Pomsky Environmental Allergies: What You Need to Know

pomsky puppy sitting in front of a pink background

The best way to take care of your Pomsky with an environmental allergy is to ensure that you know what triggers their allergy, properly prevent these triggers, and use medications where necessary.

Pomsky puppies have the appearance of fluffy miniature wolves, and dog lovers worldwide are enamored with them. These adorable pooches are a newcomer to the mixed-breed dog scene. A cross between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian produces Pomskies. They tend to follow their owners around the house (or apartment) in search of the attention that they crave. Pomskies enjoy running around and playing, and a well-trained puppy enjoys having children to play with. They combine the intelligence of a husky with the energy of a Pomeranian to create a hybrid dog.

What Are Environmental Allergies?

Environmental allergens are substances in our environment to which you may develop an allergic reaction. For example, pollen released into the air by trees, grasses, and weeds can be allergens. Pet dander (skin cells and proteins shed by all mammals) and pet saliva are examples of allergens. However, dogs are usually unaffected by these environmental allergies.

On the other hand, your immune system may react negatively to an otherwise harmless substance. Usually, your Pomsky’s immune system protects him from infection and disease, but in the case of environmental allergies, the immune system can actually harm the body.

The immune system reacts by releasing histamines, which cause inflammation, swelling, and itching. The signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction are then caused by inflammation.

Symptoms are usually caused by inhaling allergens, but they can also be caused by direct skin contact with allergens. Symptoms are seasonal in nature, much like environmental allergies in humans. However, symptoms may worsen over time, eventually becoming year-round. Seasonal or environmental allergies are frequently inherited, and the condition is referred to as “atopy.”

The incidence of environmental allergies in dogs is higher than that in cats, and it typically occurs between the ages of 1 and 3. When a dog’s immune system is hypersensitive to a substance, even one that is commonly found, the reaction occurs.

white pomsky laying in the grass

Environmental Allergies and Food Allergies

Inhaled allergens in the home and outdoors are harmful to dogs with environmental allergies. Dust, dust mites, pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, molds, and other contaminants are among them. The list of possible allergens is extensive, and it varies depending on the plants that grow in your area.

A food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs shortly after consuming a particular food. Even a small amount of the allergy-causing food can cause symptoms like bloating, hives, and swollen airways. Proteins from dairy products, beef, lamb, chicken, chicken eggs, soy, and gluten are the most common food allergens in dogs (from wheat). The antibodies react with the antigens every time a pet eats food containing these substances, causing symptoms.

Environmental allergies are not the same as food allergies, but they can be mistaken for one another. Because the signs and symptoms of environmental allergies and food allergies in dogs are often the same, treatment will most likely be trial and error.

Food allergies and environmental allergies do overlap, and about 30% of pets with food-responsive disease also have environmental allergies or flea allergies. Many pet allergies manifest as itchiness, recurrent infections, ear infections, or hair loss on the skin, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or a loss of appetite.

The timeline is one factor that can help distinguish these two types of allergies. Food allergies will persist throughout the year, while most environmental allergies will improve or disappear at some point.

pomsky standing inside in a house

Things That Trigger a Pomsky’s Environmental Allergies Environment

Environmental allergies do not jump on a Pomsky without cause. There are substances in the environment that either directly or indirectly cause Environmental allergies. These substances or objects are known as allergy triggers, and for your Pomsky like most other dogs, these Environmental allergy triggers vary, and they can be difficult to avoid. Effectively taking care of your Pomsky would demand your knowledge about these triggers and how to avoid them under everyday circumstances. This will help you handle your Pomsky’s environmental allergies better. These triggers include Pollen, dust, mold grass etc.


Environmental allergies by pollen can occur in a Pomsky, as your Pomsky may come into contact with pollen by simply touching pollen-laden plants with their face or feet. Inhaling pollen that is floating in the air is another option. Pollen allergy is an overactive immune system response to the substance in both dogs and humans. Pollen allergy season peaks in the spring and summer, but it can last well into the fall. Pollen is primarily found in grasses, weeds, flowers, and trees, which explains why. The pollen season for trees begins earlier in the year, while the pollen season for grasses intensifies as the year progresses. One of the most common kinds of environmental allergies is pollen allergy in dogs.

