt trapped in their long coats will find their way into the wounds. If your Bordoodle becomes infected, it is likely to spread further. Infections are not fun, and your poor Bordoodle will need to be taken to a vet for further testing and treatment. That is why skin allergies should be treated using baby oil to relieve the itching sensation.

Food Allergies

Food allergies in Bordoodle puppies are uncomfortable and mainly affect your dog’s digestive system. Your dog may react to food allergens by stomach ache or other digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting. Bordoodle dogs are at risk of developing allergies to proteins and complex carbohydrates like white bread and flour. While this is the case, Bordoodle puppies can react to any food.

The only way to know exactly what your Bordoodle puppy is allergic to is by taking an allergy test at the veterinarian. Allergy tests are easy and painless. A veterinarian will take blood samples to check for any allergens. There is no way to prevent food allergies, as they develop through puppyhood in your Bordoodle. However, feeding them a diet that eliminates the allergen will decrease the chances of an allergic reaction, providing both prevention and relief.

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Gut Health

Sadly, both Border Collies and Poodles have an extensive list of potential gut health problems. Because this is the case, Bordoodle puppies are likely to develop digestive problems that can be fatal if not immediately prevented or treated.

bordoodle dog sitting on concrete patio


Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) complex, is a stomach condition that can be fatal. Bordoodle puppies develop Bloat very young, as it is a disease that is inherited. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to Bloat as the stomach condition is strange. However, what is known is that Bloat is a common disease in Poodles. During Bloat, the stomach fills with air without reason. The pressure then builds and stops the blood from the hind legs from going back to the heart. The heart’s pumping blood is an important bodily function, and without it leads to blood pooling at the back of the body. Within a few hours, your dog will likely go into shock from the symptoms.

The Bordoodle size is large, and any sign of Bloat can develop and worsen because of their size and weight. GDV causes the pancreas and stomach to twist, which is painful. The condition occurs quickly and without signs. There are no preventative measures that you can take since Bordoodle dogs are already at risk for this condition. The exact cause is unknown, which is also why there aren’t any preventative measures to take.

Bordoodle puppies may show symptoms of Bloat like frequent retching and dry heaving, weight loss, shakiness, and shock. Bloat can be scary because the symptoms look like other conditions that are minimal and not life-threatening. Surgery is the only treatment to cure Bloat, and no other treatment is applicable. Sadly, 30% of Bordoodle puppies die with this condition, as the signs show slowly, without warning, and when it is too late.

The only thing you can do as a loving pet owner is take your Bordoodle puppy to the veterinarian and provide them comfort as they receive the surgery. Sadly, since this condition is so sudden, veterinarians cannot detect it until it worsens. It only takes a few hours for a Bordoodle dog’s stomach to twist from when the sudden condition starts.


What is Hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is a condition that causes low blood pressure. Bordoodles are at very high risk for this disease because both Poodles and Border Collies are at risk. Experts consider this condition a gut health problem because the main cause in Bordoodle puppies is diet and the dog’s digestive system.

For example, a few causes of Hypoglycemia are an inadequate diet, cancer, or liver disease.
What is an inadequate diet for Bordoodle dogs? Because of the Bordoodle size, they have an active lifestyle that requires a lot of nutrients. For instance, Bordoodle puppies need a high protein and low carb diet. Not only are carbs made of sugar, but they also do not provide valuable energy to Bordoodle dogs.

The signs that something is wrong with your Bordoodle dog are general weakness, random collapses, tremors, and sometimes seizures. Hypoglycemia is both treatable and manageable at home for Bordoodle puppies, but still needs veterinarian care and monitoring, as it can worsen. Low blood sugar can cause heart failure in Bordoodle puppies. Also, seizures, which Bordoodle dogs are already at risk of, can lead to death. While scary, there is nothing to worry about, as the effects of low blood sugar are reversible, but there is no complete cure.

© BreedExpert Testing Lab.

