Poodle Guide: The Ultimate Breed Information Guide

close up of happy poodle face with mouth open


The Poodle breed is a popular companion and is easily recognizable. They're famous in France and one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide. The Poodle has become famous for its fantastic hairstyle, variability, and unparalleled smarts. These pups come in three different sizes, the Toy Poodle, the Miniature Poodle, and the Standard Poodle, and even though there are three sizes, all sizes comply with the same breed standards and behaviors. Poodle puppies are excellent retrievers and love jogging, walking, swimming, fetching, and other doggy sports, no matter their size.

Poodle may seem to have a high and mighty outlook, but that is often wrongfully due to their royal past. These dogs have a history of getting down and dirty while carrying their signature playful attitudes. Poodle puppies maintain an air of dignity while working, but they also love playing around. Poodle puppies love company, and they've worked with people for hundreds of years, so they crave companionship.

Because of the Poodle breed's variations in size, they can weigh anywhere from six to seventy pounds and stand anywhere from ten to twenty-two inches at their shoulders. These Poodle puppies live an average lifespan of twelve to fifteen years. These pups have famous bouncy, soft, curly hairstyles, but one of the most exciting things about their hair is that it isn't fur. Most Poodle puppies grow fur which can only grow to a certain point before shedding. Poodles have hair because their hair never sheds, but it can respond to hormonal changes. For example, female Poodles can experience hair loss and thinness after having a litter of puppies.

Poodle puppies get along great with strangers, kids, dogs, and all sorts of families. These pups are highly social, and as long as they're socialized correctly, they have the potential to be happy in any family home.

These Poodle puppies have special personalities to match their energetic hearts. Many people have seen the way Poodles stand out among other breeds and notice how Poodle puppies are both dignified, sweet, loving, and hard-working all at once. Their relationship with people has lasted for hundreds of years, and their companionship is almost unmatched. In fact, many American idols have owned Poodles like Elvis Presley, Jackie Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, and Walt Disney.

Poodles are great dogs for first-time owners, thanks to their easy-going personalities and intelligence. Poodle puppies can be large, but as long as they get enough daily exercise, they can be great apartment dogs as well. However, Poodle puppies aren't happy to be alone, so getting a cat or a second dog to keep them company would be a great idea.

group of poodles on bench with woman

History of the Poodle

Although this breed has become a French icon, the Poodle breed originated in Germany. Poodle puppies originally got the name 'pudel,' which is German and means 'splashing in water.' Poodle puppies were great hunting dogs and were actually water retrievers, and they hunted ducks and birds and brought them back to their owners. In french, Poodles are called 'caniche,' which means 'duck dog.' Even though this sounds like ancient history, many waterfowl hunters still use Poodles to hunt today.

The famous Poodle hairdo is from their time in Germany as hunting dogs. These dogs needed protection from the cold water, so owners shaved their hair strictly around their joints and upper torso to protect vital organs and sensitive areas. They proceeded to remove the rest of the hair off the Poodle's body to make them more efficient swimmers.

Even though the Standard Poodle is the oldest size of this dog breed, the miniature and toy Poodles have appeared in history for hundreds of years. It's likely that during the 17th century, these dogs gained popularity all around Europe, and many people started breeding Poodles to be smaller so they could be perfect companion puppies for their owners.

Some paintings suggest Poodles have been royal dogs since nearly the 15th century. Eventually, in the 17th century, Louis XIV saw some Poodle puppies in his visits and brought some back home with him. Because of his pups during his reign, french royal families fell in love with the Poodle look and their personalities, and this frenzy is part of what gave the Poodle their French associations. While Poodles became popular in France, they became dogs bred for companionship rather than hunting. However, because of how intelligent Poodles are, they need jobs to occupy their energy and minds. Poodle puppies started showing up in street performances, courses, or dog competitions in France. Even though Poodle puppies are so energetic, they are part of the non-sporting dog breed group.

Poodles have very few downsides, but sometimes these pups are known to be enthusiastic barkers. Rarely Poodle puppies may behave aggressively, but this can be tied back to improper socialization.

Poodle Intelligence

Poodles are the second most intelligent dog breed globally, and they are only second to the Border Collie. Because Poodles are such intelligent dogs, they work as service dogs, guide dogs, therapy dogs, or assistance dogs for people with other types of physical disabilities. Poodle puppies began working as hunting dogs for water creatures, and over time toy Poodles began working as truffle hunters. Poodle puppies have generational intelligence that aids them in keeping their mind sharp.

Poodles are so intelligent they usually need something to occupy their minds, and that's why Poodles have come to know so many jobs. Poodles excel at competitions or sports like obedience, agility, and hunt tests. Poodles are among the most easily-trainable dog breeds and are great for novice owners. Thanks to their friendly personas and exciting energy, these dogs just need something to stimulate their minds. Poodles are intelligent dogs and need tasks to live their best lives. Puzzle toys and daily exercise of at least two hours can help these dogs thrive.

Young woman is lying and sleeping with poodle dog in bed.

Psychological Health


Many dog breeds suffer from epilepsy and need medications to control their seizures and symptoms. Poodle puppies are at an elevated risk of developing cognitive health issues like epilepsy. While any size of the Poodle can inherit epilepsy, the standard size Poodle is the most at risk. There are many different causes of epilepsy, and while some are hereditary, sometimes epilepsy can also be caused by brain malformations or toxins.

