Teacup Pomeranian Chronic Teeth and Gum Infections

teacup pomeranian running on concrete

Teacup Pomeranian

The Teacup Pomeranian is a smaller version of a purebred Pomeranian. Technically, the Teacup Pomeranian is not its own dog breed but part of the Pomeranian breed. The American Kennel Club did this with Poodles as well, making miniature and toy Poodles part of the Standard Poodle breed and not separate. The Teacup Pomeranian weighs between three and seven pounds, but the Teacup Pomeranian can weigh even less than that.

Teacup Pomeranian dogs themselves have grown in popularity throughout the world. In fact, there are Teacup Pomeranian dogs located worldwide, so it’s difficult to estimate how many there are of them. These dogs are popular because they’re friendly, intelligent, and energetic, just like the standard Pomeranian. These furballs love puzzles and training lessons. Teacup Pomeranian dogs are distant far-removed descendants of Huskies and even older sled dog breeds. Smaller-sized Pomeranians created this breed. Even though they’re small, they still maintain the energy Huskies have.

Some Teacup Pomeranians aren’t as friendly as the average Pomeranian, but most of these cases are because a pet owner didn’t correctly socialize their Teacup Pomeranian. If incorrectly trained or socialized, Teacup Pomeranians can become aggressive towards strangers, incredibly scared near new people, or they can develop separation anxiety. These dogs depend on their people, and they need their owners to advise them to be on their best behavior. Another form of bad behavior smaller dogs are known to have is barking. Teacup Pomeranians can bark often, but barking is their form of expression showing how they feel, and they get it from their relationship to the average Pomeranians. Teacup Pomeranians actually happen to bark the most when they’re playful or excited. But, when this gets to be too much noise, owners can train their intelligent Pomeranians to be quiet or stop barking on command.

There are a few behavioral downsides to Teacup Pomeranians, but overall, these dogs are great for single families, the elderly, apartment living, and any first-time dog owners. These dogs are easily trained and usually very friendly. If you are looking to adopt a Teacup Pomeranian, then you should be prepared to deal with all of its upsides and downsides, including the risk of health conditions.

teacup pomeranian sitting in a teacup

Teacup Pomeranian Health Risks

Teacup Pomeranians have many health risks common to toy breeds. For example, these dogs are at risk of hypoglycemia simply because of how small their body is. Small breed dogs can also face respiratory issues and chronic teeth infections.

Teacup Pomeranians are tiny dogs, and because of this their mouths are also tiny, and they don’t have much room for teeth and often have teeth crowding. Crowded teeth are nesting places for old food to turn into plaque which then turns into dental calculus, also known as tartar. When plaque turns into dental calculus, dogs begin experiencing the symptoms of chronic teeth infections.

For many small dog breeds, baby teeth don’t fall out correctly, and veterinarians have to remove old teeth to help prevent other gum infections from forming. This condition puts the Teacup Pomeranian at a somewhat elevated risk of developing dental diseases. However, more than 80% of dogs over the age of three have some form of dental disease. Potential Teacup Pomeranian owners must be ready to take care of any chronic teeth infections or gum infections their dogs may develop. Being a pet owner means you have to be able to support your dog through health issues. To help small Teacup Pomeranian puppies through the painful condition, owners can clean their dog’s teeth themselves, or they can take their dog to the veterinarian to receive regular cleanings.

Chronic Teeth and Gum Infections Explained

The chronic teeth infections and gum issues Teacup Pomeranians might face range in various conditions. Many places use chronic teeth infections, dental disease, and periodontal disease interchangeably, as they all mean the same thing. Teacup Pomeranian chronic teeth infections and gum infections are common in this toy breed, but they can receive treatment as long as owners provide proper oral care for their dog. A dog’s mouth can significantly affect other parts of the dog’s body. For example, heart disease and liver disease are prone to dogs that have periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease occurs when tartar affects your dog’s overall oral health. Sometimes, the periodontal disease can get so bad that a Teacup Pomeranian loses its teeth. When chronic teeth infections get too bad, a dog’s tooth decay has progressed to a point past saving. The majority of chronic teeth infections cases are mild in nature, and the canine tooth simply needs proper cleaning to be healthy again.

