A Definitive Guide to Pitsky Dogs

close up of pitsky dog standing in yard

Breed Introduction

Pitsky dogs are a medium to large breed. They are a mix between an American Pitbull Terrier and a Siberian Husky. This gorgeous dog is happy, talkative, and full of energy. The average height of a Pitsky puppy is between 20 to 25 inches tall. Not only is it a tall dog, but Pitsky puppies also weigh up to 85lbs! Their height and weight are why Pitsky puppies are between a medium and large dog breed.

Your Pitsky puppy may appear more like its Siberian Husky parent or American Pitbull Terrier side. For instance, Siberian Huskies have long and fluffy coats which keep them warm, while Pitbull’s have short-haired coats and overheat quickly.

Pitsky puppies are high-energy and need a family to keep up with them. This medium-to-large size dog simply wants to play and thrive with an active lifestyle.

Although Pitsky puppies do well with individual owners, they do better with families. Pitsky puppies need all the space they can get! These large dogs are known for their bursts of energy and need to run and jump to live a healthy lifestyle. You should take your Pitsky puppy on a walk a minimum of three times a day for over an hour of exercise. While you can own a Pitsky in an apartment or small home, they may get restless with the lack of space.

Interestingly, Pitsky puppies are also pack dogs because of the puppy’s parents. For example, humans were breeding Siberian Huskies and Pitbulls to be pack dogs and work alongside other dogs centuries ago. Not only do Pitsky puppies do well with other pets and animals, but they are great with kids! This trait they inherit from their Pitbull parents, who once worked as a nanny dog that was protective over children and babies.

Since Pitsky puppies are large, they are happy and want something to do. When they have nothing to do, it is boring, and they are more prone to acting out and misbehaving. It is essential to take your Pitsky puppy outside for regular exercise. Since Pitsky puppies have a mix of Pitbull and Husky, their bodies may be compact or muscular. American Pitbulls have muscular bodies that Pitsky puppies can inherit. Their muscular body sometimes makes Pitsky dogs look comical, as they are muscular with long, white Husky fur. Some Pitsky puppies are also very vocal and will gladly sing for you when they want your attention. These dramatic actions are adorable, and pet owners love them! Pitsky puppies inherit their Husky parents’ vocalization, although it depends on each one. Unlike Huskies, though, Pitskies can live in warm environments, depending on the thickness of their coat.

Pitsky puppies are unique! Each Pitsky puppy has a special and one-of-a-kind coat color and pattern because Pitbulls and Huskies look dramatically different. For instance, Pitbull dogs come in many colors, including brindle, white, black, brown, and blonde. However, Siberian Huskies are usually only black or white. Since Huskies have a long coat, that means that Pitsky puppies may have a fluffy coat like a Husky, but with the brindle colors of a Pitbull. Their coat is this way because they originate in cold areas with large snowfall.

These dogs can also have a short and dense coat that frequently sheds. Both parents of the Pitsky dog are not hypoallergenic and need frequent grooming because of their shedding. Although Pitbulls do not have long coats, that does not mean that their coats don’t shed. Pitsky puppies require consistent brushing. However, the schedule depends on each Pitsky puppy’s coat density and length. For Pitsky dogs that take after their Husky parent, you will need to brush them at least every other day. If not, their fur can develop into knots and mats that are difficult to take out.

Not only is the coat unique and interesting in a Pitsky puppy, but their build and eyes are just as breathtaking. Huskies typically have brown or blue eyes. The intensity of the colors is gorgeous, and Pitskys can inherit this gene too! The diversity of Pitsky puppies is something that all pet owners love.

History of the Dog Breed

Pitsky puppies are a relatively new breed. Technically, this dog breed is a mix of two purebred dogs. There’s not much that people know about this mix because of how new it is. Pitsky puppies did not gain popularity until the early 2000s. However, both parents of the Pitsky dog have an extensive and rich history.

American Pitbull Terrier

Half of the Pitsky dog mix, the American Pitbull, originated in England, Ireland, and Scotland. The first account of the Pitbull dates back to the 19th century. The genealogy of Pitbull dogs is debatable, and experts are still trying to understand how this dog breed came to be. Some experts speculate that Pitbulls are a mix between Bulldogs and Terriers, as they were also common in the same region.

Experts believe this because Pitbulls have a meaty and muscular body, similar to a Bulldog.

Others believe that Europeans in the 19th century were breeding Pitbulls to fight and protect. These dogs could be found on farms and were excellent hunting dogs. While Pitbulls are still working and living on farms, they are a minority. In the 20th century, immigrants brought Pitbulls to the U.S, where they have only grown in popularity. Not all organizations consider American Pitbull Terriers purebred dogs. However, they are recognized by the United Kennel Club.

There is also some controversy surrounding Pitbulls. Since these dogs were once used as fighting dogs, there are reports that their owners would abuse them and force their dogs to act in violence. This stereotype of a violent Pitbull still prevails today because of their bloody origin. Another controversy in Pitbulls is their ears. Some owners prefer to clip their Pitbulls ears for fashion, but it can cause pain and infections if not done correctly.

Siberian Husky

The second half of the Pitsky puppy mix is the Siberian Husky. The origin of this dog is older than the American Pitbull Terrier. Siberian Huskies mainly originate in cold northern locations where it frequently snows. These lovable and exciting puppies went through years of breeding as companions and snow sledding dogs in Asia.