Epilepsy can be present in different ways in Poodles. There are many kinds of epilepsy and different seizures Poodles with epilepsy can experience. Usually, when Poodle puppies have epilepsy, they experience reoccurring seizures caused by abnormalities in their brains. Poodle puppies that experience epilepsy might start showing signs as young as six months of age. Your Poodle puppies' vet can only diagnose a specific type of epilepsy once they understand the causes of their seizures and only then provide your puppy with the proper treatment.

There are many different types of epileptic seizures Poodle puppies might experience while suffering from this health condition. One specific type of seizure is called an atonic seizure, and it occurs when a pup loses muscle tone very suddenly, and it can last several seconds. A myoclonic seizure is when a dog experiences quick contractions of either one muscle or a group of muscles. A similar type of seizure is the tonic seizure, where Poodle puppies suddenly experience increased muscle tone, which can last a few minutes. A tonic-clonic seizure happens when a pup has the same symptoms of a tonic seizure but has short jerking movements immediately after their tonic seizure symptoms.

A status seizure occurs when seizures rapidly follow each other, or one seizure occurs for five minutes or longer. Poodle puppies with epilepsy might experience different types of seizures, including focal seizures, cluster seizures, and generalized seizures. Focal seizures happen when only part of the dog's brain is affected, so they only show symptoms in half of their body. Cluster seizures are multiple seizures that occur within shorter time intervals; most clinicians define this as two or more seizures in one 24-hour period. Lastly, a generalized seizure occurs in both hemispheres of the brain and can have many different symptoms. We'll list more symptoms epileptic Poodle puppies may show later in this section.

Poodle puppies with epilepsy are somewhat rare in that the most common type of seizures they experience begin as focal seizures and branch out into a generalized seizure. These seizures might look like Poodle puppies have an aggressive twitch in their leg that spreads across their whole body.

Sometimes, Poodle puppies may experience reactive seizures or reflexive seizures. These seizures are due in large part to a dog's surroundings. A reactive seizure occurs when a specific stimulus affects a dog. For example, eating toxins or anything causing metabolic derangement can cause reactive seizures. Environmental factors like noises, lights, among other alarming things, can cause reflective seizures. This type of seizure might happen because of trips to the groomer or vet. Neither of these two types of seizures is considered epileptic seizures, but Poodles are still at risk of experiencing them. If your Poodle puppy ever experiences seizures like these, it's best to get them to their vet as soon as possible. The last two types of seizures, the reflexive and the reactive, aren't considered epileptic seizures because they don't occur due to problems in the brain. Epileptic seizures occur because of some neurological issues caused by epilepsy.

Genetics and unidentifiable structures in the brain cause idiopathic epilepsy, and metabolic disease can also cause this type of epilepsy. Sometimes idiopathic epilepsy is caused by a specific genetic defect carried in certain breeds. All three types of the Poodle are more commonly affected by idiopathic epilepsy than any other type. Poodle puppies with no structural abnormalities and are between the ages of one to five years old with normal neurological functions are most commonly found to have idiopathic epilepsy.

Identifiable structural issues or malformations in the brain cause structural epilepsy. This type of epilepsy may also occur after an inflammatory disease affects the brain or after a brain tumor appears. Head trauma or strokes can also cause this type of epilepsy to occur. Vets can test for this type of epilepsy once Poodle puppies begin showing neurological abnormalities between their seizures. Also, vets may consider this type of epilepsy if your Poodle puppy is outside the typical age range that idiopathic epilepsy gets diagnosed.

Refractory epilepsy is when a dog experiences seizures while being treated for epilepsy, and usually means the medication they are taking is not effective anymore. Typically this means that two different epileptic drugs fail, and this type of epilepsy occurs in 30-40% of all dogs diagnosed with epilepsy.

Another type of epilepsy is the epilepsy of an unknown cause. This type of epilepsy typically means vets suspect structural epilepsy is apparent but has no identifiable reasons or evaluations.

For Poodle puppy parents to best help their dogs with their health condition, they need to identify different symptoms and things Poodle might experience while suffering from epilepsy. If any owner believes their Poodle puppies have epilepsy, they should record whatever observable symptoms they can.

Notifying your vet about the affected body parts, the length of seizures, when they occur, how often they occur, and your dog's behavior after the attacks occur can best help a vet identify the cause of these seizures. Owners need to know an interictal period is the time between episodes occurring, and a postictal period is a time immediately following attacks. Knowing your dog's behavior during these times can help identify the cause of seizures. Automatisms are repetitive motor activities that resemble movements under voluntary control like licking, smacking lips, or chewing. Noticing if your dog has these behaviors during seizures can also help vets.

When Poodle puppies experience seizures, the list of symptoms is long and varied. Some Poodle puppies could experience blindness, sedation, anxiety, or difficulty standing. If you notice your dog had a strange precipitating event before the seizure, this information is crucial for vets to most accurately diagnose epilepsy.

There are no preventative measures Poodle puppy owners can take to prevent epilepsy. The best thing owners can do to help the Poodle puppies is to remain informed and astute to their dog's actions. Vets can treat Poodles with epilepsy by prescribing anti-epileptic drugs. These drugs work by blocking the neurotransmitters that cause seizures. Some of these drugs won't work in particular dogs, and sometimes, vets will prescribe more than one drug to treat epilepsy. These drugs can have significant side effects that affect your dog's behavior or other health factors, which is why it's so crucial for vets to be able to determine the cause of seizures properly. Sometimes dogs can't receive treatment for epilepsy, but this is rare. Some owners have found that CBD helps dogs have less frequent recurring episodes. Although this is not an official treatment, Poodle puppy owners can always talk to their vet about the benefits of treating epilepsy with CBD. While there are many treatment options, epilepsy cannot be cured. Poodle puppies will need treatment for the extent of their lives.