Some dogs are more predisposed to periodontal disease because of their breed genetics, body shape, or even the shape of their mouth. For example, vets believe that dogs with short snouts are at a somewhat elevated risk of developing chronic teeth infections.

teacup pomeranian running on concrete

The Cause of Chronic Teeth Infections

When Teacup Pomeranian eat their meals, food particles get wedged between their teeth, and this food turns into plaque and eventually becomes tartar. When dogs have tartar on their teeth, they have gingivitis. Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease and causes a dog’s gums to inflame. Gum tissue that’s swollen can separate the tooth from its original attachments to the gums, and gum infections can cause advanced periodontal disease. Chronic teeth infections are painful conditions that can lead to tooth loss, and gum infections can also lead to other health issues like heart valve disease.

Chronic teeth infections advance without treatment in a dog’s mouth. The second stage of this dental disease occurs when the attachment between the gums and teeth breaks, and the gum hangs free of the tooth. This stage then leads to stages three and four of chronic teeth infections, when the gums break down, causing the gums around the tooth to shrink, exposing more teeth. When the gums expose the teeth, they can go so far as to show the tooth root. Sometimes dogs experience a loose tooth, receding gums, or bone loss.

Poor dental health is one part of the cause of chronic teeth infections, and poor nutrition can add-on to any built-up plaque and bacteria and make it more likely for a dog to develop gum infections. Depending on your Teacup Pomeranian puppy’s age, periodontal disease may not affect them as heavily. A puppy tooth is much better to lose than any adult teeth, but often this disease comes much later in life.

Teacup Pomeranians Struggle with this Health Condition

Small breed dogs such as the Teacup Pomeranian are more likely to struggle with dental disease because of the small nature of their mouth. These tiny dogs are more likely to have overcrowded teeth, which cause their teeth to be misaligned. As stated earlier, dogs with smaller snouts are more likely to develop chronic teeth and gum infections. Teacup Pomeranian puppies with chronic teeth infections can typically receive treatment for their condition if the puppy’s owner or vet notices symptoms early enough.

two teacup pomeranians sitting in basket

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Signs Your Teacup Pomeranian has Chronic Teeth Infections

It’s challenging to discover any chronic teeth infections in dogs because dogs with clean white teeth may have some sort of gum infections that are only apparent through an X-ray. Because this is the case, all small dog owners need to take their dogs to the vet twice a year and make sure to make a dental exam part of every check-up. Teacup Pomeranians are much more at risk of chronic teeth infections than many other breeds. These dogs can often receive treatment that helps treat their oral health if they have earlier stages of this condition.

However, sometimes more advanced stages of chronic teeth infections can present themselves in your dog’s mouth. Stage one of periodontal disease is when gingivitis will show itself in your dog’s mouth by causing inflamed and irritated gums as well as bad breath and bleeding during or after a cleaning. Teacup Pomeranians with early stages of chronic teeth infections will be fine as long as they receive care and treatment for their oral health.

At stage two of periodontal disease, about 25% of a tooth’s attachment is lost or decayed. When this occurs, many of the same symptoms as stage one appears. Teacup Pomeranians will have bleeding gums during brushing; they’ll have red gums typically, as well as bad breath. Dogs in this stage of dental disease might show receding gums; however, some dogs with stage two don’t present this sign yet.

Stage three of chronic teeth infections is pretty far along with the progression of these conditions. When Teacup Pomeranians develop stage three of this chronic health condition, they’ll likely have all of the previous symptoms in addition to moderately receded gums and loose teeth. Treatment at this stage is crucial as veterinarians often perform some type of advanced dental procedure, and then owners need to provide daily cleanings for their dog’s health. Sometimes, vets recommend pulling certain teeth, especially if they are painful for your pup.

When stage four of periodontal disease occurs, Teacup Pomeranians have lost more than 50% of their teeths’ attachment to the gums. Many dogs in this progression of the dental disease have missing teeth, loose teeth, and teeth root exposure. Teacup Pomeranians can also have pus in their gums around their teeth or any spots where their teeth fell out. Dogs with stage four of the dental disease have little chance of oral health recovery. Veterinarian dentists would likely recommend removing any teeth in stage four of periodontal disease from the Teacup Pomeranians’ mouth.

Dogs that experience dental diseases might behave differently depending on the progression of their specific condition. Some dogs may aggressively fight when they get their teeth brushed, mainly because it’s painful for them. Some Teacup Pomeranians might smack their gums or start chewing differently than they did before they had the disease. Some dogs become more solitary and begin spending time alone or acting aggressively towards their owners or when people come near them. Many dogs that experience dental health conditions are reluctant to play with chew toys or ropes.

