How to Identify and Manage Rottweiler Atopy

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How to Identify and Manage Rottweiler Atopy

The American Rottweiler is a large, muscular dog that can come off threatening or unapproachable. The media has long since portrayed the Rottweiler as a vicious attack dog. These assumptions lead many people to judge this pup before getting to know its natural disposition. The truth is that this is a trainable breed that can make for a great family pet. You'll find that this pup is devoted and affectionate. The key to rearing a social Rottweiler is appropriately managing its physical and emotional health. This breed is infamous for having skin conditions, all of which are manageable by a caring, responsible family.

Is the American Rottweiler a Family Pet?

Adequately socializing your Rottweiler from an early age will help offset anxious tendencies later in life. This breed develops a solid bond with its family, which means this pup will become very protective of those they love. To offset aggressive, defensive behavior, take your Rott puppies around your family and friends from the beginning. The hostile behavior is not your canine being mean; it's an inherited trait. Guarding is ingrained in the genetics of bigger dogs, seeing as royalty often bred them for this purpose. It's imperative to monitor your pup's protective nature and continually work to train this pup to the best of your ability. Once bigger dogs are thoroughly trained and socialized, you'll find their behavior comforting and enjoyable.

Without socializing, your Rottweiler can develop anxiety. Anxious tendencies can lead to aggressive or problematic behaviors. Some behaviors that might stem from stress would be scratching, itching, digging, or rubbing, all of which can cause skin issues in an American Rottweiler.

Rottweiler outside

The American Rottweiler is Prone to Skin Conditions

Rottweilers are, unfortunately, susceptible to a variety of skin conditions, which can be seasonal or long-lasting. These dogs can be prone to skin allergies, mange, eczema, and atopy, among others. To keep your vivacious pup lively and happy, it's critical to understand what causes these skin conditions and how you can stop them from coming back.

If you've noticed rashes, bumps, rough skin, or sensitive skin, your dog could be suffering from atopic allergic reactions. You can link most skin conditions to allergic reactions. This means that your dog is reacting to some stimuli, causing its immune response to overreact. Learn more about atopy, the causes, treatment, and prevention methods to help your best friend live a comfortable life!

What Is Atopy?

Atopy refers to atopic dermatitis and is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. This condition affects close to 10% of humans and even more canines. The causes of atopic reactions vary between genetics and environmental factors. With that, anything that disrupts the epidermis layer of the skin can cause lesions.

There are four types of hypersensitivity reactors in canines. This first type is all types of atopic disorders. This explains that your Rottweiler will suffer from this condition whenever they have an IgE-mediated immune response to certain stimuli. The mediators react by overproducing many types of inflammatory cells, smooth muscle spasms, and mucus. This is, basically, an allergic reaction to certain stimuli but different from typical allergies. An atopic allergic reaction is a specific form of allergic reaction. Therefore, all atopic reactions are allergies, but not all allergies are atopic.

Common types of atopic disorders will affect the eyes, nose, lungs, and skin. Your American Rottweiler can exhibit this condition through eye infections (conjunctivitis), eczema (atopic dermatitis), or allergic Rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most prevalent upper respiratory tract diseases found in canines. It's a condition where there is inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity. That might sound serious, but it's just a fancy way of saying your pup has the sniffles. 

Rottweiler outside

Causes of Atopy is an American Rottweiler

Scientists know that a combination of factors causes atopy in dogs. The development of these conditions could be caused by genetic, environmental, and site-specific factors. The American Rottweiler has genetic predispositions to this condition but can also suffer from ecological concerns like viruses or trauma.

Viral infections like adenovirus or parainfluenza can trigger Rhinitis and afflict Rottweilers. Less commonly, a bacterial infection like Bordetella can cause this condition. Other causes stem from a foreign body in the nose, tumor in the nose, traumatic injury, fungal infection, intestinal parasites, environmental pollutants, dental disease, and skin allergies. Consequently, this is why we refer to it as Allergic Rhinitis.

Allergens are the leading cause of atopy in the American Rottweiler. These allergens attach to particles and become airborne. An inhalant allergy that typically causes an immune response can be many different things. Typically, allergens in dogs are house dust mite feces, animal dander, pollens, molds, foods, insect saliva or venom, drugs, latex, and/or household chemicals.

The diagnosis of your pup's specific allergies is never easy. You must present clinical signs and rule out other causes to find the root cause. This is because the allergic reaction to food can be the same as an allergic reaction to pollen. Therefore, you must learn the medical history of the American Rottweiler to determine if the allergy is an inherited disease and to start treatment and prevention. It's crucial to understand the symptoms of these types of allergic reactions to prevent irreparable damage to your canine friend.