Separation Anxiety

Poodle puppies are very loyal dogs, making these dogs more likely to suffer from separation anxiety. Poodle puppies with separation anxiety might seem anxious or depressed right before their parents leave, and they might misbehave when their parents aren't home. Poodle puppies that act like this are often suffering from separation anxiety.

Adopted or rescued Poodle puppies are much more likely to suffer from separation anxiety. However, Poodle puppies raised in a one-family home since puppyhood are much less likely to suffer from separation anxiety as long as they receive proper training at a young age. Unfortunately, the Poodle breed comes predisposed to separation anxiety because of their long nature of accompanying people. The Toy Poodle especially has a terrible habit of suffering from separation anxiety. If any Poodle puppies experience any forms of abandonment, trauma, change in guardianship, or change in residence, then they are more likely to experience separation anxiety.

Sometimes separation anxiety can fool owners because some signs of it are positive. Some Poodle puppies greet their owners as if they've been gone for weeks instead of the three hours they were away, and while this can be cute, it's done out of anxiety. Some Poodle puppies consistently get so excited when their owners are home they make themself cough from getting so worked up. They jump, lick, nibble, or get those adorable energy bursts all because their family finally came home. These signs can seem sweet, and Poodle puppies without anxiety may do these things too, but it's essential to be aware that some Poodle puppies struggle when their owners leave.

Symptoms of separation anxiety could look like your dog howling, chewing, digging, or in other ways destroying your home and space when you aren't home. They might try to prevent you from ever leaving the house, and some Poodle puppies could get aggressive to try to stop their parents from going. These dogs might urinate or defecate out of anxiety while they're left alone. There is a wide range of symptoms that Poodle puppies with separation anxiety experience, and usually, the more often and severe the symptoms, the more complicated their separation anxiety is.

Give your Poodle puppies a special treat they only ever receive when left alone. To correctly accustom a dog to being left alone, owners need to leave their Poodle puppies alone in short periods that slowly extend with the puppies' comfortability. Once your dog becomes more comfortable, you can start extending the time you're gone, and eventually, you can start giving them fewer treats.

Some owners try treating their pups' separation anxiety by providing medications. CBD is also a common practice to treat separation anxiety, and some CBD oils are made specifically for Poodles. Some vets may recommend mild separation anxiety with counterconditioning techniques.

Counterconditioning is a treatment meant to slowly change an animal's fearful, aggressive, or stressful reaction to a good one instead. This treatment can only be successful when owners are patient and work with their pups slowly. Poodle puppy owners have to try giving their pups puzzles to entertain themselves or leave them alone for ten minutes at a time, always rewarding them when you come back. Buying your dog a comfy bed and some fun toys can also help them pass the time while you're away.

Some Poodle puppies are more high maintenance. In severe cases of this health condition, Poodle puppies get so anxious they don't eat. These cases require much more complex desensitization techniques, and it's best to get an animal behaviorist or a professional dog trainer to help you. Certified trainers will understand where your dog's fears root from and help unfold the best way to help them manage their separation anxiety. Once fully rehabilitated, Poodle puppies can be free of their separation anxiety. However, if another inciting incident such as abandonment or trauma occurs, these factors can cause separation anxiety to appear all over again.

Physical Health


Poodle puppies naturally have dry skin issues, and allergies are almost always the number one cause of dry skin on Poodle puppies. More often than not, food allergies cause these pups skin irritation, and dog breeds with hair instead of fur more commonly experience dry skin allergies. Certain food additives can affect dogs in more ways than just their nutrition, and chemical preservatives, artificial flavor, and artificial coloring commonly give dogs allergic reactions. Poodle puppies can also experience allergies to specific types of protein, like poultry, but it is rarer for meats to cause allergic reactions.

Sometimes, Poodle puppies can experience allergies from their surroundings. Things like bedding, carpeting, or other fabrics your dog can come into contact with can cause them to have reactions. Often dogs with dry noses have this problem because they eat/drink water out of plastic bowls. Other allergies Poodle puppies may face include seasonal allergies like pollen. Like humans, dogs can have allergies to flowers, plants, and weeds. Dust or cleaning product residue can also irritate a dog's allergies.
Poodle puppy owners can't do much to preemptively treat their dog's skin allergies.

Owners can try to prevent skin allergies by using shampoo or conditioners that help their dog's skin. However, if your dog's allergic reaction doesn't affect their skin, this won't support them. Most of the time, these allergies have mild symptoms and side effects. Poodle puppies suffering from allergies might get rashes, lose patches of fur, have breathing issues, sneezing, hot spots, itchiness, or red, teary eyes.

The best way owners can help their Poodle puppies through their allergies is to find out what they're allergic to, whether it be food, some dust, or a plastic feeding bowl. Poodle puppies can clearly be allergic to many things, so it's best to do this through a trial and error method. If your Poodle puppy is experiencing an allergic reaction, try changing their food and see if their allergies change as well.