Gut Health Options We Love

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  2. Probiotics Chew for Dogs
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    03/08/2024 08:14 am GMT

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Eye Health

Bordoodles are active and friendly dogs that are susceptible to eye conditions. Various eye conditions are inheritable by Bordoodle puppies because of their parents. The most common eye conditions common in Bordoodle puppies are Progressive Retinal Atrophy and Collie Eye Anomaly.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Dogs

The Bordoodle size and height contribute to various eye health problems. One of the most common eye problems in Bordoodle puppies is Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Interestingly, this condition applies to both humans and dogs, although the speed at which the condition progresses is significantly quicker in dogs.

Bordoodle puppies have a predisposition to this eye condition. These dogs inherit this condition from both parents. Experts don’t recommend breeding Poodles or Great Pyrenees dogs with eye conditions because nearly every time, the offspring develop the condition. Bordoodle puppies with Progressive Retinal Atrophy gradually lose their eyesight. The main concern for Bordoodle puppies with the condition of Progressive Retinal Atrophy is full blindness.

While full blindness may sound terrifying to you, Bordoodle puppies develop damage to their photoreceptor cells and don’t notice. However, there is a second type that can occur because of trauma to the eye. Bordoodle puppies are born with this disease. These friendly dogs acquire this disease by three months of age. However, some Bordoodle puppies do not begin losing sight until they are into their adult years, such as 6-9 years old. Don’t worry too much, though! Bordoodle puppies with this eye condition seldom suffer. This condition occurs gradually and not overnight. While this may not sound like a good thing, it is! If your Bordoodle dog has this condition, they are likely to not react. Blind dogs can still live long and exciting lives. The life expectancy or quality of Bordoodle puppies with Progressive Retinal Atrophy does not change. The only thing that changes in Bordoodle puppies is their lifestyle.

These excited and fun-loving dogs still need exercise but may bump into objects because they lack sight. It is important to play and create activities for your puppy that include loud toys with audio or shakers. This way, they can still find the toy with their other senses. Also, initiate games in a space that is free from extra furniture and debris. Overall, your Bordoodle puppy will be just fine if they inherit Progressive Retinal Atrophy.

Collie Eye Anomaly

What is a Collie Eye Anomaly? A Collie eye anomaly is a “collie eye defect” inheritable developmental disease in dogs. The only dogs, however, that suffer from this eye condition are Border Collies. Bordoodle puppies, even though they are not fully a Border Collie, still develop this eye anomaly. Bordoodle puppies lose vision with this condition rather quickly, as the eye does not develop properly. Since this is a developmental problem, it is unlikely that there are any other causes.

During a Collie Eye Anomaly, the Choroid doesn’t develop correctly around the retina. Either the eyeballs of the dog develop too small, or they are too sunken in. The symptoms for this condition are mainly physical, as the Bordoodles eye appears to be small compared to their obvious size. Basically, your Bordoodle’s eyes will look very small.

Collie Eye Anomaly is not super serious but does lead to blindness over time. While there is nothing to reverse the symptoms and effects, there are ways to help your Bordoodle dog get used to their loss of eyesight. If your Bordoodle dog does develop blindness, then it is important to create a safe zone for your dog. The first step should be to get rid of any furniture in the middle of your home. This way, there is a less likely chance your Bordoodle puppy will walk into the furniture. You should also buy your furry friend toys with scents and sounds to increase their activity level.

There are also antioxidant-rich supplements that protect against cellular damage. These vitamins include: vitamin C and vitamin E and are typically safe to give dogs. Not only do these vitamins help fight against cellular damage, but they also decrease inflammation that is often seen surrounding the eye of a Bordoodle. It can slow down the condition and strengthen the dog’s eyesight.

Eye Supplements We Love

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  1. Vision Supplement for Small Dogs
    $44.55 ($0.99 / Count)

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  2. Eye Care for Dogs Daily Vision Supplement
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    by Nutrition Strength 

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  3. Eye Support for Dogs
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    by Coco and Luna

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Ear Health

Bordoodle puppies have excellent ears and use their hearing for nearly everything. Because this is the case, it is essential to take care of their ears and clean them thoroughly. If not, they can develop ear infections and cause problems further down the line.