Special care products, such as face and paw wipes, shampoos or soaps, and special brushes, are some of the treatment options for pets who are mildly affected by pollen allergies.

Immunotherapy is another effective treatment for canine pollen allergy. This is a long-term treatment to make them less sensitive to a particular allergen, such as pollen. This treatment is tailored to each dog’s specific needs and can be given over time.

Grass and Weeds

Dermatitis, or itchy patches of skin, are common in Pomskies allergic to grass and flora. It usually affects one or two spots on the Pomsky’s body, but it can also affect the entire body. Watery eyes, noses, and scratchy throats are common symptoms in a Pomsky with grass allergies, though they are less severe than in humans.

close up photo of brown pomsky

Fungus and Mold

Mold produces spores, released into the air, causing allergic reactions in humans and animals. Mold can be found both inside and outside and thrives in damp, humid environments such as basements. Mold can be found in piles of wet leaves and decaying plant material outdoors during certain seasons. Outside, mold can grow all year, but dampness and humidity encourage it to grow more quickly. Inside, homeowners frequently work around the clock to prevent mold from spreading to places like the shower and window ledges.

As the first sign of irritation, Pomskies who inhale mold spores typically experience highly itchy skin. Inhalant allergy sufferers usually show symptoms before the age of three, though environmental allergies can develop in dogs of any age. There are numerous breeds believed to be sensitive to non-food allergens such as pollen and grasses. Mold is one of the most common canine inhalant allergens. Pets with multiple inhalant allergies are more likely to be allergic to other airborne allergens like pollen and dust mites.

Symptoms of Environmental Allergies in Your Pomsky

Allergy symptoms in Pomskies might vary depending on the cause. For example, a Pomsky in anaphylactic shock will have a reduction in blood pressure followed by shock, which is not the same as a skin disease.

However, the following signs could indicate an allergic reaction in general.

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Do you notice your Pomsky scratching and itching while still outside or after going inside? A mild, persistent itch or frantic scratching can both be symptoms of an allergy (including a pollen allergy) caused by increased exposure from being outside. Itching is one of the most typical early signs in your Pomsky reacting to environmental allergies.


Hives are a common skin irritation that can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental allergies. It’s reassuring to know that hives in your Pomsky normally clear up on their own without the need for medication.

four pomsky puppies laying in a flower field

Face, Ears, Lips, Eyelids, or Ear Flaps Swelling

Your Pomsky could show signs of swellings around the face, lips, or eyelids as a reaction to environmental allergies.

Excessive Licking

There are certain parts of the body that your Pomsky will excessively lick when they feel itchy, such as the belly, paws, and private parts (around the anus). An allergy is the most likely reason for your Pomsky to lick excessively or obsessively. Allergic itchiness is the first symptom of an allergy. Dogs licking themselves excessively are no doubt exhibiting excessive itchiness.


While sneezing could be attributed to multiple causes including a common cold in your Pomsky, it could also be a symptom of environmental allergies.

Hair Loss

Because of the scratching and inflammation caused by environmental allergies, hair follicles are damaged when the condition progresses or persists. Hair loss develops as a result of this condition. Your Pomsky may even gnaw and bite at their skin, leading them to lose their coats of hair. In the belly, legs, and tail area of the animal, this is common. Dogs with environmental allergies and associated skin irritation may have less hair on their bodies in general.

Red and Stinky Ears

The effects of allergens such as pollen are not limited to the skin; they can also produce inflammation in the ears of your Pomsky. This can result in red, inflamed ears that are susceptible to infection. Ears that are plainly red and inflamed as a result of this will be foul and stinky. Some dogs may just have slight discomfort and may not exhibit the striking symptom of reddish, odorous ears in the same way. Instead, they may demonstrate milder head shaking at the beginning of the allergic reaction.

pomsky puppy sitting in front of a blue background

Ear Infections That Last a Long Time

Ear infections in your dog could be a nasty occurrence, but when it begins to stay longer than expected, it could be a sign of environmental allergies.