Change any treats you give them to see if that helps relieve their allergies. Make sure your home is free of dust and cleaning product residue. You can use air cleaners or humidifiers, and you can look into filters to clean your house with pet-safe materials. Also, owners could try to eliminate excess dust by making sure any vents in their home are cleaned and asking visitors to take their shoes off at the door. Make sure your Poodle puppies eat from metal bowls. If your pup ends up being allergic to your carpeting, in place of replacing all of your carpeting, owners can train Poodle puppies to only rest/lay down on their dog beds, safe blankets, or couches. If owners try all of these options and allergies persist, it's best to talk to a vet about possible medical treatment options.

Young girl is resting with a dog on the armchair at home .

Allergy Relief Options We Love

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  2. Seasonal Allergy Relief | Dog Allergy Supplement
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Gut Health


Many larger dogs and dog breeds are at higher risk of developing bloat. Even though the Toy poodle and the Miniature Poodle are smaller dogs, they are still at elevated risk of developing bloat because all variants of the Poodle breed are. About 2.4% of all Standard Poodle puppies suffer from bloat every year. This percentage is partly because of the hereditary effect bloat has on dogs and because larger dogs with deep chests are more at risk of developing this health condition because of the room their stomach has to twist. However, many small dogs experience bloat as well.

When bloat occurs, which can also be called gastric-dilatation volvulus, a dog's stomach gets stuck, restricting excess gas from releasing, which in turn causes bloat. Sometimes, if this health condition elevates enough, a dog's stomach will twist, preventing any gas from exiting. When this happens, some stomach tissue tears and will become dead scar tissue. A dog's stomach might bloat to the point of putting pressure on their lungs, causing them breathing difficulties.

Some Poodle puppies experiencing bloat may try to throw up but fail. Sometimes, a Poodle puppy's stomach will visibly bloat and feel firm. Some pups try to stretch it out by laying their paws down and leaning towards with their butts in the air. When Poodle puppies unexpectedly pass out, excessively drool, or begin pacing, these may be signs they're experiencing bloat.

No matter the dog, bloat is a life-risking health condition. If a dog goes without treatment for bloat, it will die. So, Poodle owners need to know the signs and symptoms of this lethal health issue. When Poodle puppies begin experiencing bloat, the best thing owners can do to help them is take them to an emergency vet clinic. The rate of severity it takes for bloat to become life-threatening is different for every dog. However, if owners notice this health condition in time, vets may be able to simply put a tube in your dog's throat to help them naturally release the excess gas. Sometimes, vets may need to perform a gastropexy surgery that aids a Poodle by attaching their stomach lining to their abdomen to ensure the stomach cannot flip again.

It's a good idea for owners to take preventative measures to prevent bloat in the Poodle puppies. Poodles are among the twelve most likely breeds to get bloat. If owners pay attention to how their pups eat and how they behave after, they might be able to stop actions that cause bloat. For example, scarfing down food is a common way to get bloat. Activities like eating one large meal daily, drinking excessive amounts of water immediately after eating, vigorously exercising right after eating, or eating from an elevated food bowl can make Poodle puppies more likely to experience bloat. Owners should make sure their Poodle puppies don't follow any of these behaviors that can increase the risk of this life-ending health condition.

Bloat is one of the leading causes of death in dogs, and this health condition takes the lives of about 30% of dogs that experience bloat. Understanding activities that make bloat more likely and knowing how to spot bloat can be detrimental to saving your Poodle puppies' lives. Sometimes bloat can take thirty minutes to be lethal to Poodle puppies, but sometimes it can take several hours. Poodle puppies experiencing bloat will always need veterinarian care to help them.

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  2. Probiotics Chew for Dogs
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  3. Digestive Probiotic Soft Chews
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    03/08/2024 08:14 am GMT

Eye Health

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

Poodles are one of the many breeds predisposed to experiencing progressive retinal atrophy. They carry a gene mutation in their breed, causing this blinding health disease. Poodle puppies can inherit this health condition genetically, although Poodles need two copies of this mutated gene to experience progressive retinal atrophy. Poodle puppies experiencing progressive retinal atrophy lose their eyesight slowly over time. This disease typically appears within the first few months of a Poodle puppy's life. By the time these Poodle puppies reach one year old, they will likely be blind, although some owners found a way to postpone their dog's blindness until they were three to four years old.

When progressive retinal atrophy affects a Poodle puppy's eyes, it slowly degenerates the rods and cones in the eyes. Poodle puppies with this health condition lose sight at night first. When they begin losing this ability, they may become frightened of going outside at night or jumping onto a bed in the dark. After Poodle puppies lose their night vision, dogs lose their peripheral vision. Poodle puppies in this stage might be terrible at catching treats or toys and may get startled easily. Lastly, progressive retinal atrophy targets a Poodle puppy's day vision, and the dog is left entirely blind. Poodles with this degenerative eye disease may become more frightened or nervous than they did before the disease began affecting their sight. Dogs might jump if they're touched from behind or if any loud noises occur close to them. Your dog may become disinclined to climb stairs or jump onto furniture. Thankfully, when dogs adapt to their vision loss, they won't be so scared or nervous and will keep their playful attitudes. If you see any of these symptoms in your Poodle, you should talk to your vet.

While owners have tried to treat this disease with supplements or additional treatments, there are no official treatments to extend a dog's vision. Sometimes Poodle puppies with this disease grow cataracts before they lose all of their vision but still become blind because cataracts block their eyes. If this situation is caught early enough by an owner or vet, surgery can remove those cataracts, prolonging your dog's eyesight. Dog's with progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts will still go blind if their cataracts get removed.