Middle Ear Infection

What is Middle Ear infection? Bordoodle puppies suffer from middle ear infections easily. These dogs suffer from ear infections because the Bordoodle size is large, and their coats are long. While some Bordoodles may have shorter coats, most of this dog mix breed has long hair over their ears. Middle ear infections can occur through open wounds and bacteria spreading through saliva, blood, and bodily fluids. Bordoodle puppies may spread middle ear infections to other dogs when playing at a park or with another furry friend.

Not only can middle ear infections spread from other dogs, but the air can contaminate Bordoodle puppies with an open wound. The wound does not have to be large. Bordoodle puppies often scratch themselves, which leads to cuts in their skin and coat that allow bacteria in. Contaminated food, surprisingly, can also infect the middle ear. Some foods that may easily contaminate with infections and viruses are meat, dairy, and egg products.

Middle ear infections thrive and develop in moist and dark areas. Since Bordoodle puppies have large ears that flop down, this creates a dark and moist area. If you do not clean your Bordoodle dogs’ ears well, it can develop into an ear infection, which is painful for your puppy. The Bordoodle size and weight play a role in ear infections as well. The smaller the ears, the more likely an ear infection will develop, as there are fewer places for water to hide.

The most common sign that your Bordoodle dog has an ear infection is that their ears are super red, inflamed, itchy, and they whine if you touch their ears. If the infection further worsens, then there is a possibility that your puppy’s ear infection will create a foul odor and waxy discharge.

It is easy and beneficial to prevent middle ear infections in Bordoodle puppies by cleaning and drying their ears properly. If you leave water or soap in their ears, the extra moisture can cause a middle ear infection. Ear infections may also develop because of blunt force trauma to the eardrum in contact with bacteria. Trauma to the eardrum is why it is important to not use Q-Tips, as they damage your Bordoodle dog’s eardrum.

If the middle ear infection gets worse, it may turn into deafness over time. While this is the case, it is not life-threatening but uncomfortable. The only way to find out the exact bacteria infecting your Bordoodles ear is to take your dog to a local veterinarian for testing. If not, any at-home solutions may worsen the outcome because each bacteria acts differently.

Outer Ear Infection

What is an outer ear infection, and how does it affect Bordoodle puppies? Just like the middle ear infection, an outer ear infection is an ear infection common in both Poodles and Border Collies because of their long and floppy ears. The fur around their ears causes a perfect breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. Outer ear infections are one of the most common infections that Bordoodles develop.

Otitis Externa is another name for an outer ear infection. While these infections are common, they are also hard to diagnose because of all the potential causes and the symptoms that mimic other ear health problems. One of the most common causes is that sometimes things get stuck in their ears, like food and other foreign objects. You may know this, but Bordoodles are not the cleanest animals and enjoy living an active and dirty lifestyle outside. Like their parents (Border Collies), Bordoodle dogs enjoy playing outside in the dirt.

Other serious conditions can cause an outer ear infection, like cancer. Pet owners should remain calm, though. While serious conditions can happen, they are not the most common possibility out of these causes. Typically, it is a simple infection that goes away with vet care or on its own, depending on the exact cause.

You can prevent outer ear infections in Bordoodle puppies by cleaning their ears properly. Instead of using harsh shampoos and ear cleaners, experts recommend using warm water and soap to dilute the built-up wax. Once the wax is out, you can pat dry your dog’s ears and the fur around their ears. If not dried, the trapped water can increase the number of bacteria in the area. Ear infections are also the reason that Bordoodles should be groomed frequently. Grooming services can trim any excess hair around their ears and inside their ears. Some Bordoodles, like Poodles, grow fur inside their ears that may damage their ears and introduce bacteria to open wounds.

bordoodle dog running through field

Ear Cleaning Solutions We Love

  1. Ear Cleaner for Dogs and Cats
    $13.99 ($1.75 / Fl Oz)

    by VetWELL 

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  2. Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser for Pets
    $20.08 ($2.51 / Fl Oz)

    by Virbac 

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  3. Ear Cleanse for Dogs

    by Nutri-Vet 

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Immune Health

Thankfully, there aren’t many conditions that Bordoodle puppies suffer from that trigger their immune system. While this is the case, pet owners should still strengthen their Bordoodle dog’s immune systems.