Eyes That Are Itchy and Watery

When you notice your Pomsky is always trying to scratch its eyes, and its eyes are always watery, these could be signs of environmental allergies. You have to be watchful of possible allergens in your vicinity.

Sensitive Skin

Your Pomsky can exhibit sensitive skin that spasms or crawls when touched, which is common in their species. Some resilient dogs may not show many other indicators of allergies, but they will display crawling of the skin when they are petted on their backs. This is because allergies induce irritation and inflammation of the skin as the primary symptom. Some dogs may love back scratches sometimes too much! However, while we can’t fault a dog for seeking to be petted and scratched and for showing indications of affection, if your Pomsky exhibits the aforementioned signs in addition to an increased interest in being scratched, allergies should be investigated.

Some of these signs and symptoms could be a sign of something else.

Dealing With Environmental Allergies in Your Pomsky

When your Pomsky is suffering from allergic reactions to environmental allergies, he or she will always be restless. Despite the allergy, an effective calming spray could be used to help your Pomsky relax. Identifying and removing environmental allergens can be challenging, if not impossible. Some medications can be utilized, such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Claritin (loratadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine). Before giving any of these over-the-counter medications to your Pomsky, keep in mind that each dog reacts to antihistamines differently, according to the VCA. Some dogs may get drowsy, while others may become hyperactive. If you buy over-the-counter medicine for your Pomsky, make sure it doesn’t contain any other harmful substances, such as decongestants or pseudoephedrine. It’s also worth noting that the dosage for people and dogs will differ.

Bathing your Pomsky on a regular basis is another vital thing you can do to help your Pomsky get through the period of environmental allergies with ease. Other natural therapies may be used to assist your Pomsky in alleviating allergy problems. Fatty acid supplements are available. These can aid in the relief of itchy and irritated skin. Bathing your Pomsky with hypoallergenic shampoos regularly. This can aid in the removal of allergens such as pollen and grass that your Pomsky may come into touch with during your everyday routine. Certain therapeutic dog diets are designed to assist your Pomsky in managing his or her environmental allergies. These can be a great way to supplement, if not completely replace, more expensive medications.

pomsky dog on a walk on a trail

How To Keep Your Pomsky Safe From Environmental Allergies

Medicines can help you manage your Pomsky’s allergy symptoms once you’ve noticed them, but there are a few things you can do to avoid them in the first place. The suggestions below can assist you in preventing allergy reactions in your pomsky before they become a severe problem.

If your Pomsky is allergic to pollen or outdoor molds, keep windows closed and use air conditioning; do not use fans because they can mix up dust.

Filter the air you’re breathing. Install a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) and cover air conditioner vents with cheesecloth to filter pollen if you have a forced-air heater. Air filters should be changed regularly, and air ducts should be cleaned at least once a year.

To avoid mold formation or the spread of dust mites, keep the humidity in your home below 50%. Basements, garages, crawl spaces, barns, and compost heaps are all places where mold can grow. These locations should be cleaned on a regular basis. Your Pomsky would appreciate it.

Install dehumidifiers in basements and other places of the house where mold could accumulate, and clean them once a week. Before keeping damp clothes and shoes, air them out in the house.

You’ll also want to keep your Pomsky’s allergy exposure to a minimum. Before bringing your Pomsky home after playing outside, wipe their underbelly, paws, and legs with a baby wipe to remove allergens from their skin.

Baths with oatmeal shampoos every week can also be beneficial, but make sure the water is moderate, as hot water might dry and aggravate their skin. Bathing a dog with a medicated shampoo containing antihistamines or steroids usually works effectively.


Pomskies are a relatively new mixed breed, and their sensitivities to environmental allergies are currently being investigated as they grow more popular as pets. Allergies, which can affect both a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian, are very common in them. While seasonal allergies occur every year, their influence on your Pomsky’s health can be minimized with correct treatment and proactive steps. Not every strategy will work for every member of a litter, but with a bit of trial and error, you can figure out how to keep your Pomsky from being slowed down by environmental allergies.

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