Owners need to be able to assist their Poodle puppies in becoming blind. Because this happens over a series of weeks, dogs can usually adapt pretty well on their own to their limited eyesight. Sometimes, dogs may have a hard time walking or turning corners in your house. Over time your dog will adjust to these little things and maneuver around better. Owners can assist pups by marking certain rooms with scented or tactile markers. Making your bathroom smell like lavender, the kitchen like lemon, and the living room like oranges provide very different scents. Scent markers might not be a big thing for us, but smell is a dog's number one sense, so it makes sense they would better adapt to their surroundings this way if they lost their eyesight. Owners can also help their Poodle puppies feel comfortable by training them with verbal cues instead of hand motions. Always go with your blind dog outside and never let them off the leash. If your dog starts to get nervous outside when they lose their vision, give them plenty of praise and pets and let them know you're there.

Poodles can carry a trait for this disease without being affected, making it hard to eradicate diseases like this out of breeds. These pups only need some extra attention, and they're sure to be just as happy as any other puppy.


About thirty different dog breeds are predisposed to inheriting cataracts, and all sizes of the Poodles are among the most commonly affected. Cataracts are caused by lumping up proteins in the eyes, creating a cloudy film blocking the dog's eyesight, and Poodle puppies can go blind from cataracts.

Cloudy eyes can appear in a dog's face overnight. If you and your vet are adamant about checking your dog's health, you should be able to spot cataracts early on. Depending on the cause of cataracts and how early in their development you catch them, vets may recommend surgery to remove your dog's cataracts. Vets then use plastic or acrylic films to replace the ones they remove because of cataracts. The downside of this is that surgery can be very costly. Other than surgery, there are not many treatments for cataracts.

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Ear Health

Ear Infections

Dog breeds with a lot of hair are more prone to ear infections. Dog hair usually acts as a preventative measure to keep bacteria and diseases out of vulnerable places like ears and eyes. Still, sometimes, hair can cause bacterial infections or ear infections. If Poodles don't receive proper grooming, they can suffer from ear infections. Poodles are the fifth most commonly affected breed for ear infections.

If Poodle puppies are experiencing an ear infection, they can have signs and symptoms that accompany this health condition. Poodle puppies that often shake their head, scratch near their ears, rub their ears on furniture/flooring, or experience hair loss in the area surrounding the ear may suffer from ear infections. If your Poodle puppies also experience brown, yellow, or bloody ear discharge, it's essential to get them to the vet as soon as possible, as these are also symptoms of ear infections. Ear infections can cause swelling or scabs to form inside or outside the ears. Poodle puppies with ear infections may also act silly in that they may have an unusual balance or eye movements.

If you think your Poodle puppy has an ear infection, you must write down any actions that can signal an ear infection. You should be able to tell your vet any symptoms, allergies, or medications your dog has. If your dog has an underlying health condition, this can also help a vet determine the proper treatment route. Vets will want to know how often you clean your dog's ears and with what. It's also helpful to let vets know if you pluck the hair inside your dog's ears or if your dog has a history of ear infections. Telling your Poodle puppy's vet the frequency you bathe your pup is also helpful.

Thankfully there are many treatment options for Poodle puppies with ear infections. The treatment process will be different for most Poodle puppies suffering ear infections, but vets may just clean your dog's ears with a particular solution. They may prescribe you this solution to clean your dog's ears when you're home. Often, ear infections resolve entirely after a few weeks of consistent treatment. However, if an underlying health condition causes your dog's ear infection, then these infections can last for months or may become a chronic issue.

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  2. Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser for Pets
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  3. Ear Cleanse for Dogs

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    03/08/2024 08:39 am GMT

Immune Health

Von Willebrands Disease

Von Willebrands disease is common in Standard Poodles, which makes all sizes of the Poodle affected by this risk. However, Toy Poodles are much more at risk of developing this disease than other types of Poodles. If your Poodle puppies suffer from Von Willebrands disease, they have a specific type of blood deficiency. Von Willebrand found this disease, and he noticed some animals, like dogs and humans, lack a particular factor that helps improve blood clotting.

Poodle puppies with this disease experience bleeding more often than others, and they may go through spouts of nose bleeds or bleed from their gums or minor wounds for long periods. Poodle puppies with this disease often show few symptoms and don't get diagnosed until three to five years old.

As mentioned, Poodles are at an elevated risk of developing this disease. To have this health condition, a Poodle needs to inherit the gene trait that causes this issue from both of their parents. Poodles can carry this gene but not be affected if they don't have two copies of it. About 9% of Standard Poodles carry the trait for this disease, with only 1% being affected by this disease. Although this disease affects their ability to clot blood, it isn't life-threatening.

To help Poodle puppies with Von Willebrands, owners can ask their vets to test for this issue. Because this disease is usually mild in nature, dogs can live with it quite peacefully until they get diagnosed. However, if Poodle puppies experience surgery or accidents where they bleed a lot, they can be in a lot of danger. Vets will usually recommend owners not let their dogs play with other animals much or run on harder surfaces to reduce the risk of injuries.


Hypoglycemia occurs when Poodle puppies have blood glucose levels of 3.3 or less. This health condition is not very common, but Toy Poodles and Poodle puppies are at higher risk of developing this health condition than most other breeds. While it might not seem like it at first, Poodle puppies with hypoglycemia can have life-threatening emergencies.