They are highly trainable because of their breeding and getting along with other dogs. The Chukchi people were the ones to breed Siberian Husky dogs, and soon they were racing alongside teams in the U.S. By the 20th century, the entire world knew about Husky dogs and loved them! This dog breed is athletic enough to run for hundreds of miles in a pack without getting tired enough to stop. For example, in 1925, a pack of Siberian Huskies and a musher traveled five and a half days to deliver a life-saving serum during a breakout. The team accomplished its mission quickly and efficiently. Historians refer to this story as the 1925 Nome Serum Run.

While the Siberian Husky is an intelligent, active, and beautiful dog breed, controversies surround them. For instance, since Husky dogs have a thick coat to protect them from the cold, they do not fare well in hot weather. Hot weather is not good for their thick coat health. Contrary to the heat not being good for their health, pet owners began adopting them and raising them in warm climates.

close up of pitsky dog with bright blue eyes

Breed Intelligence

Pitsky puppies are immensely intelligent and easy to train. These wonderful puppies are active and want to please their owner and family. Pitsky puppies inherit their intelligence and trainability from both parents. Humans originally were breeding American Pitbull Terriers for action and protection.
Since this is the case, the only way to do so is by training your dog to listen and remember commands. Pitsky puppies, because of their Pitbull parent, pick up easily on new commands and tricks. Not only are Pitsky puppies intelligent and receive commands well, but they also make quick decisions. This is all a part of their genetics and the inherent need to protect.

Pitsky puppies also receive their intelligence and trainability from their Husky side. Siberian Huskies are sled dogs that work together to complete missions and goals. Since they work well on teams, they are easy to train. This trait is inheritable, and it is likely your Pitsky puppy is also easy to train. Their training style, however, is active. You need to train your Pitsky puppy with outdoor activities so they can burn their energy. One of the best methods of training your Pitsky dog is by using positive rewards during training. Give your dog a treat each time they accomplish a goal, but only when they do it. Pitsky puppies become motivated with rewards and praise.


Cognitive Disorders

Pitsky puppies inherit conditions passed from parent to child that are cognitive. However, they typically have strong cognitive health. There are also ways to prevent a decline in mental health with mentally stimulating activities. The most common cognitive conditions Pitsky puppies are likely to face include Cerebellar Ataxia and Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.

Cerebellar Ataxia

What is Cerebellar Ataxia? Cerebellar Ataxia is a condition that affects the cerebellum, a part of your Pitsky puppy’s brain and nervous system. The condition Cerebellar Ataxia is a serious disease where the part of a dog’s brain that affects its motor skills is diseased or damaged. Pitsky puppies with this condition are likely to lose feeling in their body and coordination. It is not uncommon to see a dog with Cerebellar Ataxia shaking and unable to control its walking.

This neurological condition is serious and needs medical attention fast through your local veterinarian. While this is the case, it is important to know that this condition is uncommon. Pitsky puppies are at risk for this health condition because both parents have a genetic predisposition to Cerebellar Ataxia. The condition has many causes. Some Pitsky puppies are born with an underdeveloped cerebellum and don’t show signs until they no longer can move. The development is quick and results in a loss of movement in the legs. This is the main cause of Cerebellar Ataxia in Pitsky puppies.

Other underlying conditions can also spread this disease to your Pitsky puppy. For instance, your Pitsky puppy is at a higher risk for contracting Cerebellar Ataxia if they have brain cancer or an infection in the brain. Pet owners cannot treat this condition at home! However, once a veterinarian diagnoses your Pitsky puppy and begins treatment, you can manage the condition.

Sadly, not all Pitsky puppies with this condition survive. There is no cure, and it worsens over time. You must know the symptoms to watch out for. These symptoms are unsteadiness and whining when walking. This condition is not preventable because it is hereditary in Pitsky puppies. The life expectancy with this cognitive condition depends completely on the case. Pitsky puppies with a cancerous brain tumor will not live past two to three years. However, if the condition is genetic, your Pitsky puppy can still live a long life with treatment from the veterinarian.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

What is Canine Cognitive Dysfunction? Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is a syndrome that leads to significant cognitive decline in older dogs. While this may sound scary as a Pitsky puppy pet owner, it is good to know that this is natural and occurs in almost all dogs. As dogs age, their brain cells die, which increases the chance of memory problems and less awareness.

The average age a Pitsky dog that develops Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is between 7-12 years old. Your Pitsky puppy is not likely to develop this cognitive condition until they are much older. However, the clear signs that your dog is suffering from this syndrome are confusion, whining in a familiar place, abnormally misbehaving, forgetting where their food bowl is, and an increase in anxiety. There is no way to prevent or cure this syndrome, as it is a natural progression of life.

While there is no cure, you can stall and slow down the effects. You should provide your Pitsky puppy with plenty of physical and mental exercise. They need something stimulating to decrease the chances of their brain cells dying quickly. An example of mental exercise is providing your dog with an obstacle course to finish. You can place items for them to jump over and roll under. This stimulates both their body and their mind because they need to reason through it.

Not only does exercising help, but so does keeping a natural routine! For dogs with a cognitive decline, they are nervous and forgetful. Their memory and confusion worsen if you move furniture and food to a different area. Instead, consistently keep everything the same. This way, they have a routine to follow and are less likely to forget it. Under the guidance of your local veterinarian, you can also give your Pitsky dog supplements that aid in cognition and memory. The vitamins that work well with your dog’s cognitive abilities are vitamin E and C.

It is difficult to see your Pitsky dog age and experience forgetfulness; just remember that it is not painful, and there are ways to manage the symptoms and prevent them from worsening.


Like humans, dogs can also feel stress and react poorly to the feeling. Pitsky puppies are likely to feel stress when they are in new situations. Seeing your Pitsky puppy stressed is not easy, but there are ways to prevent, treat, and manage stress for your dog.