What is Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is an immune system condition caused by these two conditions: lymphocytic thyroiditis or idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy. Typically, the more common condition is idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy. In other words, your Bordoodle puppy’s immune system thinks that the thyroid gland is a foreign virus and attacks it, leading to it being destroyed and slowing down.

The metabolism of Bordoodle puppies is affected because of Hypothyroidism, as it is slowed down.
Since this is the case, Bordoodle dogs develop stomach problems like indigestion and a rapid increase in weight. The symptoms to watch out for in large Bordoodle size dogs are weight gain, slow metabolism, lack of energy or lethargy, slowed hair growth, and hair loss. If there are patches of fur missing on your Bordoodle, it is time to call your local veterinarian. Pet owners cannot treat this condition at home without expert care. There is no current cure for Hypothyroidism, and only pet owners can make changes to manage their levels.

Obesity in Bordoodle puppies can cause further problems and should be decreased if possible. Since it is likely that Bordoodles with Hypothyroidism also develop sudden weight gain, you should be ready to make changes to their diet and lifestyle. Feeding your dog unprocessed dog foods and homemade dog food with easy-to-digest fibers, not starch, is a good first step to decreasing their weight.

Hypothyroidism is diagnosed by testing with: total thyroxine (TT4) level blood samples (various and over time) that test all the thyroxine in the blood. If low, then it is likely your Bordoodle puppy has Hypothyroidism. This test is taken more than once because the levels in your dog change daily. It is difficult to diagnose Hypothyroidism because the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other conditions. The only thing that can help is naturally boosting your dog’s immune system at home. Boosting a Bordoodle puppy’s immune system may prevent the condition and also decrease the symptoms.

Naturally Boosting Immune System Health

Why is a healthy immune system necessary in Bordoodle puppies? Bordoodle size and weight contribute to the overall immune system health of the dog. If Bordoodle puppies weigh too much, it is unlikely that their immune systems are strong. The reason weight harms the immune system is that as weight increases, so does the pressure on your dog’s body.

When boosting the immune system for Bordoodle puppies, you can use a combination of quality supplements, exercise, and diet changes. The supplements that work well for boosting immune health in Bordoodle puppies are supplements with Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil has Omega 3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation. The decrease of inflammation is especially significant when fighting against viral and bacterial illnesses.

Since the Bordoodle size is a medium to large breed, they have large digestive systems that need further help. Probiotic supplements introduce healthy gut bacteria, which promotes healthy digestion. Healthy gut bacteria help build the immune systems of Bordoodle puppies because the digestive system and the immune system are connected.

Exercise is one of the best ways to support and boost the immune system of Bordoodle dogs. Any form of fat can create an overabundance of hormones that cause inflammation. To boost the immune system, get rid of any excess fat by encouraging play and exercise. Since Bordoodle dogs are related to Poodles directly, they excel in water sports and swimming. Swimming is a sport that these large Bordoodle size dogs not only enjoy but thrive in. Swimming burns a lot of fat, which promotes the strengthening of the immune system. Another way to burn fat in your dog is to take them on daily walks over forty minutes long.

All dogs need a meat-based diet to support their immune system and active lifestyle. Diet changes can promote healthy changes in your immune system. Not all dog food companies make dog food the same, and some may bring harm instead of benefits to your Bordoodle puppy. Dog foods on the market are typically made up of carbs and fibers that are hard to digest. Experts recommend a grain-free, starch-free diet with fresh meat and vegetables high in nutrients, as it will benefit your pooch more than you think. When your Bordoodle puppy has a poor diet, they are likely to develop infections and common sicknesses.

Immune Health Options We Love

  1. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs
    $29.97 ($2.68 / Ounce)

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  2. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

    by Ready Pet Go! 