Extreme exercise, toxins, drugs, or malnutrition can cause this health condition in dogs. Sometimes, neonatal and juvenile dogs or toy breeds experience this more often than other breeds because they naturally have a low body mass index. Sometimes, underlying diseases can cause low blood pressure in dogs. Addison's disease, sepsis, pancreatic tumor, and other cancers can also cause hypoglycemia.

This metabolic disorder can show a lot of symptoms. Signs your Poodle puppies may be struggling with hypoglycemia include loss of appetite, extreme lethargy, muscle twitching, weakness, and trembling. If your Poodle pup has developed a lack of coordination or discolored skin and gums, they may also show signs of this health issue. This health condition often gets diagnosed during a low sugar shock, and many Poodle puppies won't eat or drink when in low sugar shock.

Owners need to assist their Poodle puppies through these attacks by dabbing sugar water on their dogs' tongues. Then, they should immediately take their pup to the vet. Only a vet can determine the best treatment process. Sometimes, Poodle puppies may receive treatment by adding the necessary glucose to your dog's diet in a supplement. Sometimes vets will advise owners to rub their dog's gums with corn syrup, honey, fruit juices, or other high glucose gels that can assist dogs in raising their blood sugar levels. If a more severe underlying health condition causes low blood sugar, these actions may help a dog have sugar shock less frequently. Still, a different type of treatment might benefit them more, mainly depending on the disease.

Addison's Disease

Addison's disease, also called hypoadrenocorticism, is severe for many Poodle puppies. If dogs receive the correct treatments and diagnoses, they might live an expected lifespan. However, Addison's disease can shorten a dog's natural lifespan.

This health condition occurs when adrenal glands fail to produce the hormones they're responsible for spreading throughout the body. The most important hormones these glands produce are steroids, aldosterone, and cortisone. These hormones are responsible for regulating your Poddle puppies' internal organs and body systems. Because this disease can fail to control your dog's internal organs, Poodle puppies must get diagnosed with this disease as soon as possible. If they go undiagnosed or go without treatment, their bodies can begin to deteriorate or lead to severe health conditions or death.

Most often, the cause of Addison's disease is unknown. Vets and scientists suspect many cases of this health condition result from an autoimmune process. However, some causes of this disease are known, such as destruction of the adrenal gland, metastatic tumor, hemorrhage, granulomatous disease, or infection. Some dog breeds are more likely to develop this health issue, like the Standard Poodle.

This disease is so severe for Poodle puppies because of its significant effect on their health and how difficult it is to diagnose. Vets have come to call this disease the "great imitator" for its ability to mask its symptoms, seemingly appearing as other diseases.

Poodle puppies that get successfully diagnosed with Addison's disease usually get diagnosed during an Addisonian crisis. When the disease reaches an acute stage, and your Poodle puppies are experiencing life-threatening symptoms, vets will stabilize them then perform a series of tests to determine the types of diseases the dog may have.

Symptoms dogs with Addison's disease may show include inappropriate responses to stress, poor appetite, and lethargy. Poodle puppies can have weight loss, anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, gastroenteritis, alopecia, or bloody stools. If your Poodle puppy has a weak pulse or an irregular heartbeat, this can also point to them experiencing Addison's disease. Some Poodle puppies have increased urination, increased thirst, dehydration, low temperature, a painful abdomen, hypoglycemia, or hyperpigmentation of the skin. Because of how long this list of symptoms is, it is tough to diagnose Addison's disease before a dog falls into an Addisonian crisis.

Addison's disease cannot be prevented or cured. Some owners opt to try testing for Addison's disease by allowing a vet to try to induce an Addisonian crisis medically. It may seem harsh, but knowing your dog has these attacks can save their life. Once vets determine a diagnosis, they will receive replacement hormones to help your Poodle puppies deal with their hormone deficiency. More often than not, vets prescribe two or more medications.


Poodles are one of the breeds that more commonly suffer from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid is underactive and fails to produce the necessary hormones this gland is in charge of creating.

The most common reason Poodle puppies experience hypothyroidism is they suffer from idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy. Vets don't entirely understand this condition, but basically, this disease sees the thyroid as a foreign object in the body, and the immune system attacks the thyroid glands. Other causes can be lymphocytic thyroiditis, rare diseases, or thyroid cancer. Although, idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy and lymphocytic thyroiditis account for 95% of cases of hypothyroidism in dogs.

Poodle puppies with hypothyroidism might experience symptoms like weight gain without an increase in appetite. These Poodle puppies can also experience a lack of desire to exercise, lethargy, cold intolerance, high blood cholesterol, or slowed heart rates. Poodle puppies with hypothyroidism can also show many signs in their skin and coats. For example, these dogs can have hair thinning, loss of fur, skin pigmentation, skin or ear infections, excessive shedding, or inability to regrow hair after cutting it. More abnormal symptoms of this disease can look like an abnormal function of nerves, loss of libido, fat deposits in the cornea of the eyes, or dry eyes because of a lack of tear production.

Hypothyroidism is not harmful but can lead to more dangerous health issues like obesity, which can cause many joint problems and other diseases. Many Poodle puppies with this health issue can experience treatment by providing them with the missing hormones. Poodle puppies can receive treatment in the form of pills, and their treatment can change over time depending on their age and weight.