If you have a Teacup Pomeranian and see blood when you brush your pup’s teeth, it’s best to talk to your vet immediately. Vets will be able to actually diagnose a condition to determine the severity of your Teacup Pomeranian puppy’s chronic teeth infections.

teacup pomeranian sitting in teacup

How Veterinarians Diagnose Gum Infections

Vets can only diagnose dental disease through X-ray examinations and tooth probing. These methods are the only ways to definitively figure out what in the mouth has been affected by the dog’s oral health and how it can alter their overall health. Vets have to look at every canine tooth individually to determine its stage of periodontal disease. Only after completing an entire examination and making sure no teeth are in stage four can vets recommend the proper treatment method for your pup.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for Teacup Pomeranians with this condition vary depending on the severity of their dental disease. For example, any teeth in stage one of periodontal disease can receive a professional dental cleaning treatment. Specialists will remove plaque and tartar from the surfaces on the gums and teeth. Because stage one of periodontal disease only means the gums are inflamed, and the tooth has excessive amounts of tartar, the treatment for this stage of the condition is much easier than all the other stages. Only this condition can be thoroughly cleaned off of a stage one tooth. This means if your Teacup Pomeranian develops periodontal disease, an early diagnosis can save you from more trouble, and you can prevent severe side effects from ever happening! If the only teeth affected by the dental disease in your Teacup Pomeranian puppy’s mouth are in stage one, then all owners need to do is get those teeth cleaned, and then you’re in the clear.

Sadly, because early symptoms are hard to spot, not every Teacup Pomeranian that experiences dental diseases will show signs early on in their progression. When dogs reach stage two of this condition, vets will recommend a professional cleaning and a deep cleaning. Deep cleaning allows vets to put a Teacup Pomeranian puppy under anesthesia and probe your dog’s mouth to see if there are any abnormal pockets in the gums. Vets can then apply an oral gel to prevent further spreading of those pockets.

When stage three occurs, veterinarians must perform more advanced treatments on Teacup Pomeranian puppies. They will remove any teeth beyond repair and do an advanced restorative method to bring teeth in poor health back into good health. Also, vets will create a diligent home-care way to clean your pup’s teeth and better their overall oral health.

Sadly, there is nothing to be done when a dog gets to stage four of dental disease. Teeth in stage four of any dental diseases will be riddled with infections and need removal. If you don’t do anything for teeth at this stage, it can cause your dog excessive pain and even lead to other health issues. Sometimes, stage four can cause a tooth to rot all the way to the center nerve, which can cause extreme discomfort for any affected Teacup Pomeranian. This is why it’s so important to get your Teacup Pomeranian treatment as soon as they begin experiencing swollen gums or bleeding gums after brushing.

teacup pomeranian sittin in grass


Dogs with dental disease can have varying prognoses based on how far their conditions are along. Dogs with stage one of any dental disease have excellent prognoses. They will be completely fine as long as their owner begins offering them regular dental care. Stage two and stage three cases of dental diseases are less hopeful. However, owners can rest assured treatment methods at these stages can save your dog’s teeth, so they don’t have any further issues. So, if a dog in stage two and three receive proper treatment, it will likely have many of their teeth left and can maintain oral health with professional help and diligent at-home cleanings. After their ordeal, dogs in stage four of dental disease will almost certainly have different lifestyles. Any Teacup Pomeranian puppy will have to have a wet-food-only diet as they won’t have all their teeth.

Life Expectancy of a Teacup Pomeranian with Gum Infections

Teacup Pomeranians can expect to live an average of seven to twelve years, and the average Pomeranian lifespan can last up to 16 years. Dogs with the dental disease don’t often get shortened lifespans. However, it’s worth noting that poor dental health can lead to other health conditions such as kidney disease or failure. Situations like those are much more threatening.

A Teacup Pomeranian’s Quality of Life After Dental Disease

Pomeranians with dental diseases will maintain a similar quality of life to before they had dental issues. As long as owners are sure to take their pocket-sized dogs to the vet regularly and ensure getting their teeth checked every visit, then these pups will be in excellent health.

Teacup Pomeranians aren’t high-maintenance dogs, but they are relatively illness-prone. These dogs are unlucky because their small size risks so many illnesses, but it’s also their size that makes them so cute. If potential owners know they can provide plenty of company to these adorable dogs, that’s all they need to maintain a happy life at home.

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