Causes and Symptoms

All Pitsky puppies react to stress differently. While the idea of stress is not a pleasant one, it is natural and biological. Stress tells animals that something is wrong and protects them when making decisions. This is where Pitsky puppies get their flight or fight response. Dogs need to feel stress, but not all the time. Stress should not take over your Pitsky puppy’s life.

What causes stress in dogs? A long list of things can cause your Pitsky puppy stress. Your puppy may feel stressed if they are in an unfamiliar area. It takes dogs some time to get used to their surroundings, especially from situations and homes like shelters. Dogs with a lack of stability may not be comfortable in your home yet. Don’t worry, though; this stress does not last forever! There are other causes of stress, though. Your dog may feel stress when around loud noises or as they age. With age, dogs slowly start to forget and see a decline in their cognitive abilities. This is frightening and can scare Pitsky puppies!

How can you tell that your dog is feeling stressed? If your dog has feelings of pressure and nervousness, he or she may act out and misbehave. Always be on the lookout for abnormal signs. Since your Pitsky puppy cannot tell you what is wrong with them, it is up to you to take notes as a loving and responsible pet owner. The most obvious symptoms of stress that your Pitsky puppy may express include pacing back and forth, loss of appetite, tucking their ears or tail, and excessive yawning. However, you can help your dog feel relief from their stress easily.

pitsky puppy sitting in front of white background

Prevention, Treatment, and Management

How can you prevent stress in your dog? Stress is not entirely preventable. It is impossible to control your Pitsky puppy’s feelings towards their new situation or people. It just takes time! However, the best thing to do to decrease the likeliness of stress is to create a calming and nurturing environment. Instead of a loud and busy environment, give your dog their own space to relax.

Although you can always take your dog to the veterinarian if you are concerned for their well-being, it is not always necessary. You can treat your Pitsky puppy’s stress at home. One way to do this is by taking away the stressor. For instance, if your dog experiences stress because of the loud sounds from the vacuum when you clean, take your puppy to a different room, so they aren’t listening to the sounds.

It is not always possible, however, to take away the stressor. For example, if they are stressed out in your home, you can’t buy a new home! You can, however, train them slowly and with patience to feel better in their surroundings. Ways to bring stress relief to your Pitsky puppy include playing calming music with instrumentals, using lavender as an essential oil, and providing them with rewards as positive reinforcement.

Just remember to keep calm and act like nothing is wrong. Pitsky puppies pick up on stress easily. Suppose they see their owner just as nervous and anxious as they are, they will think that the feeling is normal and follow your lead! If your dog continues to feel stress, their bodies may react biologically. Too much stress can cause stomach and digestive problems, leading to dehydration. Pitsky puppies have a hard time cooling themselves when they dehydrate or overheat. To prevent problems, decrease their stress.


Surprisingly, Pitsky puppies can develop anxiety disorders like humans! Since many Pitsky puppies come from shelters, their history is not always something you know. Through trauma, your Pitsky dog may suffer from anxiety disorders common in Huskies and Pitbulls like Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Separation Anxiety Disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

What is Canine Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Canine Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder that results in panic attacks. There is nothing wrong with experiencing anxiety once in a while, but if it affects your Pitsky puppy’s quality of life, then you need to treat and manage it. Panic disorders in dogs do not look like anxiety attacks in humans. They are similar and yet distinctly different.

The most common signs that your Pitsky puppy is suffering from a Generalized Anxiety Disorder are abnormal aggression, frequent whining, consisting drooling, throwing up, and a loss of appetite. While these symptoms may not sound intense, they can cause further problems if pet owners don’t treat them. For example, when dogs throw up, they lose hydration and harm their throat because of stomach acid.

Pitsky puppies, because of their parents, are more likely to dehydrate and suffer from heat because of their fur. When your Pitsky puppy throws up frequently, they may experience heat and struggle to cool their body naturally with a dry tongue. If your dog experiences this and you are not home, they may have a seizure or heat stroke from the lack of hydration. This, of course, is a more extreme effect of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and does not happen to all Pitsky puppies.

Veterinarians can diagnose this disorder and aid you in creating a treatment plan for your Pitsky puppy. However, Generalized Anxiety disorder is treatable at home with your guidance and patience. The first thing you can do is get rid of the trigger that makes your dog anxious. Once the trigger is gone, your dog will likely calm down quickly. Another thing you can do to treat and manage anxiety in your dog is to train them not to react or fear the stressor. You can complete this training with the help of a professional trainer if you do not feel confident alone.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

What is Separation Anxiety Disorder? Separation Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder that occurs when your Pitsky puppy is alone. Dogs that suffer from this disorder do not feel comfortable alone and react by defecation and destroying entry and exit points. The destructive behavior is because they want to release their anxiety and get out of their arrangement. Pitsky puppies are at risk for this cognitive condition because they are large dogs that need active time. If they are left for hours with energy, they may experience restlessness and anxiety.

Separation anxiety can be frustrating as it takes time to treat. You may want to consult your local veterinarian as all dogs, including Pitsky puppies, have their preferences in training. It is a long training process, but well worth it! If you notice that your Pitsky puppy is suffering from Separation Anxiety, it is not a bad idea to train them to know that being alone is ok.

One way to train your dog with separation anxiety is to take them on long walks. Pitsky puppies are full of energy! The energy will leave their bodies one way or the other, and if you don’t give them the activities they need, they will react. Exercise your dog for a minimum of 40 minutes before you leave your home to work or run errands. This way, your Pitsky puppy does not have time to worry and instead sleeps and rests when you are not home.