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Immune Health Options We Love

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  2. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats – Omega 3

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Joint Health

Luxating Patella

Knee dislocations are often the result of a luxating patella, and the term luxating means out of place. In healthy dog joints, kneecaps sit in a groove right above the knee and at the end of the thigh bone. This disease will not shorten a dog's life span, but it may cause another joint issue to appear later in life.
Poodle puppies affected by this health condition might show symptoms in how they move. For instance, dogs might momentarily run on three legs and then hop back on all four as if nothing happened. Poodles are predisposed to experiencing this health condition, but the Toy Poodle is more likely to experience it as smaller breeds are also genetically prone to experiencing this.

Many factors can change to affect your Poodle puppies and their quality of life. The worse the severity, the more likely Poodle puppies will be permanently affected by this health condition. Diseases like this can eventually cause cruciate ligament rupture, affecting how dogs play and interact with people and other animals.

When animals experience this, treatment can vary depending on the severity of the issue. Patellar luxation can be varying degrees of severity and have a grade range of I-IV. Grade I patellar luxations don't usually require surgical repair. However, grade II-IV often involves surgery. The success of the surgery depends on how early a vet or owners catch this health condition. If Poodle puppies experience recurrent or persistent lameness or other knee injuries, they should get surgery. If surgery occurs before these other injuries or arthritis sets in, dogs can have excellent healing and full use of their leg after recovery. If Poodle puppies have other knee problems or arthritis, they're most likely to maintain these issues after surgery, but pain medications or physical therapy can help them regain some motions.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a joint issue that can drastically reduce a dog's quality of life if it isn't caught early and treated. This health issue is a common skeletal condition and mainly occurs in larger dogs, but breeds more predisposed to this disease can appear in any size. So while the Standard Poodle is more likely to be affected by hip dysplasia, the Miniature or Toy Poodles can also experience this health issue.

Hip joints in Poodle puppies work as a ball in sockets. Dogs that have hip dysplasia don't have hip joints that fit correctly. Hip joints need to glide when dogs run, but hip dysplasia causes these joints to grind off of one another. This health condition can occur because of several different factors. Still, genetics, improper weight, or lousy nutrition can magnify the risk of this joint issue in dogs already genetically predisposed. If Poodle puppies experience too much exercise, they can strain their hip joint and worsen this issue. Poodle puppies that are obese also put excessive strain on these joints causing these issues to worsen.

Poodle puppies with hip dysplasia will usually show symptoms through arthritic or inflammation. If dogs have unregular degrees of looseness in their joint or suffer from decreased range of motions, they also show they're suffering from hip dysplasia. Poodle puppies may have reduced activity or difficulting standing, rising, jumping, or running. These dogs may struggle when climbing up or down stairs and may develop a strange swaying 'bunny hop' walk. Many Poodle puppies with hip dysplasia lose muscle mass in their thighs and gain muscle mass in their shoulders because they compensate for the hind legs. Hip dysplasia can cause pain, stiffness, soreness, or other physical issues.

If owners are observant of the Poodle puppies and their activities, they might be able to catch this health condition early on. Owners cannot truly prevent hip dysplasia other than keeping their dogs fit, healthy and making sure obesity isn't a health risk for them. Obesity is one of the main contributions to Poodle puppies suffering from hip dysplasia. Vets can perform physical exams to diagnose this health condition. Owners should also keep a detailed list of any observable qualities that may point to hip dysplasia, especially if they think their pup suffers from this health condition.

Treatment options for this issue vary depending on the severity. Poodle puppies can take supplements to help them with this issue. Even when arthritis progresses through the hip joint, these supplements can be safe and helpful in treating hip dysplasia. Treatment for this issue can look like lifestyle modifications or surgery. Weight reduction can take the stress off the hips, but dogs suffering from hip dysplasia cannot participate in many exercises. Not all form of training needs to end, but owners should avoid physical activities like running, jumping, or long walks on hard surfaces. Vets may recommend physical therapy for dogs that receive surgery or even dogs that don't. Anti-inflammatory medication, joint fluid modifiers, or common surgeries can aid Poodle puppies with hip dysplasia.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is an avascular or aseptic disease that affects the femoral head. This health condition causes the ball of the femur to degenerate spontaneously. Over time, the degeneration will cause the hip to collapse and lead to arthritis. Vets and scientists don't know what causes this condition, but they do know certain breeds are more prone to experiencing it.

Some studies think disrupted blood flow to the hip can cause Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. No matter the cause, this disease causes bones to weaken and eventually deteriorate over time. Changes in bone structure can lead to arthritis, and bones will ultimately weaken, causing small fractures from the deterioration.

Often, Poodle puppies with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease experience limping. Limping begins gradually but progresses over several weeks and eventually causes the dog to take any weight off its affected leg. This health condition can be seen in dogs three months of age or as late as 18 months. Most often, Poodle puppies below 20lbs experience this disease which commonly plagues terriers and toy breeds. The Toy Poodle is among the breeds most commonly affected. Poodle puppies might experience bouts of pain and lameness, but it's uncommon for this health condition to affect both hips.

Vets can diagnose this disease by performing x-rays. Mild cases of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease can be managed with medical therapy or pain medication. Obesity will only worsen this disease in Poodle puppies. Sometimes, in severe cases, vets will urge owners to get their dog surgery to help them and their quality of life. After surgery, Poodle puppies will need physical therapy and medication to recover fully. If other knee injuries or arthritis sets in before surgery, which is likely, those issues cannot be cured with surgery.