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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats – Omega 3

    by Bark&Spark

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Joint Health

The joint health of Bordoodle puppies is extremely important because they are active dogs that use their legs in sports and exercise. However, both parents of the Bordoodle are at an increased chance of developing common joint health problems.

Hip Dysplasia

What is Hip Dysplasia? Canine Hip Dysplasia is a condition where the ball and socket are injured. In dogs with hip dysplasia, the ball and socket do not fit or develop properly, and they rub and grind instead of sliding smoothly. The grinding motion in Hip Dysplasia results in deterioration over time and an eventual loss of function of the joint itself. This condition develops in Bordoodle puppies.

The condition is hereditary and inherited from both Poodles and Border Collies. While it develops in puppies, the condition can worsen over time instead of suddenly. Not all puppies show signs of Hip Dysplasia. However, since Bordoodles are especially at risk for this condition, you should monitor them for signs. The signs that your dog is suffering from Hip Dysplasia are the inability to walk, whining when walking, being afraid of jumping on high surfaces, and limping.

The only way to diagnose Hip Dysplasia is with x-rays and further testing at home. The X-rays take pictures of the joints and bones surrounding your Bordoodle dog’s hip. The only treatment if your Bordoodle puppy has this condition is surgery. The life expectancy of Bordoodle puppies with this condition decreases because the pain and tension in your leg bring incredible discomfort and worsening conditions. The pain can be managed at home, though, by massaging your Bordoodle dog’s joints.

If your furry friend has Hip Dysplasia, you should prevent them from being too physically active, as they can harm themselves further. An orthopedic bed will also relieve tension and pain brought on by Hip Dysplasia. If your Bordoodle dog sleeps on a bed, you should provide them with a miniature staircase leading to higher furniture. Walking instead of jumping places less pressure on their legs.


What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a condition that affects older dogs typically. With Arthritis, the cartilage wears down and bones rub against each other. The condition is painful for Bordoodle puppies. Older dogs may develop this condition quicker, but Bordoodle puppies can still develop the condition. The pain increases, especially when walking and exercising. If you notice that your dog has difficulty or reluctance while standing from lying down or struggles to jump onto their bed, they are likely suffering from Arthritis.

The issue with diagnosing Arthritis is that the joint condition shares symptoms with other joint conditions. Bordoodle puppies are likely to develop this condition because both parents are active dogs. The Bordoodle size is medium, but their legs are long compared to their bodies. Since their legs are long and thin, the pressure and weight from living an active lifestyle slowly but surely deteriorates their joints.

Nothing at home can cure Arthritis, but preventing it from getting worse is possible. There are various products to give your dog relief that are natural, including supplements with vitamins and natural Omega 3s. Supplements with Omega 3s promote joint health as they reduce swelling on joints and hips. However, the only true cure is surgery, but not all Bordoodle puppies are eligible for this treatment as there are risks.

While this is a hereditary condition, weight management with diet and exercise may aid in preventing Arthritis in Bordoodle puppies. Experts also recommend using CBD oil because of its anti-inflammatory effects. CBD oil as a supplement can only prevent pain and treat the symptoms but does not delay further deterioration due to Arthritis.

Joint Health Options We Love

  1. Hip & Joint Supplement
    $22.99 ($16.57 / lb)

    by VetIQ 

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  2. Glucosamine for Dogs
    $29.97 ($0.33 / Count)

    by Zesty Paws 

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  3. Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews
    $9.99 ($1.59 / Ounce)

    by PetNC 

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    03/08/2024 07:41 am GMT

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Skin and Coat

You should take care of the magnificent coat and skin of the Bordoodle dog. Without proper care, Bordoodle puppies are likely to develop conditions that bring them pain and discomfort. Bordoodle dogs can develop Sebaceous Adenitis and fleas and ticks if pet owners aren’t careful.