There are ways to manage anxiety which include supplements and essential oils. However, this does not make anxiety disappear and temporarily manages the symptoms. However, supplements and essential oils work between your training and activity time, which can save your furniture and peace of mind.


Pitsky puppies suffer from a wide range of allergies. These dogs inherit skin and food allergies from their Husky and Pitbull parents. Skin allergies can especially be dangerous as they may develop into infections if pet owners don’t treat or manage allergic reactions.

black pomsky dog on the beach

Skin Allergies

What are skin allergies? Skin allergies are allergens that Pitsky puppies react to. Skin allergies are the only inheritable type of allergy common amongst all dog breeds. Pitsky puppies develop skin allergies to environmental allergens like pollen and trees because of their Husky parent. Siberian Huskies are likely to develop or inherit skin allergies that severely affect their coat and skin.

Pitsky puppies with skin allergies may be allergic to allergens like pollen, mold, dust, and fleas. Since some Pitsky puppies have long coats, there is room for fleas to hitch a ride of Pitsky dogs without you noticing. Fleas are parasitic bugs that feast on blood and call your Pitsky puppy home. They live in thick coats and jump from place to place. If you don’t control fleas right away, they will lay eggs, making it harder for you to treat and get rid of the fleas. If your Pitsky dog is scratching their skin and bleeding, it is likely because they have skin allergies.

Diagnosing skin allergies is easy. It is not always necessary to bring in your Pitsky puppy to the veterinarian, as you can note any allergic reactions they have. However, if you choose to bring your Pitsky dog to the vet, they will most likely take a skin biopsy and examine it to ensure an allergic reaction. Many skin conditions share the same symptoms as skin allergies. After they rule out other health conditions, like skin cancer, veterinarians will take a blood sample to figure out the allergen.

The way to treat skin allergies is to remove or separate the allergen from your dog. Pitsky puppies can also receive warm baths with shampoo that soothes their skin. Oatmeal is a soothing ingredient that is safe to use on dogs. This does not cure them of allergies, but it does relieve the pain and itchiness. If your Pitsky puppy has fleas, then use a special shampoo that kills fleas. Afterward, wash everything in hot water and bleach! This will kill any fleas and eggs that escape your dog’s fur onto fabric.

Food Allergies

What are food allergies? Similar to skin allergies, food allergies are reactions to food allergens. Pitbulls have specific diets because they are prone to allergic reactions. This is why Pitsky puppies inherit a risk of food allergies.

Sometimes food allergies can cause an allergic reaction that affects a dog’s skin, stomach, or face. However, most of the time, food allergens harm your puppy’s digestive system. It is difficult for Pitsky puppies to digest starch and sugar, a leading ingredient in many dry dog foods you can find in the stores. These ingredients can worsen the condition of your Pitsky puppy suffering from food allergies. Pitsky puppies with food allergies may be allergic to chicken, white flour, or potatoes. If they eat an allergen, they may experience digestive issues like diarrheas, stomach pain, and vomiting.

There is no cure for food allergies. Sometimes they go away with time. However, your Pitsky puppy may live their entire life with food allergies. If they have food allergies, the only thing you can do is not feed your dog what they are allergic to. You should document and carefully choose a dog food brand that doesn’t contain the allergen.

One supplement that Pitsky puppies can take if approved by your Pitsky dog’s veterinarian is probiotics. Supplements containing probiotics aid in the digestion of food. Probiotics are healthy bacteria and gut already common in your Pitsky dog’s stomach. The supplement cannot cure your Pitsky puppy’s food allergies, but it can strengthen their digestive system and lining, ultimately protecting their stomach from damage.

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Gut Health

The gut health of Pitsky puppies is relatively strong. While this is the case, there are still conditions these dogs are at risk for. Gut health is connected to all parts of the body, which is why preventing and treating gut health problems soon is necessary. Since Pitbulls and Huskies are active dogs, they need a diet that supports their activities.

Gastric Dilatation – Volvulus (Bloat)

What is Gastric Dilatation – Volvulus, or bloat? Gastric Dilatation is a life-threatening condition that Pitsky puppies may inherit from their parents. Bloat occurs when the volvulus of a dog bloats. The air in the stomach causes the stomach to twist, pouring blood into the intestines. It is painful and is not preventable. The condition is genetic, and experts are still researching the causes.

One main belief by scientists and experts is that Pitsky puppies can cause Gastric Dilatation by eating large meals quickly. When dogs eat large meals quickly, they also gulp air that cannot find its way out. When this occurs, the stomach bloats and twists, cutting off your puppies’ stomach’s entrance and exit points. It is sudden and comes without warning.

Pitsky puppies are medium to large dogs. The size of your Pitsky puppy is a contributing factor to the development of this life-threatening condition. These dogs require a lot of food and eat throughout the day. Sadly, nearly 30% of all dogs with Bloat die quickly before their owners can make it to the vet. The condition is serious as it is sudden and restricts your Pitsky dog’s movement. Bloat is not treatable at home. If you suspect that your dog has this condition, you need to take them to the vet as it is an emergency! Surgery is the only way to correct and treat Bloat.