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Joint Health Options We Love

  1. Hip & Joint Supplement
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  2. Glucosamine for Dogs
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  3. Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews
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Skin and Coat

Skin Tumors

Poodles suffer from skin issues more than most other dog breeds. Their skin is so sensitive because they grow hair instead of fur like most other dogs. The same hair that is linked to their signature look is the thing that causes different types of skin issues like tumors, rashes, and hair loss. This quality makes these dogs mostly hypoallergenic, but no Poodle puppies can be completely hypoallergenic.

Poodle puppies can experience different types of skin health conditions, like chronic dry skin, rashes, or even tumors. Poodles are at risk of experiencing hair follicle tumors and basal skin tumors.

Poodle puppies are at an elevated risk of getting benign trichilemmomas tumors as well as both benign and malignant trichoepitheliomas tumors. Poodle puppies are also one of the most at-risk dogs of developing malignant or benign pilomatricomas tumors.

Benign trichilemmomas are rare hair follicle tumors, and Poodles are predisposed to this health condition. These tumors look like firm oval masses, and they begin a compact shape, but over time these masses grow.

Trichoepitheliomas tumors are more complex than some other hair follicle tumors. They can appear as small lumps where hair follicles are trapped with yellow, pus-like material. Sometimes people describe it as 'cheesy.' These tumors mostly appear on Poodle puppies' faces and can be benign or malignant. These tumors usually appear in a dog in their adult to twilight years. Quite a few dog breeds get affected by this disease, and Poodles happen to be one of the breeds. These tumors might appear on your Poodle puppies' trunk areas, but they can appear anywhere on the body.

Often the benign tumors appear like cysts or under the skin, but these cysts can cause skin ulcers. A vet may also remove benign tumors through surgery, but these cysts are more likely to develop at other sites. Malignant trichoepitheliomas are much less common than their benign counterparts. These cancerous tumors invade surrounding tissues and might cause inflammation, fibrosis, or tissue death. These tumors don't typically spread to other organs in the body and are treated with surgery. Veterinarians remove tissue around the tumor to reduce the chances of it reoccurring.

Pilomatricomas are almost as complex as trichoepitheliomas, but their discharge is often grittier than the latter tumor. Pilomatricomas tumors can be benign or malignant tumors, but benign tumors are much more likely to occur. These tumors appear primarily in middle-aged dogs on their trunk area, and Poodles are one of many breeds that more commonly get this health condition. Vets usually recommend surgery to remove the tumors as their first treatment choice, but tumors can begin developing in other locations even after surgery. Malignant pilomatricomas tumors are rare and mostly appear in older dogs. These cancerous tumors attach themselves to surrounding tissues rather firmly, making it quite challenging to remove them through surgery. Often these tumors will reappear after surgery and can spread to other organs like the lungs or even a dog's lymph nodes.

Poodles are also at risk of getting basal cell tumors in their skin. This type of tumor affects old Poodle puppies most often and is usually located on the neck, head, or shoulders of Poodle puppies. These tumors can appear in groups or small, isolated nodules, usually pigmented. Because of their appearance, they often get misdiagnosed as melanoma. Accurate diagnosis can only be determined by examining the tumor tissues under a microscope. Sometimes Poodle puppies need to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation, but sometimes a wide surgical removal of the tumors is enough.

Poodle owners need to refrain from trying to pop any cysts or bumps on their Poodle puppies. There are not many proactive measures owners can take to prevent this health condition. Taking your Poodle puppies to the vet twice a year and ensuring they receive the correct amount and type of grooming is the best thing owners can do to keep their Poodle puppies' coats healthy.

Sebaceous Adenitis

Sebaceous Adenitis is a skin disease that causes the inflammation of the sebaceous glands and progresses to hair loss. Sometimes this health condition can appear in Poodle puppies that are only one year old, but sometimes it occurs in Poodles that are twelve years old. Standard Poodles are one of the main breeds affected by this hereditary health condition, and any size of Poodle is also at an elevated risk.

Skin and Coat Health Options We Love

  1. Skin & Coat Hickory Smoke Flavored Supplement
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  2. Skin & Coat Vitamin Chews
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  3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs

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  4. Skin and Coat Hickory Smoke Flavor
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The symptoms of this health condition can be hard to spot as they usually vary by breed. Right now, vets can only tell Poodle puppies have this health condition when dogs show signs of excessive dandruff, lesions, hair loss, musty odors, scaling, or other skin infections. However, some dogs with sebaceous adenitis show no external signs of carrying this disease.

Vets can test for this illness, but screenings of these tests sometimes give false negatives. Owners can help care for their Poodle puppies by testing for this disease every one to two years. Making sure Poodles get groomed once every seven to eight weeks is also important in carrying for your dog's health. Shaving Poodles is not great for their skin and should be avoided. If owners get their Poodle puppies groomed more often, they might also notice any small changes in their dog's skin conditions. These dogs benefit from daily brushing to prevent matting and prevent skin conditions. These pups should be bathed every six to eight weeks to remove excess hairs and dirt from their coats. When washing these dogs, be careful to clean their ears as they tend to hold suds. Owners can dry Poodles with a blow dryer and a brush. However, they need to be careful not to use too hot of a setting on the hairdryer.

When their needs are met, Poodles are at their best. It may seem like they require a lot on paper, and these dogs do require a little extra hair maintenance than other dogs, but overall these pups just want to run around and have fun with their families like any other dogs. If you can handle providing food, activity, and the occasional grooming requirements, a Poodle will be the perfect dog for you.

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