Sebaceous Adenitis

What is Sebaceous Adenitis? Sebaceous Adenitis is a skin condition that Bordoodle puppies are susceptible to developing. In this skin condition, the skin suffers from inflammation due to a Bordoodle puppy’s immune system reaction. If your Bordoodle puppy has this condition, you will likely notice an overgrowth of skin cells resulting in dandruff that is difficult to remove. The symptoms and severity of Sebaceous Adenitis in Bordoodle puppies, however, depends on how long their coats are.

The Bordoodle’s size is large and impressive, which means that they have a lot of fur and skin. Having a lot of fur and skin also means continuous potential for skin conditions and infections. Long-haired Bordoodle puppies may develop lesions on their skin, red and white flakes, and open wounds from scratching.

The inflammation of your Bordoodle’s skin causes them to scratch out of irritation and to find relief. There is nothing wrong with finding relief; however, when your dog scratches, they leave entry points for bacteria that result in infections. If the condition worsens, Bordoodle puppies may lose their fur in areas like their stomach, paws, and neck.

There is no cure for this disease, but you can manage it in Bordoodle puppies before it worsens. You can manage this skin condition by providing shampoos, lotions, and oils to remove excess dandruff and flakes. The issue with this management technique is that it is not a cure and does not prevent the condition from flaring up. However, you can also manage Sebaceous Adenitis in Bordoodle puppies by providing supplements to boost their immune system. One of the most commonly used supplements for the immune system and dog’s coat is Omega 3 fatty acids.

Fleas and Ticks

Bordoodle puppies are also susceptible, like all other dogs, to catching fleas and ticks. These little bugs latch onto animals, including humans, and use their host as a home and a food source. Fleas and ticks are uncomfortable and can spread diseases to Bordoodle puppies as they are carriers.

Bordoodle puppies with long hair have the perfect hiding spot for both fleas and ticks. These small bugs are less than an inch long and wide, which is why they hide so well. Bordoodle puppies suffer when fleas and ticks are hiding in their coat. The Bordoodle size makes them a perfect target as well. These medium-sized dogs have many hiding places for fleas and ticks, unlike small dogs with little space.

If pet owners don’t manage and treat their Bordoodle puppies quickly from parasitic bugs, they are at risk of developing anemia. If these bugs drink too much blood from Bordoodle puppies, they can become anemic and die without treatment.

With this condition, veterinarian care is unnecessary, although you can always take your furry friend if you have any concerns. However, pet owners can treat and kill fleas and ticks at home with over-the-counter supplies. One thing that Bordoodle puppy owners can do is kill the small white eggs that latch onto their fur. Killing flea and tick eggs can be done with the use of a special shampoo made of zinc. Since Bordoodle puppies are active and come into contact with many things made of fabric, pet owners should wash everything with hot water. With fleas and ticks, though, one bath is not enough.

Fleas and ticks can jump from one dog to the other and burrow and jump into fabric like clothing, mattresses, and couches. However, hot water can kill the bugs and their eggs, preventing the fleas from coming back. Bordoodle puppies with an infestation in their fur may find themselves constantly scratching without finding relief and bleeding from scratching too hard. The cuts and scratches can lead to an infection if not treated or cleaned properly. Bordoodle dogs can also develop lumps and bumps from an allergy to fleas.

Skin and Coat Health Options We Love

  1. Skin & Coat Hickory Smoke Flavored Supplement
    $29.99 ($0.33 / Count)

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  2. Skin & Coat Vitamin Chews
    $26.99 ($0.30 / Count)

    by Natural Dog Company 

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  3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs

    by Natural Dog Company 

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  4. Skin and Coat Hickory Smoke Flavor
    $10.99 ($1.49 / Ounce)

    by VetIQ 

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There are only a few ways to prevent fleas and ticks on Bordoodle puppies. One way to do this is by shampooing your dog with a special shampoo that prevents fleas and ticks from hitching a ride on your furry friend. Also, you can limit puppy play dates if you don’t know if the other dog is a carrier.

Final Thoughts

Bordoodle puppies are truly wonderful dogs that belong to a large and active family. Although they are susceptible to inheriting conditions from their parents, pet owners can avoid this with the preventative techniques listed above, and routine visits to the vet.

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