After surgery and to prevent Bloat in Pitsky puppies, pet owners should restrict their dog’s food. In other words, pet owners should only feed their dogs two to three times a day in small portions. This way, their dogs do not have full access to food constantly and eat it quickly. However, this is not a foolproof prevention plan as it is also an inheritable disease in Pitsky puppies. While this is the case, there is nothing wrong with being too careful! Avoid buying your Pitsky puppy a gravity feeder, especially if they constantly eat.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)? IBD is a gut condition where your Pitsky puppy’s stomach and intestinal lining frequently deal with inflammation. This condition causes discomfort in your Pitsky dog and can lead to further issues if it is untreated. The inflammation of the digestive tract and lining also stops the stomach from digesting food, which results in weight loss. Siberian huskies, a parent to the Pitsky mix, inherit this condition from their parents, which is why most Pitsky dogs are likely to develop IBD.

IBD does not go away on its own as IBS does. While they have similar names, it is important to note the difference. With the condition IBD, the inflammatory cells continue growing fast. There are still tests on IBD as it is a fairly new condition with no known causes. Experts know that Pitsky puppies develop this gut condition because of genetics, as opposed to allergies or parasites.

The most common symptoms of dogs with IBD are significant weight loss and diarrhea. These symptoms become chronic over time and are dangerous. Weight loss can create further problems like a lack of nutrition and movement. The way to test for a proper diagnosis is by scheduling your Pitsky puppy a biopsy of their intestinal lining with blood work and fecal exam. Although these are the most common diagnostic tests, veterinarians may also recommend an X-ray or CT scan depending on the severity of symptoms.

IBD is notoriously difficult to diagnose as it is similar to many others like IBS. However, IBD is more serious as dogs cannot eat and lose nutrients and weight without warning. Pitsky puppies have a lot of muscle, and any muscle loss is a sign that something is wrong. There are no medical solutions, however, just management techniques. The best way to manage IBD from home is to provide your Pitsky puppy with a special diet. These dogs need a diet high in fiber to motivate their digestive system. You can also provide them with supplements that contain probiotics, as the good bacteria aids in proper digestion.

pitsky with blue collar standing in yard

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Eye Health

Pitsky puppies have to keep eyesight and strong eyes. While they have great eyes, Pitsky puppies with age may develop eye conditions like Cataracts and corneal dystrophy, leading to blindness. While this is the case, your Pitsky dog can still live a long and healthy life blind.

Canine Cataracts

What are Canine Cataracts? Canine Cataracts are when the eye of a dog develops a blue or grey film over the eye’s lens. This condition occurs to all dog breeds as they age. While it may be concerning at first to see a white or grey cloudy lens form on your four-legged friends, it is nothing to worry about! Cataracts do cause blindness, but it is gradual over weeks or months. Pitsky puppies with diabetes do have a higher risk of developing cataracts. This can be prevented, though, with a low processed sugar diet.

Cataracts don’t bother Pitsky puppies as they have plenty of time to adjust to their new world without sight. The subtle changes are continuous enough to where your Pitsky puppy gets accustomed to their new reality quickly with a loss of sight. It is difficult to prevent canine cataracts as they are a natural part of aging. However, you should still take your Pitsky puppy to the veterinarian for a check-up. Although Cataracts, for the most part, are not concerning and don’t cause lasting effects, they can develop infections if they worsen and don’t receive treatment.

The best thing you can do as a pet owner is to simply help your Pitsky puppy navigate the world with their loss of sight. You can do this by providing them with toys and accessories to utilize their other senses. For example, Pitsky puppies are active and need to run and play each day. Just because Cataracts may blind them does not mean they no longer can play. To live and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should encourage your Pitsky puppy to play with toys that make sound or have strong scents like peanut butter or bacon. You can stimulate your dogs smell senses with strong scents. This keeps them alert and happy.

You can also give your Pitsky dog supplements that strengthen their eyesight. Experts are still researching supplements for the eyes. However, it is important to note that there are not a lot of conclusive studies on their effectiveness. The vitamins, however, that your dog’s veterinarian may recommend are Vitamins E and C as they reduce inflammation that your dog may sustain with cataracts.

Corneal Disease

What is Corneal Disease? Corneal disease is an eye condition that dogs inherit from their parents. During this eye condition, a Pitsky puppy’s corneal does not develop correctly in their eye. There are three types of corneal diseases that Pitsky dogs are susceptible to, including Epithelial Corneal Dystrophy, Stroman Corneal Dystrophy, and Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Pitsky puppies inherit this eye disease from their Siberian Husky parent. Huskies have a genetic predisposition to Corneal diseases.

Pitsky puppies typically develop Stroman Corneal Dystrophy out of the three main eye diseases. Pitsky puppies with this eye condition have a cloudy cornea. The eye condition appears similarly to Cataracts but does not significantly blind Pitsky puppies. Instead, most Pitsky puppies with this disease can see fine but have an opaque color or pattern in their eyes. It is also difficult to diagnose dogs with Corneal disease because they are similar to other eye conditions.

There is no treatment plan for Pitsky puppies with Corneal disease. Since the disease is not painful and does not affect the dog’s vision, you should do nothing differently. Thankfully, this is not a life-threatening eye condition and seldom develops or worsens. Your Pitsky puppy will most likely live a long life even with their abnormally colored eyes. If Pitsky puppies begin to lose their eyesight, pet owners should take them to a vet as that is a sign they are developing a different eye condition.

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Ear Health

A dog’s ears are super important because it is one of the senses they use the most, including Pitsky puppies that have excellent hearing because of their parents. Although they have excellent hearing, they can still develop ear conditions and infections if their pet owner does not take proper steps to care for their dog’s ears.

Outer and Inner Ear Infections

Ear infections are common in all dogs, especially Pitsky puppies that inherit their Husky parent’s fluffy fur. There are two types of ear infections, Otitis Externa and Otitis Interna. It is unlikely that your Pitsky puppy has an external ear infection because dogs with long hair usually develop an outer infection.