Identify the Symptoms of Rottweiler Atopy

You might start noticing signs of this disease in your American Rottweiler as soon as they turn one. Just like humans, some dogs can experience seasonal or mild symptoms. If your beloved friend tends to suffer during times of high allergy indexes, atopy is likely the culprit.

Symptoms vary depending on what form of allergies your dog has. Allergies can be from food, the environment, other animals, or inherited diseases. Dogs can suffer inflammatory bowel disease, which would exhibit itself through weight loss, bloody or watery diarrhea, or other bowel movement irregularities. Older dogs may experience joint problems, heart disease, wobbler disease, crippling arthritis, and periodontal disease.

If your pup has atopic dermatitis, you might begin to notice that your Rottweiler is itching, scratching, rubbing, and licking excessively. You may also notice a yeasty smell, greasy, or tough skin in draught dogs. The areas that bother this breed are the ears, feet, underbelly, muzzle, armpits, groin, the base of the tail, around the eyes, and in between the toes. As you can expect, this is an uncomfortable and painful occurrence for your canine. You might hear your pup whimper or react in pain when touching one of these areasl

Conjunctivitis can become a more severe form of Rottweiler atopy and require surgical correction. Symptoms to watch for are tearing, redness, discharge, and swelling of the eye. Your pup might be experiencing blurred vision and moderate pain. You could also notice dry eyes and redness from scratching or itching. These symptoms usually run congruently with Allergic Rhinitis.

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Common symptoms of allergic Rhinitis include sneezing, a runny nose, a stuffy nose, an itchy nose, coughing, a sore or scratchy throat, itchy eyes, watery eyes, dark circles under the eyes, frequent headaches, swollen glands or swollen lymph areas, as well as extremely dry, itchy skin. Other physical symptoms include blisters, hives, undue pain, and excessive fatigue. These symptoms will begin once your American Rottweiler has come into contact with an allergen. If your older dogs are experiencing excessive sleepiness, they could be suffering from long-term exposure to an allergen. Allergic Rhinitis can present itself in an acute or severe form. Signs of this disease can gauge from moderate to severe. It's essential to track all exposure when your pup suffers from a severe allergic reaction to identify the triggering stimuli correctly.

Rottweiler outside

Diagnosing Atopy in an American Rottweiler

There are no specific tests that can identify atopic vs. non-atopic allergic reactions in affected dogs. The only way to diagnose atopy in your Rottweiler is through medical history, clinical examination, and elimination of all different diagnoses. Since various allergens can cause most skin reactions, it's crucial to explore all diagnosis pathways. Make sure to have your Rottweiler tested and evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out digestive upsets like food allergens. To find out what's causing your dog's skin disease, you must exclude other sources.

Common food allergies produce skin irritations in dogs. Your dog might experience mild to severe itching of the face, eyes, or paws. This can also cause your American Rottweiler to have gastrointestinal issues like loose stools, vomiting, or discolored urine. Timing is significant to identify whether your dog is suffering from a food allergy or an environmental allergy. Tracking the timeline of symptoms can pinpoint whether your dog is experiencing seasonal or year-round symptoms. Just like humans, environmental allergies typically flare up during different seasons. In comparison, you can fall victim to food allergies anytime.

One way to diagnose a food allergy is by having your Rottweiler go through a food trial. Affected dogs stick to a diet consistent with only one new protein source during a food trial. Prick puncture testing would be hard to find veterinary medicine because most are not available for commercial use. An intestinal biopsy might take place in extreme cases. A diet change and extensive medical procedures can become expensive in larger dogs. Investing in pet health insurance is a great way to cut costs.

Treat Skin Allergy Symptoms in an American Rottweiler

Your veterinarian is beyond an expert in treating skin allergy symptoms in dogs. With a plethora of topical antibiotic ointments, your vet should be able to design the proper medley of creams to relieve the symptoms in your Rottweiler immediately. Prescription-strength shampoos and sprays will help reduce the itch but are only temporary.

Medications to treat skin conditions tend to be pricey and carry the risk of specific side effects. Some treatments will work better than others, and it might take a trial and error process to find what will be suitable for an American Rottweiler.

The most effective and quick action treatments involve steroids. If you choose this path for treatment, it's vital to know that steroids can cause gastrointestinal ulceration, diabetes, pancreatitis, and Cushing's disease. Dogs generally react safely to using steroids in the short term, but these severe complications are more likely to occur with prolonged usage.