The long hairs of the dogs trap dirt, debris, bacteria, and moisture which lead to an infection.
It is more likely that your dog may develop Otitis Interna, an internal ear infection. In this ear infection, bacteria reproduce in a warm and wet environment and affect areas near your Pitsky puppy’s eardrum. The main symptoms include Pitsky puppies shaking their head rapidly and frequently scratching inside their ears. Scratching can worsen the condition as dirt and bacteria on the Pitsky dog’s nail transfer to their ear.

With Otitis Interna, you may also see redness, inflammation, and smell a foul odor. If you notice that your Pitsky puppy has an ear infection and your dog is whining in pain, you should take them to your vet. Although ear infections are common, they all vary. The bacteria that duplicates and multiplies in your Pitsky puppy’s ear is unique. The only way to create an effective treatment plan for Otitis Interna in Pitsky puppies is to diagnose the exact bacteria causing the ear infection.

Once you know the exact cause of the ear infection, you can treat your Pitsky puppy at home and manage their condition. To prevent ear infections in Pitsky puppies, pet owners should clean and dry their dog’s ears well. If not, they can cause chronic infections, leading to infections spreading and the potential for a loss of hearing. The main reason ear infections occur is that pet owners accidentally trap water in their dog’s ears. After bathing your Pitsky puppy or after they swim, you should dry their ears well with a towel. However, the towel needs to not have fiber pieces that fall out when you dry your dog. You can accidentally trap the fabric pieces in your dog’s inner ear, causing trauma to your dog’s ear.

Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis

What is Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis? Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis is when the skin reacts to not having enough Zinc with inflammation to the skin. Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis affects Alaskan dogs more than any other dog type, including the Siberian Husky. Pitsky puppies are likely to develop this condition because of their Husky parent.

Zinc is an important mineral necessary for the proper function of your Pitsky puppy’s body. Zinc not only contributes to a healthy and shiny coat but also to the strength of the immune system. Pitsky puppies that do not have sufficient zinc consumption develop ear infections, illnesses, hair loss throughout the body, and a stunt in their growth. The suffering is especially true about Pitsky puppies compared to adults. Sadly, if your puppy was born with a deficiency that you don’t treat in time, they may die as a result. Also, the life expectancy of Pitsky dogs with a Zinc deficiency is low, especially if the symptoms develop rapidly.

Skin lesions also appear in the ears of Pitsky puppies with Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis. These skin lesions are painful and require treatment. It is very difficult to treat and manage Zinc deficiencies at home. Although, you can provide your Pitsky puppy with Zinc supplements. To give your Pitsky puppy Zinc supplements, it is best to crush the supplement and sprinkle it on their dog food. However, Pitsky adults are more likely to receive this treatment than Pitsky puppies.

To prevent this condition, you should feed your Pitsky puppy a diet high in Zinc to decrease the chances of a Zinc deficiency. Some foods high in Zinc include nuts, meat, and legumes. You can also find wet food or dog treats with high amounts of Zinc to give your furry friend.

Ear Cleaning Solutions We Love

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  1. Ear Cleaner for Dogs and Cats
    $13.99 ($1.75 / Fl Oz)

    by VetWELL 

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  2. Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser for Pets
    $20.08 ($2.51 / Fl Oz)

    by Virbac 

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  3. Ear Cleanse for Dogs

    by Nutri-Vet 

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Immune Health

It is important to strengthen and care for your Pitsky puppy’s immune system. Thankfully, these dogs have a tough immune system and rarely develop health conditions. However, there are two common in Pitsky puppies, including Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.


What is Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is an immune system disorder where a dog’s thyroid gland does not develop enough hormones. The thyroid gland in dogs, like in humans, is responsible for metabolism amongst other functions. Pitsky puppies are at risk for this disease because their Pitbull parent is also. Currently, research is unsure why Pitsky puppies and Pitbulls are at risk. However, they have a genetic predisposition to thyroid problems, including a lack of thyroid hormone.

Researchers understand that medium to large breeds is the dogs that are affected the most by Hypothyroidism. While all ages can develop this thyroid problem, the main age group is between 4 to 10 years old. Another at-risk group is Pitsky puppies that are either spayed or neutered.

The signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism are hair loss on common areas like their back, paws, and tail. Another sign is rapid weight gain. Since the thyroid gland is in charge of your dog’s metabolism, producing too little of that hormone decreases metabolism as well. Since that is the case, you need to change your dog’s diet to lose weight. Weight gain in Pitsky puppies is dangerous as any extra fat presses pressure onto their bones and body. The extra pressure can bring permanent harm to their spine and legs.

Hypothyroidism is a common immune system condition that is treatable but not necessarily preventable. Pet owners must acquire a diagnosis for this condition before treating it. Pet owners can do this through a series of tests and veterinarian office visits. Your Pitsky puppy’s vet will ask questions about their condition during the appointments. They will then take blood samples over a month to test your dog’s hormone levels. They do this because the Thyroid gland hormone shifts naturally and can change. There are no at-home treatments either for this condition. However, the life expectancy of your dog does not change as a result of Hypothyroidism.


What is Hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism is an immune system condition where the body produces too much of the thyroid gland’s hormone that’s a priority is to metabolize food into energy. Pitsky puppies are likely to develop this thyroid problem because their Pitbull parent is predisposed to the condition. Hyperthyroidism is the exact opposite of Hypothyroidism. The hormone and metabolism overproduce in this thyroid gland condition, leading to weight loss and hair loss.

Like Hypothyroidism, pet owners cannot treat or prevent this condition. Instead, you need to go to a vet with your Pitsky puppy to check up. Hyperthyroidism is concerning because of its symptoms. If you notice your Pitsky puppy is losing weight, frequently throwing up, depressed, nervous, and urinating more than usual, you may need to check their hormone levels. The major concern for this health condition is weight loss. Underweight dogs suffer a lot of health problems and are frail. It is easier for your Pitsky puppy to get hurt when they weigh very little.

There are more severe symptoms that need medical attention immediately. One of the most common and severe signs is an enlarged heart and heart palpitations. Pitsky puppies can have a heart attack on their thyroid condition if pet owners don’t treat it. Although Pitbulls pass this condition on to their children, Pitsky puppies can also develop Hyperthyroidism if they have a tumor on their thyroid gland. The majority of tumors are noncancerous and treatable. If your vet finds a benign tumor in your Pitsky puppy, they recommend surgery.

As Pitsky puppies battle hyperthyroidism, pet owners can supply them with supplements that boost their immune system’s strength. Some various vitamins and minerals provide nutrients that can strengthen and fight against diseases. Since Pitsky puppies with this thyroid condition have an immune system, they can acquire deadly viruses. You can provide your Pitsky puppy with omega-3 fatty acid supplements to prevent this. They increase your dog’s immune system and reduce any inflammation that Hyperthyroidism causes.

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Immune Health Options We Love

  1. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs
    $29.97 ($2.68 / Ounce)

    by Zesty Paws 

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  2. Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

    by Ready Pet Go! 

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  3. Allergy Relief Dog Treats – Omega 3

    by Bark&Spark

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Joint Health

Pitsky puppies are healthy and active dogs that need and enjoy daily exercise. While this is the case, they can also develop joint health problems as they age or with trauma. Pet owners must watch and exercise with their Pitsky puppies safely to prevent injuries. They can also provide joint supplements and a rich diet of anti-inflammatory properties to increase joint health.

Hip Dysplasia

What is Hip Dysplasia? Hip Dysplasia is a condition where the hip joints do not develop properly and grind against each other instead of smoothly sliding. This condition is painful, and pet owners don’t usually detect it until the condition further develops. The hip joint is made up of a ball and socket that are supposed to fit together. However, in Pitsky puppies with this condition, the ball and socket do not fit, creating agitation.

The joint deteriorates as the hip joints rub and grind. Pitsky puppies inherit this joint health problem from both parents as they are large dogs. While small dogs can develop Hip Dysplasia, the effects are not as intense. There is more weight and pressure on the legs for large dogs as they walk. Pitsky puppies in the large dog breed classification are at a higher risk.

Hip Dysplasia worsens with underlying conditions, though. For example, as the hip deteriorates, it is difficult for your Pitsky puppy to run and live an active lifestyle. If your dog has a health condition that strains joints and adds pressure, like obesity, the deterioration is likely to accelerate. Pet owners can try to prevent this joint condition in their Pitsky puppies with supplements that strengthen the bones and joints of their dog.

Experts, for example, recommend giving Pitsky puppies a Glucosamine supplement. Glucosamine can alleviate pain while also boosting the body’s ability to repair and produce cartilage. Glucosamine is a great supplement for Pitsky puppies to take. However, it is not a cure or treatment. If your Pitsky puppy has Hip Dysplasia, they will need a lot more than just supplements. Instead, you need to take your Pitsky puppy to a vet if you notice your dog has any of these symptoms: limping, whining at the touch, being afraid to jump in high places, and sleeping more frequently. If the damage is repairable, a vet may suggest surgery. However, there is no other way to repair your dog’s joint degeneration.

While this is the case, your Pitsky puppy can still live a long and comfortable life. You should provide your dog with an orthopedic bed. The material in an orthopedic bed provides relief to your dog’s joints, muscles, and bones. Also, to decrease the chances of your dog jumping onto high surfaces, experts recommend providing your dog with a step stool. You can find these small ladders everywhere. This way, your Pitsky puppy can take their time walking up the steps to their bed or couch.

Degenerative Myelopathy

What is Degenerative Myelopathy? Degenerative Myelopathy is a spinal condition that results in the deterioration of a dog’s spine over time. There is not a lot of information out there about Degenerative Myelopathy. From what experts know, there are specific breeds that carry a genetic mutation to develop Degenerative Myelopathy. Pitsky puppies may develop this condition because their Husky parent is at risk.

The good thing about this condition is that it is rare! While there is a possibility your Pitsky puppy can develop Degenerative Myelopathy, it is very unlikely. Instead, this joint condition mainly affects older dogs between the ages of 4 and 12. The main concern that pet owners have with this joint condition is that it can result in paralysis and the loss of function in their dog’s hind legs.

There is no cure or treatment for this condition. However, it is not painful. Your dog should not whine or cry out because of Degenerative Myelopathy. While this is true, Degenerative Myelopathy does affect their quality of life. The condition is also irreversible. When the damage is done to the spinal cord, nothing can reverse the effects. Instead, dogs with Degenerative Myelopathy only worsen over time.