Since there is no known cure for atopic allergic reactions, treatment is the only method to relieve symptoms. Treatment for this disease will typically depend on what is causing the allergic reaction to the affected pets. Your veterinarian could want to try hyposensitization therapy. This will be an injection of the specific allergen that is causing the skin, eye, or ear conditions. The majority of dogs that complete this procedure will likely see a decrease in itchiness. Dogs will find relief from the itchy hairless patches on their bodies.

It's also possible that your pet's doctor will recommend a new course of treatment called immunomodulatory medications. This is an exciting new drug that treats, and hopefully cures, allergic skin diseases in dogs. Finding a possible cure to such a common occurrence in dogs will prevent doctor visits, which will help your bank account. It will also avoid reoccurring symptoms and prolonged ointment treatment, which will save your dog from discomforting side effects.

How Skin Allergies Affect the Life of an American Rottweiler

If you own a dog, then more than likely, you have experienced some form of skin irritation. Skin problems are one of the most common reasons that you'll reach out to your vet. When you notice an itchy, hairless area on your Rottweiler, you'll want to alleviate this discomfort. Don't worry too much; large dogs are prone to sensitive skin. It's just how it is. With their coat, they often experience fleas, ticks, and other issues related to the amount of hair on their bodies. However, you'll know when the skin condition affects your puppy's quality of life.

When skin disease interferes with daily activities and becomes an economic burden, it's time to explore better treatment options. Just like humans, allergies in dogs can become overwhelming. When we don't feel good, our emotions take a hit. They're more irritable, frustrated, angry, and depressed. Scratching, redness, inflammation, lumps, and bumps can also lead to severe infections that heavily impact the quality of life for your American Rottweiler. Discomfort surrounding red and itchy eyes can lead to ailments where blindness is a possible side effect. The costs of lifelong medications will increase with their severity. It's crucial to combat atopy in the early stages to avoid costly medications and veterinarian visits.

Rottweiler outside

Will Atopy Affect the Life Expectancy of a Rottweiler

Your American Rottweiler should live a long life, regardless of whether they suffer from skin conditions or have beautifully clear skin. The notion that your pup will never suffer from a skin reaction is slim to none. Dogs are prone to these conditions, and typical allergic skin reactions are not life-threatening. You might find your pup scratching himself like he is ready to end it all, but there are many ways to find relief. It's your responsibility as a pet owner to make sure that your pup is comfortable. Maintain adequate hygiene and try to help your dog remain at a healthy weight. If you see redness or itchy patches, get them to the vet as soon as possible. Prolonging treatment will only make the symptoms worse.

Allergy symptoms that are left untreated can be life-threatening. Strenuous itching and scratching can damage the skin and allow bacteria to infect the wounds. If your dog is suffering from inflammation and redness, it's critical to have them seen by a vet. Severe infections can lead to limb amputations, loss of eyes, lifetime medications, and even fatal conditions.

Live a Fulfilling Life with an American Rottweiler that Suffers From Atopic Skin Disease

Life can still be an adventure for a Rottweiler suffering from symptoms linked to atopic allergic reactions. Allergies should never derail an outgoing, fulfilling life. An unfamiliar place with a lot of space is the best way to allow your dog to experience new smells and the freedom to run and play. Explore ways to play with your dog even if the outdoors is causing a flare-up. Older dogs with joint problems or crippling arthritis will be happy spending time with their owners regardless of a runny nose or itchy ears.

Chew toys are a great way to alleviate unnecessary chewing on draught dogs. Having access to toys will help your American Rottweiler from boredom and offer mental stimulation. Don't think of your dog as ruining toys. Dogs that continually tear through toys might need more physical exercise. It's essential to budget for chews or toys for your pup's happiness.

Learning about your dog's diagnosis and understanding what's causing atopic skin reactions will allow you to manage their happiness more efficiently. You'll be able to avoid irritants and keep your Rottweiler away from harmful triggers. It's your job at the pup's owner to protect them from what they dislike or what is detrimental to them. If your dog is suffering from an atopic reaction and more irritable, be conscious about where you take them or who is around them. Larger dogs can benefit from a diet change with digestive upsets. Training can also increase the self-esteem of a dog experiencing mental anguish. Pet health insurance is a great option to maintain lifelong medications on a budget.

Never stop showing your pet that you love them! If rubbing your Rottweiler's body is causing discomfort, learn a new way to show affection. Let them lay their head on your lap and snuggle or give them their favorite treat. Just like humans, dogs want to feel loved and be accepted. When atopic skin reactions destroy your dog's morale, your love is enough to create a fulfilling, happy life!

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