Pitsky puppies with this condition may need extra assistance walking and exercising. For example, you can provide your dog with a cart or a wheelchair device if necessary. Since their hindlegs lose mobility, they can push themselves and walk with their front legs. Not only does this joint condition affect Pitsky puppy’s legs, but also their bowel movements. Pitsky puppies suffering from Degenerative Myelopathy may struggle using the bathroom. Commonly, dogs with this joint condition cannot hold their urine or waste.

black pomsky dog licking its nose

Joint Health Options We Love

  1. Hip & Joint Supplement
    $22.99 ($16.57 / lb)

    by VetIQ 

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  2. Glucosamine for Dogs
    $29.97 ($0.33 / Count)

    by Zesty Paws 

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  3. Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews
    $9.99 ($1.59 / Ounce)

    by PetNC 

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Skin and Coat

Pitsky puppies have a beautiful coat that needs a lot of care! Pet owners need to frequently groom their Pitsky puppies weekly and bathe them using soothing shampoos and conditioners. Even with proper grooming, your Pitsky puppy can still develop skin or coat health issues.


What is Mange? Mange is a skin condition that causes scabs, hair loss, and skin hardening. Pitsky puppies with Mange often cry, whine, and scratch their skin to feel relief. However, it does not work. Little mites are the main cause of Mange in Pitsky puppies. All dogs with long manes that require frequent care are at risk for Mange, which includes Pitsky puppies. Since they are part Husky, they inherit the risk.

Mange is uncomfortable and confusing. Mites are not all bad! They live on the hair and skin of dogs regularly. However, when they multiply and increase, they cause damage. Mange looks like red and white patches with hair loss. Pitsky puppies suffering from Mange are highly contagious as the little mites can jump and infect another animal quickly. If you suspect that your Pitsky puppy has Mange, don’t take them on playdates until you treat them. This way, your dog does not continue to spread the mites around.

There are also two types of Mange: Demodectic Mange and Sarcoptic Mange. Both are contagious, however, your Pitsky puppy contracts them differently. If your Pitsky puppy has Demodectic Mange, they likely develop Mange as puppies. Mange is inherited from the mother to the puppy. Pitsky puppies with Demodectic Mange typically also have an immune system disorder. It is why the Mites affect the dog since their immune system cannot fight them off on its own.

If your Pitsky puppy has Sarcoptic Mange, he or she will suffer from extreme itchiness and yellow crusting skin. The Mites in Sarcoptic Mange infect the ears, tail, and belly. Sarcoptic Mange is harder to treat since the Mites are more aggressive.

To treat and manage Mange in Pitsky puppies, you should bathe them frequently. Mites are not hard to get rid of and do not like warm water. To treat Mange in Pitsky puppies, you must kill all the eggs and mites living on your dog. There are special shampoos that do this for you that you can purchase over the counter. After you successfully remove all the mites and the Mange clears, you need to also clean all the furniture, clothing, and fabric items your Pitsky puppy is near. Since these small bugs can jump from place to place, they can come back easily if they hide.

You can also give your Pitsky puppy a Diatomaceous earth supplement to decrease the chances of getting mites or fleas in the future. Diatomaceous earth is deadly to many bugs but completely harmless to animals and humans. You can sprinkle some on your dog’s food, or spray the matter into the grass.

Another way to prevent and treat Mange in Pitsky puppies is to clip and cut your Pitsky puppy’s coat. This way, there is a lack of hiding space for the mites. Clipping your Pitsky puppy’s hair also untangles any hair that is caught in the scabbing yellow skin from the mites.

Skin Cancer

Can Pitsky puppies develop skin cancer? The answer is yes! Sadly, Pitsky puppies are at a high risk of developing skin cancer. Skin cancer and skin tumors are the most common tumors found in all dogs. While your Pitsky puppy has fur to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays, they can still develop malignant melanoma.

Skin cancer in dogs occurs because of small tumors on the melanocytes. When pigments don’t metastasize, the cells develop into tumors. Don’t worry, though, if you notice any unusual marks. The majority of tumors found under a Pitsky puppy’s fur are benign. However, you should bring your Pitsky puppy to the vet if there are any new growths just to make sure. Often, skin cancer in Pitsky puppies forms on the mouth instead of the areas where the fur covers their skin.

Skin cancer is painful for your dog and easy to spot. This type of cancer is one of the most dangerous as well. The life expectancy for Pitsky puppies with skin cancer is low because cancer spreads fast. In weeks, skin cancer can turn into lung and liver cancer. The only treatments are surgery to remove the tumor and chemotherapy or radiation. However, the treatments are not always effective. Veterinarians can only do surgery if the tumor is caught in its earliest stages, which is unlikely.

Skin and Coat Health Options We Love

  1. Skin & Coat Hickory Smoke Flavored Supplement
    $29.99 ($0.33 / Count)

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  2. Skin & Coat Vitamin Chews
    $26.99 ($0.30 / Count)

    by Natural Dog Company 

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  3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs

    by Natural Dog Company 

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  4. Skin and Coat Hickory Smoke Flavor
    $10.99 ($1.49 / Ounce)

    by VetIQ 

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Pet owners should know that the statistics for skin cancer are not kind. There are a few ways to reduce the chances that your Pitsky puppy will develop this cancer. Like humans, skin cancer in dogs develops because of overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Instead of allowing your Pitsky puppy o play directly under the sun, find a shady and cool spot for them. If you take your dog to a dog park, wait until it is dark and cool. Shading your dog does not work for all dogs, however.

Since Pitsky puppies are a mix between Huskies and Pitbulls, they are all unique and look different. Pitsky puppies who take after their Pitbull parents with short hair need less access to the sun to prevent skin cancer. However, Pitsky puppies that take after their Husky parent are likely to develop this condition because of genetics. Typically, if a parent has skin cancer, it passes to the child as a risk.

Pitsky puppies are energetic, lively, and a lot of fun to be around! Although issues can arise that are as unique as the breed is, you can use specific preventative tips to your Pitsky puppy a long healthy life.

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